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Read interpolator files created with write_interpolator





interpolator file name


an interpolator (stars) object


This function takes the file name of the nc file storing an interpolator object and load it into the work environment


Victor Granda García, EMF-CREAF


# \donttest{
# example interpolator

# temporal folder
tmp_dir <- tempdir()

# write interpolator
  file.path(tmp_dir, "")
#>  Creating nc file following the NetCDF-CF conventions <>
#>  Adding spatial info to nc file
#>  Done

# check file exists
file.exists(file.path(tmp_dir, ""))
#> [1] TRUE

# read it again
read_interpolator(file.path(tmp_dir, ""))
#> stars object with 2 dimensions and 13 attributes
#> attribute(s):
#>                                 Min.    1st Qu.    Median       Mean   3rd Qu.
#> Temperature               -14.200000   8.800000  12.60000  11.324991  14.80000
#> MinTemperature            -15.900000   3.300000   6.90000   5.883189   9.40000
#> MaxTemperature            -13.000000  13.900000  18.30000  17.364292  21.80000
#> RelativeHumidity           18.000000  57.000000  67.00000  67.720000  78.00000
#> Precipitation               0.000000   0.000000   0.00000   1.925434   0.10000
#> Radiation                   7.707484  17.717235  22.04597  20.762628  23.61352
#> WindDirection               0.000000 116.000000 217.00000 196.861908 275.00000
#> WindSpeed                   0.200000   0.900000   1.30000   1.603907   2.00000
#> elevation                   0.000000 147.000000 317.00000 515.629630 668.00000
#> aspect                      0.000000   0.000000   0.00000   0.000000   0.00000
#> slope                       0.000000   0.000000   0.00000   0.000000   0.00000
#> SmoothedPrecipitation       0.100000   1.862500   5.55000   6.197496   9.07500
#> SmoothedTemperatureRange    4.695000   9.863542  11.66307  11.400932  13.26868
#>                                 Max. NA's
#> Temperature                 23.40000  148
#> MinTemperature              20.10000  138
#> MaxTemperature              29.90000  139
#> RelativeHumidity           100.00000  145
#> Precipitation              160.90000   79
#> Radiation                   28.10878  139
#> WindDirection              359.00000 4171
#> WindSpeed                    6.90000 4160
#> elevation                 2535.00000    0
#> aspect                       0.00000    0
#> slope                        0.00000    0
#> SmoothedPrecipitation       65.10000  818
#> SmoothedTemperatureRange    17.72778  124
#> dimension(s):
#>         from  to         offset  delta  refsys point
#> date       1  30 2022-04-01 UTC 1 days POSIXct FALSE
#> station    1 189             NA     NA  WGS 84  TRUE
#>                                                       values
#> date                                                    NULL
#> station POINT (0.95172 41.6566),...,POINT (1.89716 42.32211)
# }