Cross-table of two fuzzy classifications
Calculates a cross-tabulated matrix relating two fuzzy membership matrices
A cross-tabulated matrix comparing the two classifications. In general, each cell's value is the (fuzzy) number of objects that in x
are assigned to the cluster corresponding to the row and in y
are assigned to the cluster corresponding to the column. If relativize=TRUE
then the values of each row are divided by the (fuzzy) size of the corresponding cluster in x
## Loads data
## This equals the chord transformation
## (see also \code{\link{decostand}} in package vegan)
wetland.chord = as.data.frame(sweep(as.matrix(wetland), 1,
sqrt(rowSums(as.matrix(wetland)^2)), "/"))
## Create clustering with 3 clusters. Perform 10 starts from random seeds
## and keep the best solution. Try both FCM and NC methods:
wetland.fcm = vegclust(wetland.chord, mobileCenters=3, m = 1.2, method="FCM", nstart=10)
wetland.nc = vegclust(wetland.chord, mobileCenters=3, m = 1.2, dnoise=0.75, method="NC",
## Compare the results
crossmemb(wetland.fcm, wetland.nc, relativize=FALSE)
#> M1 M2 M3 N
#> M1 0.1239886 0.1392292 5.88716190 4.413414
#> M2 11.0737653 0.3649210 0.09099900 1.922028
#> M3 0.2182418 11.9909029 0.04988801 4.725461