Fuzzy Clustering of Vegetation Data Functions for fuzzy and hard clustering of vegetation data
A set of functions to: (1) perform fuzzy clustering of vegetation data (De Caceres et al, 2010) <doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2010.01211.x>; (2) to assess ecological community similarity on the basis of structure and composition (De Caceres et al, 2013) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12116>. This package contains functions used to perform fuzzy and hard clustering of vegetation data under different models.
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Index: This package was not yet installed at build time.
De Caceres, M., Font, X, Oliva, F. (2010) The management of numerical vegetation classifications with fuzzy clustering methods. Journal of Vegetation Science 21 (6): 1138-1151.
De Cáceres, M., Legendre, P., & He, F. 2013. Dissimilarity measurements and the size structure of ecological communities (D. Faith, Ed.). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 1167–1177.
## Loads data
## This equals the chord transformation
wetland.chord = as.data.frame(sweep(as.matrix(wetland), 1,
sqrt(rowSums(as.matrix(wetland)^2)), "/"))
## Create noise clustering with 3 clusters. Perform 10 starts from random seeds
## and keep the best solution
wetland.nc = vegclust(wetland.chord, mobileCenters=3, m = 1.2, dnoise=0.75,
method="NC", nstart=10)