Functions to perform one-day simulations on a watershed described by a set of connected grid cells.
implements a distributed hydrological model that simulates daily local water balance, fromspwb_day
, on grid cells of a watershed while accounting for overland runoff, subsurface flow and groundwater flow between cells.Function
is similar tospwb_land_day
, but includes daily local carbon balance, growth and mortality processes in grid cells, provided bygrowth_day
meteo = NULL,
date = NULL,
local_control = medfate::defaultControl(soilDomains = "single"),
watershed_control = default_watershed_control(),
parallelize = FALSE,
num_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
chunk_size = NULL,
progress = TRUE
meteo = NULL,
date = NULL,
local_control = medfate::defaultControl(soilDomains = "single"),
watershed_control = default_watershed_control(),
parallelize = FALSE,
num_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
chunk_size = NULL,
progress = TRUE
- r
An object of class
, defining the raster topology.- sf
- SpParams
A data frame with species parameters (see
).- meteo
Input meteorological data (see
and details).- date
A string with the date to be simulated.
- local_control
A list of control parameters (see
) for functionspwb_day
.- watershed_control
A list of watershed control parameters (see
). Importantly, the sub-model used for lateral water flows - either Francés et al. (2007) or Caviedes-Voullième et al. (2023) - is specified there.- parallelize
Boolean flag to try parallelization (see details).
- num_cores
Integer with the number of cores to be used for parallel computation (by default it will use all clusters minus one).
- chunk_size
Integer indicating the size of chunks to be sent to different processes (by default, the number of spatial elements divided by the number of cores).
- progress
Boolean flag to display progress information for simulations.
Functions spwb_land_day
and spwb_land_day
return a sf object:
: Spatial geometry.state
: A list of model input objects for each simulated stand.aquifer
: A numeric vector with the water volume in the aquifer of each cell.snowpack
: A numeric vector with the snowpack water equivalent volume of each cell.result
: A list of cell detailed results (only for those indicated in the input), with contents depending on the local model.outlet
: A logical vector indicating outlet cells.outlet_backlog
: A list vector indicating channel backlog of outlet cells.MinTemperature
: Minimum temperature (degrees Celsius).MaxTemperature
: Maximum temperature (degrees Celsius).PET
: Potential evapotranspiration (in mm).Rain
: Rainfall (in mm).Snow
: Snowfall (in mm).Snowmelt
: Snow melt (in mm).Interception
: Rainfall interception (in mm).NetRain
: Net rainfall, i.e. throughfall, (in mm).Infiltration
: The amount of water infiltrating into the soil (in mm).InfiltrationExcess
: The amount of water exceeding the soil infiltration capacity (in mm).SaturationExcess
: The amount of water that reaches the soil surface because of soil saturation (in mm).Runoff
: The amount of water exported via surface runoff (in mm).DeepDrainage
: The amount of water draining from soil to the aquifer via deep drainage (in mm).CapillarityRise
: Water entering the soil via capillarity rise (mm) from the water table.SoilEvaporation
: Bare soil evaporation (in mm).Transpiration
: Woody plant transpiration (in mm).HerbTranspiration
: Herbaceous transpiration (in mm).InterflowInput
: The amount of water that reaches the soil of the cell from adjacent cells via subsurface flow (in mm).InterflowOutput
: The amount of water that leaves the soil of the cell towards adjacent cells via subsurface flow (in mm).InterflowBalance
: The balance of water circulating via subsurface flow (in mm).BaseflowInput
: The amount of water that reaches the aquifer of the cell from adjacent cells via groundwater flow (in mm).BaseflowOutput
: The amount of water that leaves the aquifer of the cell towards adjacent cells via groundwater flow (in mm).BaseflowBalance
: The balance of water circulating via groundwater flow (in mm).AquiferExfiltration
: The amount of water of the cell that generates surface runoff due to the aquifer reaching the soil surface (in mm).
See details in spwb_land
Francés, F., Vélez, J.I. & Vélez, J.J. (2007). Split-parameter structure for the automatic calibration of distributed hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology, 332, 226–240.
Caviedes-Voullième, D., Morales-Hernández, M., Norman, M.R. & Ogzen-Xian, I. (2023). SERGHEI (SERGHEI-SWE) v1.0: a performance-portable high-performance parallel-computing shallow-water solver for hydrology and environmental hydraulics. Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 977-1008.
Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa, CREAF.
Maria González-Sanchís, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.
Daniel Caviedes-Voullième, Forschungszentrum Julich.
Mario Morales-Hernández, Universidad de Zaragoza.
# Load example watershed data after burnin period
# Set request for daily model results in cells number 3, 6 (outlet) and 9
example_watershed_burnin$result_cell <- FALSE
example_watershed_burnin$result_cell[c(3,6,9)] <- TRUE
# Get bounding box to determine limits
b <- sf::st_bbox(example_watershed_burnin)
#> xmin ymin xmax ymax
#> 401430 4671870 402830 4672570
# Define a raster topology, using terra package,
# with the same CRS as the watershed. In this example cells have 100 m side.
# Coordinates in the 'sf' object are assumed to be cell centers
r <-terra::rast(xmin = 401380, ymin = 4671820, xmax = 402880, ymax = 4672620,
nrow = 8, ncol = 15, crs = "epsg:32631")
# Load example meteo data frame from package meteoland
# Load default medfate parameters
# Watershed control parameters (TETIS model; Frances et al. 2007)
ws_control <- default_watershed_control("tetis")
# Launch simulation
date <- "2001-03-01"
sf_out <- spwb_land_day(r, example_watershed_burnin, SpParamsMED, examplemeteo,
date = date,
watershed_control = ws_control)
#> ── Simulation of model 'spwb' over a watershed for day '2001-03-01' ────────────
#> ℹ Checking topology
#> ✔ Checking topology [11ms]
#> ℹ Checking 'sf' data
#> ✔ Checking 'sf' data [21ms]
#> ℹ Determining neighbors and discharge for TETIS
#> ✔ Determining neighbors and discharge for TETIS [16ms]
#> • Hydrological model: TETIS
#> • Number of grid cells: 120 Number of target cells: 66
#> • Average cell area: 10006 m2, Total area: 120 ha, Target area: 66 ha
#> • Cell land use wildland: 48 agriculture: 17 artificial: 0 rock: 1 water: 0
#> • Cells with soil: 65
#> • Number of cells with daily model results requested: 3
#> • Number of channel cells: 0
#> • Number of outlet cells: 1
#> ℹ Building spwb input
#> ✔ Building spwb input [6ms]
#> ℹ 0 cells needed initialization
#> ✔ 0 cells needed initialization [67ms]