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Functions to perform one-day simulations on a watershed described by a set of connected grid cells.

  • Function spwb_land_day implements a distributed hydrological model that simulates daily local water balance, from spwb_day, on grid cells of a watershed while accounting for overland runoff, subsurface flow and groundwater flow between cells.

  • Function growth_land_day is similar to spwb_land_day, but includes daily local carbon balance, growth and mortality processes in grid cells, provided by growth_day.


  meteo = NULL,
  date = NULL,
  local_control = medfate::defaultControl(soilDomains = "single"),
  watershed_control = default_watershed_control(),
  parallelize = FALSE,
  num_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
  chunk_size = NULL,
  progress = TRUE

  meteo = NULL,
  date = NULL,
  local_control = medfate::defaultControl(soilDomains = "single"),
  watershed_control = default_watershed_control(),
  parallelize = FALSE,
  num_cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
  chunk_size = NULL,
  progress = TRUE



An object of class SpatRaster, defining the raster topology.


An object of class sf as described in spwb_land.


A data frame with species parameters (see SpParamsMED).


Input meteorological data (see spwb_spatial and details).


A string with the date to be simulated.


A list of control parameters (see defaultControl) for function spwb_day or growth_day.


A list of watershed control parameters (see default_watershed_control). Importantly, the sub-model used for lateral water flows - either Francés et al. (2007) or Caviedes-Voullième et al. (2023) - is specified there.


Boolean flag to try parallelization (see details).


Integer with the number of cores to be used for parallel computation (by default it will use all clusters minus one).


Integer indicating the size of chunks to be sent to different processes (by default, the number of spatial elements divided by the number of cores).


Boolean flag to display progress information for simulations.


Functions spwb_land_day and spwb_land_day return a sf object:

  • geometry: Spatial geometry.

  • state: A list of model input objects for each simulated stand.

  • aquifer: A numeric vector with the water volume in the aquifer of each cell.

  • snowpack: A numeric vector with the snowpack water equivalent volume of each cell.

  • result: A list of cell detailed results (only for those indicated in the input), with contents depending on the local model.

  • outlet: A logical vector indicating outlet cells.

  • outlet_backlog: A list vector indicating channel backlog of outlet cells.

  • MinTemperature: Minimum temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • MaxTemperature: Maximum temperature (degrees Celsius).

  • PET: Potential evapotranspiration (in mm).

  • Rain: Rainfall (in mm).

  • Snow: Snowfall (in mm).

  • Snowmelt: Snow melt (in mm).

  • Interception: Rainfall interception (in mm).

  • NetRain: Net rainfall, i.e. throughfall, (in mm).

  • Infiltration: The amount of water infiltrating into the soil (in mm).

  • InfiltrationExcess: The amount of water exceeding the soil infiltration capacity (in mm).

  • SaturationExcess: The amount of water that reaches the soil surface because of soil saturation (in mm).

  • Runoff: The amount of water exported via surface runoff (in mm).

  • DeepDrainage: The amount of water draining from soil to the aquifer via deep drainage (in mm).

  • CapillarityRise: Water entering the soil via capillarity rise (mm) from the water table.

  • SoilEvaporation: Bare soil evaporation (in mm).

  • Transpiration: Woody plant transpiration (in mm).

  • HerbTranspiration: Herbaceous transpiration (in mm).

  • InterflowInput: The amount of water that reaches the soil of the cell from adjacent cells via subsurface flow (in mm).

  • InterflowOutput: The amount of water that leaves the soil of the cell towards adjacent cells via subsurface flow (in mm).

  • InterflowBalance: The balance of water circulating via subsurface flow (in mm).

  • BaseflowInput: The amount of water that reaches the aquifer of the cell from adjacent cells via groundwater flow (in mm).

  • BaseflowOutput: The amount of water that leaves the aquifer of the cell towards adjacent cells via groundwater flow (in mm).

  • BaseflowBalance: The balance of water circulating via groundwater flow (in mm).

  • AquiferExfiltration: The amount of water of the cell that generates surface runoff due to the aquifer reaching the soil surface (in mm).


See details in spwb_land.


Francés, F., Vélez, J.I. & Vélez, J.J. (2007). Split-parameter structure for the automatic calibration of distributed hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology, 332, 226–240.

Caviedes-Voullième, D., Morales-Hernández, M., Norman, M.R. & Ogzen-Xian, I. (2023). SERGHEI (SERGHEI-SWE) v1.0: a performance-portable high-performance parallel-computing shallow-water solver for hydrology and environmental hydraulics. Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 977-1008.


Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa, CREAF.

Maria González-Sanchís, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.

Daniel Caviedes-Voullième, Forschungszentrum Julich.

Mario Morales-Hernández, Universidad de Zaragoza.


# Load example watershed data after burnin period

# Set request for daily model results in cells number 3, 6 (outlet) and 9
example_watershed_burnin$result_cell <- FALSE
example_watershed_burnin$result_cell[c(3,6,9)] <- TRUE

# Get bounding box to determine limits
b <- sf::st_bbox(example_watershed_burnin)
#>    xmin    ymin    xmax    ymax 
#>  401430 4671870  402830 4672570 

# Define a raster topology, using terra package, 
# with the same CRS as the watershed. In this example cells have 100 m side.
# Coordinates in the 'sf' object are assumed to be cell centers
r <-terra::rast(xmin = 401380, ymin = 4671820, xmax = 402880, ymax = 4672620, 
                nrow = 8, ncol = 15, crs = "epsg:32631")

# Load example meteo data frame from package meteoland
# Load default medfate parameters
# Watershed control parameters (TETIS model; Frances et al. 2007)
ws_control <- default_watershed_control("tetis")

# Launch simulation 
date <- "2001-03-01"
sf_out <- spwb_land_day(r, example_watershed_burnin, SpParamsMED, examplemeteo, 
                        date = date, 
                        watershed_control = ws_control)
#> ── Simulation of model 'spwb' over a watershed for day '2001-03-01' ────────────
#>  Checking topology
#>  Checking topology [11ms]
#>  Checking 'sf' data
#>  Checking 'sf' data [21ms]
#>  Determining neighbors and discharge for TETIS
#>  Determining neighbors and discharge for TETIS [16ms]
#> • Hydrological model: TETIS
#> • Number of grid cells: 120 Number of target cells: 66
#> • Average cell area: 10006 m2, Total area: 120 ha, Target area: 66 ha
#> • Cell land use wildland: 48 agriculture: 17 artificial: 0 rock: 1 water: 0
#> • Cells with soil: 65
#> • Number of cells with daily model results requested: 3
#> • Number of channel cells: 0
#> • Number of outlet cells: 1
#>  Building spwb input
#>  Building spwb input [6ms]
#>  0 cells needed initialization
#>  0 cells needed initialization [67ms]