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Version 0.3.0
- Trait functions moved to package medfatetraits
Version 0.2.0
- Revision of trait parsing
- New function sf2forest
- New species parameter tables: SpParamsES, SpParamsFR, SpParamsUS and SpParamsAU
Version 0.1.7
- Compliance with medfate ver. 2.9.0
- Warning raised when taxon names do not match
- Rewriting IFN2forest function
- Species mapping table for IFN
- Functions spwb_ldrOptimization, spwb_ldrCalibration and spwb_sensitivity moved from medfate
- New function spwb_rockOptimization, by Arsene Druel & Nico MartinStPaul
Version 0.1.4
- Names changed for IFN example datasets
- Update of function ‘forest_mapShrubTable’
- Function split ‘modifySoilDepth’ and ‘modifySoilRockContent’
- Changed dependency from package ‘sp’ to ‘sf’
Version 0.1.3
- Keep num orden from IFN data
- Data set Poblet tree data added
- New function modifySoilParams()