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Harmonizes plant taxonomy according to World Flora Online


harmonize_taxonomy_WFO(db, WFO_backbone_file, progress = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)



Data frame to harmonize, with species names in a column called 'originalName'. The data frame will normally include other columns which are transferred unaltered to the output data frame.


Path to file containing the backbone of World Flora Online.


A boolean flag to prompt progress.


A boolean flag to print console output with matching information.


A data frame with columns:

  • originalName: Original taxon name given in the input data frame.

  • acceptedName: Accepted taxon name according to World Flora Online.

  • acceptedNameAuthorship: Accepted taxon name with authorship according to World Flora Online.

  • family: Taxonomic family of the accepted taxon.

  • genus: Taxonomic genus of the accepted taxon.

  • specificEpithet: Specific epithet of the accepted taxon.

  • taxonRank: Taxonomic rank of the accepted taxon (e.g. "species", "subspecies", "genus", ...).

Additional columns may be present, coming from the input data frame. These are left unmodified.