Building species parameter tables for medfate
Miquel De Cáceres / Nicolas Martin-StPaul
This vignette describes the procedures used to create and fill
species parameter data tables (such as SpParamsES
and SpParamsUS
included in package
traits4models) for simulations with packages
medfate and medfateland. Here it is
assumed that a set of plant trait and allometry databases have been
harmonized and will be used as source data for parameter estimation (see
vignettes Trait
database harmonization and Allometry
database haramonization).
IMPORTANT: This vignette is not self-contained, in the sense that it cannot be reproduced without access to data sets that are not included. Nevertheless, it is intended to serve as example of species parameterization for other regions.
Required packages
Assuming we have medfate and traits4models correctly installed, we load them and other common packages that we will employ in this vignette:
Target parameters
The set of species parameters needed to run the models included in
medfate are described in a data frame called
included in the package. It is obvious
that medfate requires a sheer number of parameters
cannot be searched for manually, even for a small number of target
species. Hence, it is important to draw values from plant allometry and
plant trait data bases. Not all model parameters have their counterpart
in publicly-available databases, and even when using data bases it is
unlikely that one will find appropriate parameter values for all
species. To help with this situation, medfate has
inbuilt imputation procedures to estimate missing values for
many parameters before starting model simulations. However, imputed
parameter estimates will normally be worse than estimates coming from
data bases. Hence, process-based model users should put a strong effort
in finding source parameter data before starting simulations.
Steps to build a species parameter table
The following sections describe different steps that we used to obtain the species parameter table, which can be grouped into six main steps:
# | Step | Function(s) |
1 | Initialize the parameter table with target taxonomic entities | init_medfate_params() |
2 | Populate species parameters from forest inventory data | fill_medfate_inventory_traits() |
3 | Populate plant allometric coefficients from suitable databases | fill_medfate_allometries() |
4 | Populate plant functional traits from harmonized data bases | fill_medfate_traits() |
5 | Checking the final parameter table | check_medfate_params() |
6 | If necessary, completing strict parameters | complete_medfate_strict() |
The remainder of this vignette illustrates each of these steps.
Initializing a species parameter table
Target taxonomic entities
The species parameter table for medfate starts with
a vector of species names. Here, we will assume that those names
correspond to taxa (genus, species, subspecies, …) mentioned in a
national forest inventory, more specifically the Spanish National Forest
Inventory (SFI). Note that taxon names in a forest inventory will
correspond with concepts of their own taxonomic reference. Hence, it is
important to harmonize taxonomy with the reference used in
traits4models, i.e. World Flora Online, for
which function harmonize_taxonomy_WFO()
may be useful.
Here we will assume that such harmonization has been conducted for the SFI taxon list that is included as external data in the package:
file <- system.file("extdata", "NFI_ES_mapping.csv", package = "traits4models")
NFI_ES_mapping <- read.table(file, sep=";", header=TRUE, na.strings = "") |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
dplyr::mutate(NFICode = as.character(NFICode))
## # A tibble: 480 × 10
## NFICode NFIName originalName originalNameAuthorship acceptedName
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 31 Abies alba Abies alba Mill. Abies alba
## 2 32 Abies pinsapo Abies pinsapo Boiss. Abies pinsa…
## 3 307 Acacia dealbata Acacia dealb… Link Acacia deal…
## 4 207 Acacia melanoxylon Acacia melan… R.Br. in W.T.Aiton Acacia mela…
## 5 7 Acacia spp. Acacia NA Acacia
## 6 76 Acer campestre Acer campest… L. Acer campes…
## 7 276 Acer monspessulanum Acer monspes… L. Acer monspe…
## 8 376 Acer negundo Acer negundo L. Acer negundo
## 9 476 Acer opalus Acer opalus Mill. Acer opalus
## 10 676 Acer platanoides Acer platano… L. Acer platan…
## # ℹ 470 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: acceptedNameAuthorship <chr>, family <chr>, genus <chr>,
## # specificEpithet <chr>, taxonRank <chr>
Here NFIName
corresponds to the name used in the Spanish
forest inventory, while originalName
contains the names
that where used for taxonomy harmonization with function
, and acceptedName
corresponds to the accepted name according to World Flora Online. Column
has the same values as NFIName
for a scientific taxa, but is otherwise missing. Non-scientific plant
names (e.g. ‘Cultivated trees’, ‘Other conifers’) or taxa names that
could not be identified cannot be used in medfate simulations because
they cannot be matched with plant trait data. Normally, we will need to
filter those names using:
Package traits4models provides function
to initialize a species parameter
table for medfate according to the names given in a
data frame with taxonomic information, here NFI_ES_mapping
Column originalName
will be used to match the
names in forest
objects derived from
the Spanish forest inventory, while column acceptedName
will be used to ensure that matching with trait information is done
using the appropriate (harmonized) taxonomic nomenclature. Other columns
are used to fill in taxonomy:
SpParams <- traits4models::init_medfate_params(spp_filt,
verbose = FALSE)
The result is an empty data frame, except for the first columns, which correspond to taxonomic hierarchy of each entity (genus, family, group, …), where taxonomic information from lower rank (up to family) comes from the input data frame; and that of higher rank (order, group) is completed using internal package data obtained from package taxize. The number of rows in the output data frame can be larger than the input, because by default the function creates additional rows for species (when only sub-species of that species have been cited) or genus (when species of that genus have been cited).
SpParams |> tibble::as_tibble()
## # A tibble: 548 × 156
## Name SpIndex AcceptedName Species Genus Family Order Group GrowthForm
## <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
## 1 Abies 0 Abies NA Abies Pinac… Pina… Gymn… NA
## 2 Abies alba 1 Abies alba Abies … Abies Pinac… Pina… Gymn… NA
## 3 Abies pinsa… 2 Abies pinsa… Abies … Abies Pinac… Pina… Gymn… NA
## 4 Acacia 3 Acacia Acacia Acac… Fabac… Faba… Angi… NA
## 5 Acacia deal… 4 Acacia deal… Acacia… Acac… Fabac… Faba… Angi… NA
## 6 Acacia mela… 5 Acacia mela… Acacia… Acac… Fabac… Faba… Angi… NA
## 7 Acer 6 Acer Acer Acer Sapin… Sapi… Angi… NA
## 8 Acer 7 Acer Acer Acer Sapin… Sapi… Angi… NA
## 9 Acer campes… 8 Acer campes… Acer c… Acer Sapin… Sapi… Angi… NA
## 10 Acer monspe… 9 Acer monspe… Acer m… Acer Sapin… Sapi… Angi… NA
## # ℹ 538 more rows
## # ℹ 147 more variables: LifeForm <lgl>, LeafShape <lgl>, LeafSize <lgl>,
## # PhenologyType <lgl>, DispersalType <lgl>, Hmed <lgl>, Hmax <lgl>,
## # Dmax <lgl>, Z50 <lgl>, Z95 <lgl>, fHDmin <lgl>, fHDmax <lgl>, a_ash <lgl>,
## # b_ash <lgl>, a_bsh <lgl>, b_bsh <lgl>, a_btsh <lgl>, b_btsh <lgl>,
## # cr <lgl>, BTsh <lgl>, a_fbt <lgl>, b_fbt <lgl>, c_fbt <lgl>, a_cr <lgl>,
## # b_1cr <lgl>, b_2cr <lgl>, b_3cr <lgl>, c_1cr <lgl>, c_2cr <lgl>, …
Filling structural parameters from forest inventory data
Some species parameters can be withdrawn from the data of the target
forest inventory where simulations are to be conducted. We load a data
frame (actually an sf
object) containing data from the
Third Spanish Forest Inventory:
sf_IFN3 <- readRDS("~/OneDrive/mcaceres_work/model_initialisation/medfate_initialisation/IFN2medfate/data/SpParamsES/IFN3/soilmod/IFN3_spain_soilmod_WGS84.rds")
## Simple feature collection with 98996 features and 12 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: -18.13626 ymin: 27.70124 xmax: 4.29737 ymax: 43.7617
## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
## # A tibble: 98,996 × 13
## id geometry year plot country version regen forest
## * <chr> <POINT [°]> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list> <list>
## 1 01_0… (-3.024625 43.21778) 2005 0001 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 2 01_0… (-3.024621 43.20878) 2005 0002 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 3 01_0… (-3.012307 43.19077) 2005 0003 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 4 01_0… (-3.012307 43.19077) 2005 0003 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 5 01_0… (-3 43.19077) 2005 0004 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 6 01_0… (-3 43.19077) 2005 0004 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 7 01_0… (-2.988971 43.18907) 2005 0005 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 8 01_0… (-2.975386 43.19077) 2005 0006 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 9 01_0… (-2.987695 43.18177) 2005 0007 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## 10 01_0… (-2.97539 43.18176) 2005 0008 ES ifn3 <tibble> <forest [5]>
## # ℹ 98,986 more rows
## # ℹ 5 more variables: forest_unfiltered <list>, elevation <dbl>, slope <dbl>,
## # aspect <dbl>, soil <list>
Column forest
contains the forest inventory plots that
will be used to withdraw parameters. For example, the second
object is:
## $treeData
## # A tibble: 30 × 9
## Species SpeciesCode DBH Height N Z50 Z95 tree_ifn2 tree_ifn3
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
## 1 Pinus radiata 28 12.0 1000 127. NA NA 0 1
## 2 Pinus radiata 28 12.6 1050 31.8 NA NA 0 2
## 3 Pinus radiata 28 17.0 1050 31.8 NA NA 0 3
## 4 Pinus radiata 28 16.2 1100 31.8 NA NA 0 4
## 5 Pinus radiata 28 17.2 1050 31.8 NA NA 0 5
## 6 Pinus radiata 28 17.0 1150 31.8 NA NA 0 6
## 7 Pinus radiata 28 14.4 1000 31.8 NA NA 0 7
## 8 Pinus radiata 28 10.8 1000 127. NA NA 0 8
## 9 Pinus radiata 28 20.5 1100 31.8 NA NA 0 9
## 10 Pinus radiata 28 13.2 1000 31.8 NA NA 0 10
## # ℹ 20 more rows
## $shrubData
## # A tibble: 5 × 6
## Species SpeciesCode Height Cover Z50 Z95
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Ulex spp. 1103 100 2 NA NA
## 2 Daboecia cantabrica 120 30 2 NA NA
## 3 Rubus ulmifolius 3121 150 5 NA NA
## 4 Erica cinerea 5102 150 2 NA NA
## 5 Cistus salviifolius 6101 20 1 NA NA
## $herbCover
## [1] NA
## $herbHeight
## [1] NA
## $seedBank
## [1] Species Percent
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "forest" "list"
traits4models provides function
to perform the parameter
SpParams<- traits4models::fill_medfate_inventory_traits(SpParams, sf_IFN3,
progress = FALSE)
Species matching is performed between column Species
the tree or shrub data tables and Name
of the species
parameter table; and the following information is extracted:
: Growth form according to the usage in the forest inventory. For example, if the species is cited intreeData
tables but not inshrubData
tables, then growth form will be"Tree"
. -
: Maximum tree/shrub height (cm), according to theHeight
column intreeData
parameter. -
: Median tree/shrub height (cm), according to theHeight
column intreeData
parameter. -
: Minimum or maximum height to diameter ratio for trees, according to theHeight
columns intreeData
parameters, respectively.
Filling allometric coefficients
As mentioned in the introduction, here it is assumed that a set of plant allometry databases have been harmonized. In our case, harmonized data files have been stored as .rds or .csv files in the following path:
harmonized_allometry_path = "~/OneDrive/EMF_datasets/AllometryDatabases/Products/harmonized"
Function fill_medfate_allometries()
performs trait
parameter filling for medfate using the available
SpParams<- traits4models::fill_medfate_allometries(SpParams,
progress = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
## ℹ Processing response: FoliarBiomass
## ✔ Processing response: FoliarBiomass [27ms]
## ℹ Processing response: CrownRatio
## ✔ Processing response: CrownRatio [35ms]
## ℹ Processing response: CrownWidth
## ✔ Processing response: CrownWidth [19ms]
## ℹ Processing response: BarkThickness
## ✔ Processing response: BarkThickness [16ms]
## ℹ Processing response: CrownArea
## ✔ Processing response: CrownArea [15ms]
## ℹ Processing response: FineFuelBiomass
## ✔ Processing response: FineFuelBiomass [15ms]
## ℹ Processing response: TotalBiomass
## ✔ Processing response: TotalBiomass [15ms]
Filling parameters from harmonized trait databases
As mentioned in the introduction, here it is assumed that a set of plant trait databases have been harmonized. In our case, harmonized data files have been stored as .rds or .csv files in the following path:
harmonized_trait_path <- "~/OneDrive/EMF_datasets/PlantTraitDatabases/Products/harmonized"
Function fill_medfate_traits()
performs trait parameter
filling for medfate using the available data:
SpParams<- traits4models::fill_medfate_traits(SpParams, harmonized_trait_path,
progress = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
## Warning in get_trait_data(harmonized_trait_path, trait_name, is_numeric = TRUE,
## : NAs introduced by coercion
Parameter filling sometimes implies translating trait data into the
units required for model parameters. The function identifies the row of
the species parameter table to modify by matching column
of SpParams
with the column
of the harmonized trait data sources. When
multiple values of a given species are available, the function takes the
median value (for quantitative traits) or the mode (i.e. the most
frequent value; for qualitative traits). In addition, data sources of
higher priority are processed first. Thus, data sources of lower
priority being used for those cases not covered by prioritized
Checking species parameter tables
Before using a given species parameter table, it is important to
verify that the table does not contain missing values in key parameters.
In medfate, those parameters that are always required non-missing values
are called Strict
(see SpParamsDefinition
package medfate). Function
checks, among other things, that
strict parameters do not contain missing values:
## ! Strict parameter column 'GrowthForm' should not contain any missing value.
## ! Strict parameter column 'LifeForm' should not contain any missing value.
## ! Strict parameter column 'LeafShape' should not contain any missing value.
## ! Strict parameter column 'LeafSize' should not contain any missing value.
## ! Strict parameter column 'PhenologyType' should not contain any missing value.
## ! Strict parameter column 'DispersalType' should not contain any missing value.
## ! Strict parameter column 'Hmed' should not contain any missing value.
## ! Strict parameter column 'Hmax' should not contain any missing value.
## ! Strict parameter column 'Z95' should not contain any missing value.
Normally, the information of plant trait data bases will not contain
information for all species and strict parameters, even if most of them
are qualitative traits. This problem is raised by
and must be addressed.
Completing strict parameters
Package trait4models includes function
to perform imputation of strict
parameters, so that the result table can be used for simulations.
Imputation is performed on the basis of available information for
similar taxa. Taxonomically closer entities are given priority over
higher order taxa (i.e. species of the same genus are priorized as
sources before searching for species in the same family):
SpParams <- traits4models::complete_medfate_strict(SpParams, progress = FALSE)
After completion of strict paratemers, the species parameter table should pass the previous check:
## ✔ The data frame is acceptable as species parameter table for medfate.
And we can store the table for its use in model simulations.