Creates a shiny app with interactive plots for spatial inputs and simulation results

shinyplot_land(x, SpParams = NULL, r = NULL)



The object of class 'sf' containing information to be drawn (see details). Alternatively, an object of class 'spwb_land', 'growth_land' or 'fordyn_land'.


A data frame with species parameters (see SpParamsMED), required for most forest stand variables.


An object of class rast, defining the raster topology.


An object that represents the shiny app


Only run this function in interactive mode. The shiny app can be used to display spatial inputs or simulation results.

Spatial inputs: This is the case if the user supplies an object of class sf with simulation inputs.

Simulation result summaries: This is the case if the user supplies an object of class sf with simulation summaries. Available plots depend on the summary function used to create the result summaries.


Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa, CREAF