Obtain info and metadata for the available stations in the different services

  service = c("aemet", "meteocat", "meteoclimatic", "meteogalicia", "ria"),



Character with the service name (in lower case).


List with the needed service options. See services_options to have more info about the different services and their options.


An sf (spatial) object with the stations metadata.


Depending on the service the metadata available can be different. Also, some services only offer info for active stations (i.e. AEMET), not historical stations, so some mismatch can occur between the stations returned by this function and the stations returned by get_meteo_from for historical dates.


In order to avoid unnecessary API calls, results of this function are cached in memory with memoise. This means that subsequent calls from get_meteo_from with the same arguments will be faster as they will not call the meteorological service API. This cache has a maximum size of 1024 MB and persist 24 hours in the same R session after loading the package. To forgot the cache, memoise::forget(get_stations_info_from) can be used.


# \donttest{
if (identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) {

  # AEMET (we need a key)
  # key_set('aemet')
  api_options <- aemet_options(api_key = key_get('aemet'))
  get_stations_info_from('aemet', api_options)
#> Simple feature collection with 291 features and 5 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -17.91528 ymin: 27.73583 xmax: 4.215556 ymax: 43.78611
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 291 × 6
#>    service station_id station_name           station_province altitude
#>  * <chr>   <chr>      <chr>                  <chr>                 [m]
#>  1 aemet   0252D      ARENYS DE MAR          BARCELONA              74
#>  2 aemet   0076       BARCELONA AEROPUERTO   BARCELONA               4
#>  3 aemet   0200E      BARCELONA, FABRA       BARCELONA             408
#>  4 aemet   0201D      BARCELONA              BARCELONA               6
#>  5 aemet   0149X      MANRESA                BARCELONA             291
#>  6 aemet   0229I      SABADELL AEROPUERTO    BARCELONA             146
#>  7 aemet   0255B      SANTA SUSANNA          BARCELONA              40
#>  8 aemet   0367       GIRONA AEROPUERTO      GIRONA                143
#>  9 aemet   0370B      GIRONA, ANTIC INSTITUT GIRONA                 95
#> 10 aemet   0372C      PORQUERES              GIRONA                157
#> # ℹ 281 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: geometry <POINT [°]>
# }