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This document presents medfate (ver. 4.4.0) model evaluation results at stand-level, using data from a set of 21 experimental forest plots. The main source of observed data are SAPFLUXNET database (Poyatos et al. 2021) and FLUXNET 2015 dataset (Pastorello et al. 2020).

List of sites

The table below lists the experimental forest plots used in the report and the data sources available.

Australia Wombat Mixed eucalyptus forest AUS_WOM AU-Wom
Australia Euc-FACE Eucalyptus trees in ambient (control) plots of a CO2 enrichment experiment AUS_RIC_EUC_ELE AU-Cum
Denmark Soroe European beech forest DK-Sor
France Puéchabon Dense evergreen forest dominated by Q. ilex FRA_PUE FR-Pue
France Hesse Naturally regenerated, managed beech forest FRA_HES_HE2_NON FR-Hes
France Fontainebleau-Barbeau Mixed deciduous forest FRA_FON FR-Fon
France Font-Blanche Mixed forest with P. halepensis and Q. ilex FR-Fbn
Israel Yatir Pinus halepensis managed plantation ISR_YAT_YAT IL-Yat
Italy Collelongo European beech forest IT-Col
Portugal Mitra II Evergreen forest dominated by Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia PRT_MIT PT-Mi1
Spain Rinconada Young, homogeneous, Quercus pyrenaica regrowth forest ESP_RIN
Spain Vallcebre (Cal Barrol) Semi-deciduous sub-Mediterranean oak forest ESP_VAL_BAR
Spain Vallcebre (Cal Sort) Pinus sylvestris forest in a terraced area ESP_VAL_SOR
Spain Prades (Tillar valley) Mixed forest with P. sylvestris (overstory) Q. ilex (midstory) ESP_TIL_MIX
Spain Can Balasc Mixed forest dominated by Q. ilex ESP_CAN
Spain Alto Tajo (Armallones) Sparse mixed forest dominated by three species ESP_ALT_ARM
Spain Ronda (Pilones) Mixed gimnosperm forest dominated by Abies pinsapo ESP_RON_PIL
Switzerland Davos Seehornwald Subalpine coniferous (spruce) forest CHE_DAV_SEE CH-Dav
Switzerland Lötschental Mixed evergreen Norway spruce and deciduous European larch forest CHE_LOT_NOR
USA Morgan-Mornoe Mixed temperate forest USA_MOR_SF US-MMS
USA Sevilleta Mixed pine-juniper forest USA_PJS_P04_AMB

Parametrization and simulations

Forest water balance simulations (i.e. function spwb()) have been conducted using the three transpiration modes (i.e. Granier, Sperry or Sureau).

The set of control parameters modified from defaults in simulations are the following:

transpirationMode soilDomains stemCavitationRecovery leafCavitationRecovery segmentedXylemVulnerability subdailyResults
Granier dual rate total NA NA
Sperry dual rate total TRUE FALSE
Sureau dual rate rate FALSE FALSE

Soil characteristics have been tuned to modulate total available water and fit observed saturation and residual moisture values, but calibration exercises have not been conducted. When available, however, local leaf area to sapwood area ratios have been used. Thus, the evaluation exercise is meant to be more or less representative of simulations with default species-level trait data.

Evaluation variables

The table below lists the set of predicted variables that are evaluated and the data sources used:

Variable Level Observation source Units
Sensible heat turbulent flux Stand FLUXNET / ICOS MJ/m2
Latent heat turbulent flux Stand FLUXNET / ICOS MJ/m2
Gross primary productivity Stand FLUXNET / ICOS gC/m2
Soil moisture content (topsoil) Stand SAPFLUXNET / FLUXNET / ICOS % vol.
Transpiration per leaf area Plant SAPFLUXNET l/m2
Predawn/midday leaf water potential Plant SAPFLUXNET (addition) MPa

Structure of site reports

The following contains as many sections as forest stands included in the evaluation. The following sub-sections are reported for each stand:

  1. General information: General information about the site, topography, soil and climate, as well as data sources used.
  2. Model inputs: Description of model inputs (vegetation, soil, custom species parameters and parameterization remarks).
  3. Climate: Graphical description of climate inputs and predicted soil/canopy temperatures (under Sperry).
  4. Evaluation results: Evaluation results are presented for variables with available measurements.


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Wombat
Country Australia
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Anne Griebel (U. of Melbourne)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Stefan Arndt (U. of Melbourne)
Latitude (º) -37.4222
Longitude (º) 144.0944
Elevation (m) 705
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material
Soil texture Loam
MAT (ºC) 10.9
MAP (mm) 1024
Forest stand Mixed eucalyptus forest
Stand LAI 2.2
Stand description DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.12.017
Species simulated Eucalyptus obliqua, E. radiata, E. rubida
Species parameter table SpParamsAU
Simulation period 2013-2015
Evaluation period 2013-2015

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI
Eucalyptus obliqua 23 2200 712.60 300 1000 1.540
Eucalyptus rubida 23 2200 213.78 300 1000 0.462
Eucalyptus radiata 23 2200 91.62 300 1000 0.198


widths clay sand om bd rfc
100 24.30 55.13333 8.340 0.9866667 13.60
200 25.00 50.00000 6.000 1.1000000 14.00
700 35.25 44.60000 4.465 1.2100000 14.35
1000 33.10 45.90000 4.160 1.2800000 50.00
2000 33.10 45.90000 0.000 1.3500000 90.00

Custom traits

Species Al2As
Eucalyptus obliqua 4590.493
Eucalyptus rubida 4590.493
Eucalyptus radiata 4590.493

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids
Vegetation No understory or secondary species considered.
Sapflow Species-level Huber value used for scaling
Eddy covariance Variables taken: LE_CORR and GPP_NT_VUT_REF



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
WOMBAT sperry 730 2.594580 75.08215 5.015182 145.1297 0.5619751 -1.0485941 -0.2249528
WOMBAT sureau 730 2.348831 67.97062 4.953960 143.3580 0.5449612 -0.9622817 -0.2099994

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
WOMBAT sperry 730 -3.150745 -54.65025 3.368419 58.42585 0.5508953 -0.7443876 -0.3442000
WOMBAT sureau 730 -2.882906 -50.00454 3.097972 53.73490 0.6942089 -0.3934004 -0.2362756

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
WOMBAT granier 730 -2.4753679 -44.88699 2.545759 46.16342 0.7685158 -0.4230917 -0.2169346
WOMBAT sperry 730 -0.8041926 -14.58280 1.583451 28.71344 0.6546444 0.3263737 0.2430721
WOMBAT sureau 730 -0.6626826 -12.01673 1.370318 24.84861 0.7591173 0.4940621 0.3449547

Soil water content (SWC.1)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
WOMBAT granier 1035 -0.0815069 -38.80395 0.0881619 41.97227 0.3692311 -1.489967 -0.7220108
WOMBAT sperry 1035 -0.0797208 -37.95364 0.0872455 41.53599 0.3577559 -1.428842 -0.7041116
WOMBAT sureau 1035 -0.0811883 -38.65228 0.0881608 41.97174 0.3744338 -1.472916 -0.7219894

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
WOMBAT T1_7420 granier 1035 -0.1417622 -34.78266 0.1507856 36.99663 0.9096005 0.4810994 0.2946511
WOMBAT T1_7420 sperry 1035 -0.1379591 -33.84953 0.1441833 35.37670 0.9292516 0.5658160 0.3255353
WOMBAT T1_7420 sureau 1035 -0.1011687 -24.82267 0.1481092 36.33994 0.9111842 0.5170914 0.3071709
WOMBAT T2_7515 granier 1035 -0.1173581 -25.93306 0.1439990 31.82000 0.9120013 0.6617594 0.4800427
WOMBAT T2_7515 sperry 1035 -0.1704451 -37.66390 0.1727888 38.18180 0.9442233 0.5862788 0.3760871
WOMBAT T2_7515 sureau 1035 -0.1022058 -22.58480 0.1425202 31.49322 0.9323609 0.7150290 0.4853825


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Euc-FACE
Country Australia
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Teresa Gimeno (CREAF)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Elise Pendall (U. Western Sidney)
Latitude (º) -33.61778
Longitude (º) 150.74028
Elevation (m) 23
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material
Soil texture Sandy loam
MAT (ºC) 17.6
MAP (mm) 899
Forest stand Eucalyptus trees in ambient (control) plots of a CO2 enrichment experiment
Stand LAI 2
Stand description DOI 10.1111/1365-2435.12532
Species simulated Eucalyptus tereticornis
Species parameter table SpParamsAU
Simulation period 2012-2014
Evaluation period 2012-2014

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Eucalyptus tereticornis 21 2200 800 200 3000 2 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 10 NA NA NA NA 10


widths clay sand om bd rfc VG_theta_res VG_theta_sat
300 18.16667 61.86667 1.8700000 1.246667 6.566667 0.03 0.4
500 31.00000 52.46667 0.6566667 1.313333 20.000000 0.03 0.4
500 31.10000 52.73750 0.6912500 1.331250 20.000000 0.03 0.4
2700 30.60000 53.30000 0.5600000 1.350000 90.000000 0.03 0.4

Custom traits

Species Vmax298 Jmax298 Al2As
Eucalyptus tereticornis 91 159 6896.552

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids
Vegetation No understory or secondary species considered. 10% Herbaceous cover
Weather CO2 set to 390 ppm
Sapflow Species-level Huber value used for scaling
Eddy covariance Variables taken: LE_CORR and GPP_NT_VUT_REF



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
EUCFACE sperry 884 -2.110592 -43.68872 4.305725 89.12742 0.3106459 -1.035460 -0.3672240
EUCFACE sureau 884 -2.089665 -43.25555 4.300248 89.01405 0.2662171 -1.046861 -0.3654849

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
EUCFACE sperry 884 -2.816318 -50.52309 2.885080 51.75664 0.6093248 -1.700928 -0.9232982
EUCFACE sureau 884 -2.844013 -51.01992 2.930075 52.56381 0.5376028 -1.917852 -0.9532929

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
EUCFACE granier 884 -0.5951253 -19.59522 1.013224 33.36162 0.2777617 -0.4297773 -0.1752562
EUCFACE sperry 884 2.4767438 81.54979 2.562458 84.37204 0.3481429 -6.0762564 -1.9722406
EUCFACE sureau 884 2.1154199 69.65276 2.196938 72.33684 0.2693094 -4.7390218 -1.5482670

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
EUCFACE granier 710 -0.0026612 -2.791122 0.0487478 51.12754 0.4689232 0.1566494 0.1077908
EUCFACE sperry 710 -0.0096740 -10.146286 0.0454911 47.71190 0.4798745 0.1709765 0.1673959
EUCFACE sureau 710 -0.0107937 -11.320576 0.0450365 47.23507 0.4671562 0.1657365 0.1757169

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
EUCFACE T1_7578 granier 708 -0.3059868 -47.08936 0.3179183 48.92554 0.7156483 -0.7090373 -0.4259406
EUCFACE T1_7578 sperry 708 -0.1699725 -26.15765 0.2011028 30.94840 0.7715523 0.1811446 0.0980053
EUCFACE T1_7578 sureau 708 -0.1709932 -26.31473 0.2502836 38.51700 0.6952598 -0.1704686 -0.1225826

Leaf water potential

Site Cohort WP Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
EUCFACE T1_7578 Midday sperry 15 0.6268778 31.47533 0.7376916 37.03925 0.2071056 -1.506711 -0.5923862
EUCFACE T1_7578 Midday sureau 15 0.8796616 44.16752 1.0785328 54.15278 0.0744972 -3.932285 -1.3281284
EUCFACE T1_7578 Predawn sperry 8 0.1375796 21.37955 0.2778156 43.17188 0.3955593 -1.394345 -0.8812367
EUCFACE T1_7578 Predawn sureau 8 -0.2556126 -39.72159 0.4358844 67.73540 0.1337131 -9.443432 -1.9516047


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Soroe
Country Denmark
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Andreas Ibrom (Technical University of Denmark)
Latitude (º) 11.6446
Longitude (º) 55.4859
Elevation (m) 40
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) NA
Parent material
Soil texture
MAT (ºC) 8.2
MAP (mm) 660
Forest stand European beech forest
Stand LAI 4.5
Stand description DOI 10.1016/j.agrformet.2011.02.013
Species simulated Fagus sylvatica
Species parameter table SpParamsFR
Simulation period 2003-2006
Evaluation period 2003-2006

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI
Fagus sylvatica 24.28232 2099 352.987 NA NA 4.5


widths clay sand om bd rfc
400 15.27 58.73 5.42 1.28 7.48
200 19.20 55.70 2.18 1.58 6.10
3000 19.60 55.45 1.78 1.65 7.55

Custom traits

Species Vmax298 Jmax298
Fagus sylvatica 94.5 159.9

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids
Vegetation No understory
Weather From V. saponaro
Sapflow Not available
Soil moisture Taken from FLUXNET
Eddy covariance Variables H_F_MDS and LE_F_MDS for sensible and latent heat



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
SOROE sperry 1461 -0.0249675 -16.02498 5.532302 3550.821 0.2438419 -1.267731 -0.5632241
SOROE sureau 1461 0.7187400 461.31193 5.355429 3437.298 0.2892156 -1.190886 -0.5132464

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
SOROE sperry 1461 -0.1071309 -3.705932 1.291797 44.68656 0.8298284 0.6372740 0.5143043
SOROE sureau 1461 -0.9228623 -31.924156 1.736332 60.06414 0.7095817 0.4094055 0.3471662

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
SOROE granier 1461 -1.2050830 -21.992838 1.699742 31.02039 0.9214967 0.8027321 0.6664533
SOROE sperry 1461 0.4151017 7.575631 1.880567 34.32046 0.9272959 0.7836760 0.6309693
SOROE sureau 1461 -0.3678122 -6.712595 1.527516 27.87727 0.9265440 0.8469605 0.7002497

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
SOROE granier 1461 -0.0595396 -26.15263 0.0696407 30.58951 0.5690336 -0.8792354 -0.5277750
SOROE sperry 1461 -0.0601535 -26.42231 0.0680233 29.87908 0.5844523 -0.8260454 -0.4922931
SOROE sureau 1461 -0.0552495 -24.26823 0.0662385 29.09513 0.5173478 -0.7207480 -0.4531390


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Puéchabon
Country France
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Jean-Marc Limousin (CEFE-CNRS)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Jean-Marc Limousin (CEFE-CNRS)
Latitude (º) 43.74
Longitude (º) 3.6
Elevation (m) 270
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material Limestone
Soil texture Silty clay loam
MAT (ºC) 13.4
MAP (mm) 720
Forest stand Dense evergreen forest dominated by Q. ilex
Stand LAI 2
Stand description DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01852.x
Species simulated Quercus ilex, Buxus sempervirens
Species parameter table SpParamsFR
Simulation period 2004-2006
Evaluation period 2004-2006

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Quercus ilex 9.1156 530.2222 1750 529 2287 2.0 NA
Buxus sempervirens NA 200.0000 NA 390 1470 0.2 13
Herbaceous layer NA 20.0000 NA NA NA NA 10


widths clay sand om bd rfc VG_theta_sat VG_theta_res
100 39 26 6 1.45 75 0.27 0.015
200 39 26 4 1.45 75 0.27 0.015
200 39 26 3 1.45 75 0.27 0.015
1500 39 26 1 1.45 80 0.27 0.015
2500 39 26 1 1.45 90 0.27 0.015

Custom traits

Species SLA VCleaf_P12 VCleaf_P50 VCleaf_P88 VCleaf_slope VCstem_P12 VCstem_P50 VCstem_P88 VCstem_slope VCroot_P12 VCroot_P50 VCroot_P88 VCroot_slope VCleaf_kmax Kmax_stemxylem LeafEPS LeafPI0 LeafAF StemEPS StemPI0 StemAF Gswmin Gswmax Gs_P50 Gs_slope Al2As
Quercus ilex 4.55 -4.004731 -5.25 -6.495269 40 -4.739642 -6.4 -8.060358 30 -2.004731 -3.25 -4.495269 40 2.63 0.20 15 -2.5 0.4 15 -2.5 0.4 0.002 0.20 -2.114188 44.70588 1540.671
Buxus sempervirens 5.19 -5.004731 -6.25 -7.495269 40 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.00 0.15 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.002 0.18 NA NA NA

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Adjusted theta_res and theta_sat
Vegetation Using B. sempervirens as understory



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAPUE sperry 1096 0.7025008 19.84544 4.094839 115.6780 0.7004554 -0.0580092 0.0980779
FRAPUE sureau 1096 0.7853404 22.18564 3.882531 109.6804 0.6707007 0.0546402 0.1448404

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAPUE sperry 1096 -0.6162752 -19.37090 2.053856 64.55726 0.2298921 -0.4658688 -0.0765368
FRAPUE sureau 1096 -0.7456604 -23.43777 1.714712 53.89722 0.4820027 0.0661065 0.1012267

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAPUE granier 1096 0.0077320 0.2343709 1.188651 36.03030 0.6764830 0.3630433 0.2442900
FRAPUE sperry 1096 -1.2414424 -37.6305189 1.547455 46.90636 0.4749273 -0.3556892 0.0161724
FRAPUE sureau 1096 -0.6099791 -18.4896451 1.055172 31.98429 0.7672888 0.4795489 0.3291521

Soil water content (SWC.2)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAPUE granier 1021 -0.0125500 -7.878635 0.0259294 16.27799 0.7756308 0.5082935 0.3240075
FRAPUE sperry 1021 -0.0424340 -26.639291 0.0457929 28.74793 0.8270395 -0.3263135 -0.1938446
FRAPUE sureau 1021 -0.0265053 -16.639529 0.0331765 20.82760 0.8481182 0.2477923 0.1350711

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAPUE T1_2854 granier 1096 -0.0818435 -23.85896 0.1257926 36.67098 0.7740577 0.4531214 0.3050664
FRAPUE T1_2854 sperry 1096 -0.0343369 -10.00986 0.2568091 74.86482 0.3391752 -1.5971433 -0.4187261
FRAPUE T1_2854 sureau 1096 -0.0624454 -18.20405 0.1375660 40.10314 0.7989199 0.3344387 0.2400253

Leaf water potential

Site Cohort WP Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAPUE T1_2854 Midday sperry 16 -0.7311732 -24.74294 1.0019537 33.90617 0.4322331 -2.9870582 -1.2355390
FRAPUE T1_2854 Midday sureau 28 0.4573255 14.65682 0.7973972 25.55577 0.6191687 -0.9139782 -0.3356537
FRAPUE T1_2854 Predawn sperry 16 -1.6075120 -145.86120 1.6218078 147.15836 0.5990022 -4.5349421 -1.3833685
FRAPUE T1_2854 Predawn sureau 28 -0.5951152 -40.68543 0.8272262 56.55384 0.7005626 0.1181669 0.1300435


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Hesse
Country France
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) André Granier (INRAE)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Matthias Cuntz (INRAE)
Latitude (º) 48.6742
Longitude (º) 7.0647
Elevation (m) 300
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material
Soil texture Silt loam
MAT (ºC) 10
MAP (mm) 1003
Forest stand Naturally regenerated, managed beech forest
Stand LAI 7
Stand description DOI 10.1051/forest:2008052
Species simulated Fagus sylvatica
Species parameter table SpParamsFR
Simulation period 2001-2003
Evaluation period 2001-2003

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Fagus sylvatica 12.91 1300 3203 300 1200 7 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 20 NA NA NA NA 5


widths sand clay om rfc bd VG_theta_sat
200 8 25 6 9 1.16 0.46
300 8 35 3 13 1.37 0.43
300 8 45 1 15 1.58 0.38
400 8 45 0 40 1.58 0.35
2100 8 45 0 90 1.58 0.30

Custom traits

Species Al2As
Fagus sylvatica 2076.12

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil VG_theta_sat modified
Vegetation No woody understory but 5% herbaceous layer
Sapflow Scaling using species-level Huber value



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAHES sperry 1070 -2.742555 -186.8026 6.174047 420.5306 0.1490342 -2.814877 -1.298844
FRAHES sureau 1070 -2.860211 -194.8164 6.172199 420.4046 0.1525379 -2.808866 -1.298155

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAHES sperry 1064 2.24579 94.97153 2.764514 116.9076 0.7574376 -1.100937 -0.2210030
FRAHES sureau 1064 2.36555 100.03603 2.913898 123.2249 0.6881389 -1.519720 -0.2869817

Soil water content (SWC.1)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAHES granier 43 -0.1105164 -34.03374 0.1136523 34.99944 0.0883948 -2.811295 -0.9614514
FRAHES sperry 43 -0.1064500 -32.78149 0.1093841 33.68504 0.2460416 -2.522276 -0.8877889
FRAHES sureau 43 -0.1038260 -31.97343 0.1073433 33.05659 0.1200295 -2.461907 -0.8525695

Soil water content (SWC.2)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAHES granier 43 -0.0356118 -10.39313 0.0549559 16.03859 0.6179516 -0.0381540 -0.0145014
FRAHES sperry 43 -0.0656749 -19.16689 0.0656749 19.16689 0.9322334 -0.3204632 -0.2123781
FRAHES sureau 43 -0.0571605 -16.68200 0.0571605 16.68200 0.9364835 -0.0628600 -0.0551996

Soil water content (SWC.3)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAHES granier 43 0.0086875 2.591914 0.0195121 5.82144 0.7563396 0.4575056 0.3125370
FRAHES sperry 43 -0.0444228 -13.253539 0.0527717 15.74444 0.8865740 -3.4976487 -0.8592855
FRAHES sureau 43 -0.0386318 -11.525788 0.0466740 13.92518 0.9185570 -2.3947275 -0.6444460

Soil water content (SWC.4)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAHES granier 43 -0.0143662 -4.433267 0.0287714 8.878548 0.6985390 -6.57771 -1.901704
FRAHES sperry 43 -0.0612973 -18.915711 0.0705640 21.775302 0.7784317 -52.10852 -6.116645
FRAHES sureau 43 -0.0575454 -17.757902 0.0667870 20.609753 0.8003105 -45.89352 -5.735719

Soil water content (SWC.5)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAHES granier 43 -0.0012446 -0.4206938 0.0039273 1.327498 0.3492180 -1.568301 -0.6443625
FRAHES sperry 43 -0.0029063 -0.9823728 0.0041751 1.411262 0.5317617 -2.014184 -0.7481202
FRAHES sureau 43 -0.0028531 -0.9643847 0.0041381 1.398735 0.5315872 -1.966021 -0.7326025

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FRAHES T1_1396 granier 559 -0.2117071 -41.84626 0.2736146 54.08296 0.7249868 0.0798059 0.1572629
FRAHES T1_1396 sperry 559 -0.1682067 -33.24791 0.2158329 42.66176 0.7988321 0.4214517 0.3352315
FRAHES T1_1396 sureau 559 -0.1534210 -30.32537 0.2275455 44.97690 0.7336503 0.3500855 0.2991563


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Fontainebleau-Barbeau
Country France
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Nicolas Delpierre (Univ. Paris-Sud)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Nicolas Delpierre (Univ. Paris-Sud)
Latitude (º) 48.47634
Longitude (º) 2.78014
Elevation (m) 105
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material Millstone
Soil texture Loam
MAT (ºC) 11.2
MAP (mm) 697
Forest stand Mixed deciduous forest
Stand LAI 6
Stand description DOI 10.1111/nph.13771
Species simulated Quercus petraea, Carpinus betulus
Species parameter table SpParamsFR
Simulation period 2006-2008
Evaluation period 2006-2008

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI
Quercus petraea 33 2800 220.8 NA NA 4.74
Carpinus betulus 10 500 883.2 NA NA 1.26


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 24.13333 26.56667 3.6733330 1.286667 14.43333
600 30.48571 25.22857 0.6228571 1.504286 15.54286
1100 30.20000 25.64000 0.4720000 1.518000 80.00000
2500 29.90000 25.80000 0.4500000 1.520000 90.00000

Custom traits

Species Al2As
Quercus petraea 1075.267
Carpinus betulus 1075.267

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids with theta_sat and theta_res modified
Vegetation Plantation
Weather From fluxnet data
Sapflow Sapwood area estimated from dbh for trees within missing data
Eddy covariance Variables H_F_MDS and LE_F_MDS for sensible and latent heat



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONTAINEBLEAU sperry 842 -1.798795 -135.9209 5.198935 392.8429 0.2744577 -4.708339 -1.445467
FONTAINEBLEAU sureau 842 -1.453783 -109.8510 5.049949 381.5852 0.2816028 -4.444925 -1.375387

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONTAINEBLEAU sperry 842 -0.3784077 -7.801328 1.365923 28.16013 0.8629463 0.6861448 0.5060361
FONTAINEBLEAU sureau 842 -0.7774730 -16.028534 1.764262 36.37237 0.8010454 0.5140093 0.3619832

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONTAINEBLEAU granier 842 -2.0372660 -32.240066 2.361003 37.36325 0.9350771 0.5932566 0.4614994
FONTAINEBLEAU sperry 842 -0.2784873 -4.407107 1.410501 22.32141 0.9271690 0.8556702 0.6782910
FONTAINEBLEAU sureau 842 -0.4970980 -7.866657 1.517359 24.01246 0.9249824 0.8367731 0.6539187

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONTAINEBLEAU T1_2856 granier 740 -0.2445936 -50.60469 0.2462408 50.94548 0.8731978 0.0937988 0.1291576
FONTAINEBLEAU T1_2856 sperry 740 -0.2242332 -46.39227 0.2340651 48.42642 0.7702689 0.1170442 0.1722173
FONTAINEBLEAU T1_2856 sureau 740 -0.2529776 -52.33928 0.2682235 55.49356 0.7092290 -0.1047844 0.0514144
FONTAINEBLEAU T2_730 granier 732 -0.0057705 -3.60835 0.0438970 27.44904 0.8471518 0.7107420 0.5320457
FONTAINEBLEAU T2_730 sperry 732 -0.0246486 -15.41291 0.0793100 49.59293 0.7061985 0.0532054 0.1545343
FONTAINEBLEAU T2_730 sureau 732 -0.0631689 -39.49985 0.0861498 53.86990 0.6468214 0.0137979 0.0816200


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Font-Blanche
Country France
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Nicolas Martin-StPaul (INRAE)
Latitude (º) 43.24
Longitude (º) 5.68
Elevation (m) 420
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material Cretaceous limestone
Soil texture Clay loam
MAT (ºC) 13.5
MAP (mm) 722
Forest stand Mixed forest with P. halepensis and Q. ilex
Stand LAI 2
Stand description DOI 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108472
Species simulated Quercus ilex, Pinus halepensis, Phillyrea latifolia
Species parameter table SpParamsFR
Simulation period 2014-2018
Evaluation period 2014-2018

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Phillyrea latifolia 2.587859 323.0000 1248 390 1470 0.0000000 NA
Pinus halepensis 26.759914 1195.7667 256 300 1200 0.9843761 NA
Quercus ilex 6.220031 495.5532 3104 500 2287 1.7156239 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 10.0000 NA NA NA NA 5


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 39 26 6 1.45 50
700 39 26 3 1.45 65
1000 39 26 1 1.45 90
2500 39 26 1 1.45 95

Custom traits

Species VCstem_P12 VCstem_P50 VCstem_P88 VCstem_slope VCroot_P12 VCroot_P50 VCroot_P88 VCleaf_kmax LeafEPS LeafPI0 LeafAF StemEPS StemPI0 StemAF Gswmin Gswmax Gs_P50 Gs_slope Al2As
Phillyrea latifolia -1.971750 -6.50 -11.028250 11 NA NA NA 3.00 12.38 -2.13 0.5 12.38 -2.13 0.4 0.002 0.2200 -2.207094 89.41176 NA
Pinus halepensis -3.707158 -4.79 -5.872842 46 -1 -1.741565 -2.301482 4.00 5.31 -1.50 0.6 5.00 -1.65 0.4 0.001 0.2175 -1.871216 97.43590 631.000
Quercus ilex -4.739642 -6.40 -8.060358 30 NA NA NA 2.63 15.00 -2.50 0.4 15.00 -2.50 0.4 0.002 0.2200 -2.114188 44.70588 1540.671

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Equal to Puechabon
Weather Missing values for some dates



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONBLA sperry 1004 -0.9082341 -18.52802 4.127671 84.20468 0.6780858 -0.0064924 0.1079071
FONBLA sureau 1004 -0.8701000 -17.75008 4.104416 83.73027 0.6694104 0.0016198 0.1129332

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONBLA sperry 1026 -0.3768012 -12.85126 1.454184 49.59670 0.4904643 -0.0428105 0.0386097
FONBLA sureau 1026 -0.4075248 -13.89913 1.648490 56.22373 0.4760980 -0.2479769 -0.0898497

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONBLA granier 1760 -0.1636099 -36.71077 0.1637433 36.74072 0.8654732 -0.7160997 -0.2810982
FONBLA sperry 1760 -0.1756925 -39.42188 0.1757420 39.43299 0.9078690 -0.8230609 -0.3749738
FONBLA sureau 1760 -0.1805475 -40.51123 0.1805984 40.52267 0.9028710 -0.8787510 -0.4129694

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONBLA T2_2630 granier 300 0.1868606 90.853855 0.2011245 97.78911 0.5169753 -4.6960531 -1.0324663
FONBLA T2_2630 sperry 300 0.0340389 16.550127 0.0891577 43.34953 0.6997685 -0.1744161 0.0990157
FONBLA T2_2630 sureau 300 0.1628514 79.180306 0.2175900 105.79486 0.4470932 -8.2963021 -1.1988591
FONBLA T3_2854 granier 309 -0.0177030 -6.115909 0.0584696 20.19964 0.9003175 0.7996485 0.6016590
FONBLA T3_2854 sperry 309 0.0887205 30.650484 0.1162127 40.14831 0.9053555 0.2721134 0.2082670
FONBLA T3_2854 sureau 309 0.0074839 2.585491 0.0813675 28.11023 0.8948725 0.5548527 0.4456605

Leaf water potential

Site Cohort WP Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
FONBLA T2_2630 Midday sperry 3 0.7729811 28.974718 0.7729811 28.97472 0.9784576 -11.7976515 -3.1327702
FONBLA T2_2630 Midday sureau 3 0.2750835 10.311334 0.5838273 21.88441 0.9813070 -6.0959768 -2.1214530
FONBLA T2_2630 Predawn sperry 3 0.5875474 30.208095 0.5875474 30.20809 0.9772217 -1.3909408 -0.6524772
FONBLA T2_2630 Predawn sureau 3 -0.1231421 -6.331212 0.4893844 25.16115 0.9882833 -0.9161060 -0.3763936
FONBLA T3_2854 Midday sperry 3 0.6060229 22.207681 0.6060229 22.20768 0.9415005 -1.9298065 -0.8721532
FONBLA T3_2854 Midday sureau 3 0.4247158 15.563689 0.6644796 24.34982 0.9855212 -2.4359661 -1.0527402
FONBLA T3_2854 Predawn sperry 3 0.2010509 13.246401 0.2245725 14.79614 0.9909855 0.7477474 0.4925977
FONBLA T3_2854 Predawn sureau 3 -0.4958571 -32.669943 0.5511358 36.31202 0.9967085 -1.0557381 -0.2452440


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Yatir
Country Israel
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Fyodor Tatarinov (Weizmann Institute of Science)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Dan Yakir (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Latitude (º) 31.3449993133544
Longitude (º) 35.0514984130859
Elevation (m) 650
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material Chalk and limestone
Soil texture Clay loam
MAT (ºC) 17.9
MAP (mm) 294
Forest stand Pinus halepensis managed plantation
Stand LAI 1.5
Stand description DOI 10.1111/nph.13597
Species simulated Pinus halepensis
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2014-2015
Evaluation period 2014-2015

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI
Pinus halepensis 19.8 1020 300 150 2000 1.7


widths sand clay om bd rfc VG_theta_sat VG_theta_res
20 31 10 40 0.30 0 0.70 0.05
30 31 30 3 1.65 0 0.30 0.05
100 31 30 2 1.57 5 0.30 0.05
100 31 40 2 1.61 10 0.30 0.08
100 31 42 1 1.54 20 0.30 0.09
150 31 42 1 1.54 20 0.33 0.11
500 31 42 1 1.54 30 0.33 0.11
3000 31 42 0 1.54 90 0.33 0.11

Custom traits

Species VCleaf_P12 VCleaf_P50 VCleaf_P88 VCleaf_slope VCstem_P12 VCstem_P50 VCstem_P88 VCstem_slope VCroot_P12 VCroot_P50 VCroot_P88 VCleaf_kmax LeafEPS LeafPI0 LeafAF StemEPS StemPI0 StemAF Gswmin Gswmax Gs_P50 Gs_slope
Pinus halepensis -3.707158 -4.79 -5.872842 46 -3.707158 -4.79 -5.872842 46 -1 -1.741565 -2.301482 4 5.31 -1.5 0.6 5 -1.65 0.4 0.001 0.2175 -1.871216 97.4359

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil 50-cm soil with rocky layers. Modification of theta_res and theta_sat
Vegetation No understory considered
Sapflow Scaling done using stand density and stand LAI



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ISRYAT sperry 365 -2.899881 -34.75526 3.639652 43.62147 0.7752165 0.1916803 0.1526960
ISRYAT sureau 365 -3.111491 -37.29142 3.915332 46.92551 0.7011763 0.0421931 0.0885182

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ISRYAT sperry 365 1.644353 75.19652 1.708229 78.1176 0.5919468 -1.606000 -0.8200665
ISRYAT sureau 365 1.867792 85.41445 2.312126 105.7339 0.0658333 -4.086708 -1.4635003

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ISRYAT granier 365 1.992034 101.1501 2.393837 121.5526 -0.0486293 -2.473740 -0.8292355
ISRYAT sperry 365 2.544256 129.1905 2.555234 129.7479 0.6274378 -2.313891 -0.9525659
ISRYAT sureau 365 2.730436 138.6442 2.827659 143.5809 0.0652882 -3.472633 -1.1607378

Soil water content (SWC.3)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ISRYAT granier 300 0.1106795 94.04238 0.1112995 94.56917 -0.0676539 -3.9921130 -1.3302538
ISRYAT sperry 300 0.0381290 32.39753 0.0441391 37.50422 0.8585233 0.2114609 0.0758685
ISRYAT sureau 300 0.0543087 46.14508 0.0550326 46.76024 0.9075758 -0.1066641 -0.1522066

Soil water content (SWC.6)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ISRYAT granier 300 0.0468253 19.729132 0.0579932 24.43456 -0.3951815 -2.1898360 -0.8551831
ISRYAT sperry 300 -0.0256728 -10.816834 0.0300364 12.65539 0.7625019 0.0808852 0.0391447
ISRYAT sureau 300 -0.0177754 -7.489376 0.0287109 12.09688 0.7753282 0.2254317 0.0815493

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ISRYAT T1_342 granier 309 0.1107279 24.68530 0.3385816 75.48219 0.2085873 -0.3597588 -0.2426130
ISRYAT T1_342 sperry 309 0.2401011 53.52729 0.2949303 65.75074 0.7648723 0.0155584 -0.0824107
ISRYAT T1_342 sureau 309 0.3181831 70.93462 0.4856913 108.27832 0.2420813 -2.0391184 -0.7825138


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Collelongo
Country Italy
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Giorgio Matteucci (IEIF CNR)
Latitude (º) 13.5881
Longitude (º) 41.8494
Elevation (m) 1560
Slope (º) 19.29
Aspect (º) 252
Parent material Calcareous
Soil texture Silt loam
MAT (ºC) 6.3
MAP (mm) 1180
Forest stand European beech forest
Stand LAI 5.5
Stand description DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2486.1996.tb00072.x
Species simulated Fagus sylvatica
Species parameter table SpParamsFR
Simulation period 2011-2013
Evaluation period 2011-2013

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI CR
Fagus sylvatica 20.2 1898.9 899.9668 NA NA 5.5 0.5


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 27.23333 32.50 3.000 1.37 17.4
700 30.90000 32.15 1.955 1.37 20.9
2000 31.20000 33.70 1.430 1.44 22.8

Custom traits

Species Vmax298 Jmax298
Fagus sylvatica 94.5 159.9

Custom control



Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids
Vegetation No understory
Weather From V. saponaro
Sapflow Not available
Eddy covariance Variables H_F_MDS and LE_F_MDS for sensible and latent heat



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
COLLELONGO sperry 1096 1.10990 37.57418 3.769666 127.6170 0.3155920 -2.031251 -0.5412721
COLLELONGO sureau 1096 1.39623 47.26752 3.779290 127.9428 0.3341596 -2.013393 -0.5452070

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
COLLELONGO sperry 1096 0.5497014 20.427294 1.642712 61.04434 0.8436120 0.1645327 0.1966781
COLLELONGO sureau 1096 0.1936525 7.196262 1.483767 55.13782 0.8155224 0.2982135 0.2744058

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
COLLELONGO granier 1096 0.6332073 15.85219 1.456915 36.47350 0.9305509 0.7629074 0.6532485
COLLELONGO sperry 1096 1.0368759 25.95793 1.952805 48.88799 0.8835141 0.5512237 0.5352247
COLLELONGO sureau 1096 0.4423040 11.07297 1.435014 35.92521 0.9073546 0.7682370 0.6584610

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
COLLELONGO granier 1096 -0.0459196 -14.77546 0.0541517 17.42428 0.7431082 0.1899449 0.1158766
COLLELONGO sperry 1096 -0.0569342 -18.31959 0.0610376 19.63991 0.7501613 0.0347007 0.0034533
COLLELONGO sureau 1096 -0.0508795 -16.37138 0.0563363 18.12719 0.7480945 0.1287448 0.0802103


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Mitra II
Country Portugal
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Teresa David (INIAV IP)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Joao Santos Pereira
Latitude (º) 38.54056
Longitude (º) -8.00028
Elevation (m) 235
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material Granite
Soil texture Sand
MAT (ºC) 16.5
MAP (mm) 584
Forest stand Evergreen forest dominated by Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia
Stand LAI 0.55 (trees)
Stand description DOI 10.1093/treephys/27.6.793
Species simulated Quercus ilex
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2001-2003
Evaluation period 2001-2003

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Quercus ilex 38.9 750 30 529 2287 0.55 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 15 NA NA NA NA 100


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 14.86667 58.4 2.92 1.463333 20.46667
700 15.05000 63.8 1.10 1.535000 21.65000
1000 14.70000 64.1 0.87 1.550000 80.00000
2000 14.70000 64.1 0.00 1.550000 90.00000

Custom traits

Species SLA VCleaf_P12 VCleaf_P50 VCleaf_P88 VCleaf_slope VCstem_P12 VCstem_P50 VCstem_P88 VCstem_slope VCroot_P12 VCroot_P50 VCroot_P88 VCroot_slope VCleaf_kmax Kmax_stemxylem LeafEPS LeafPI0 LeafAF StemEPS StemPI0 StemAF Gswmin Gswmax Gs_P50 Gs_slope Al2As
Quercus ilex 4.55 -4.004731 -5.25 -6.495269 40 -4.739642 -6.4 -8.060358 30 -2.004731 -3.25 -4.495269 40 2.63 0.2 15 -2.5 0.4 15 -2.5 0.4 0.002 0.2 -2.114188 44.70588 1540.671

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids
Vegetation No understory but 100% herbaceous cover
Soil moisture data Not available
Eddy covariance data Not enough quality for evaluation



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
MITRA T1_381 granier 1060 -0.7484404 -72.28630 0.7566587 73.08004 0.8295877 -2.0798636 -1.0090866
MITRA T1_381 sperry 1060 -0.1502315 -14.50975 0.3899896 37.66620 0.8494414 0.0372149 -0.0355038
MITRA T1_381 sureau 1060 -0.4447625 -42.95630 0.4614221 44.56533 0.8844758 -0.1865439 -0.2251718


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Rinconada
Country Spain
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Virginia Hernandez-Santana (IRNAS-CSIC)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 40.600278
Longitude (º) -6.016667
Elevation (m) 1200
Slope (º) 10
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material
Soil texture Silty loam
MAT (ºC) 10
MAP (mm) 1000
Forest stand Young, homogeneous, Quercus pyrenaica regrowth forest
Stand LAI 3.4
Stand description DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2008.03.004
Species simulated Quercus pyrenaica
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2006-2007
Evaluation period 2006-2007

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Quercus pyrenaica 11.7 740 1975 300 1500 3.4 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 10 NA NA NA NA 5


widths clay sand om bd rfc VG_theta_sat VG_theta_res
250 19.10 45.33333 4.000 1.48 10.00 0.35 0.03
250 23.95 41.60000 2.000 1.48 21.00 0.35 0.03
500 23.95 41.60000 1.315 1.48 24.85 0.35 0.03
1000 24.50 42.30000 0.820 1.51 60.00 0.35 0.03
2500 24.50 42.30000 0.000 1.56 85.00 0.35 0.03

Custom traits

Species Kmax_stemxylem VCleaf_kmax Gswmin Gswmax Al2As
Quercus pyrenaica 1 4 0.003 0.3 4189.325

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids, with modification of theta_sat and theta_res
Vegetation Understory not considered
Weather Available weather complemented with interpolation
Sapflow Sapflow scaling needs to be revised



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ESPRIN granier 28 -0.0066385 -3.823523 0.0510815 29.42081 0.7048350 0.3719564 0.2243048
ESPRIN sperry 28 -0.0255300 -14.704239 0.0357636 20.59833 0.8892046 0.5710286 0.4569141
ESPRIN sureau 28 -0.0293626 -16.911646 0.0369533 21.28357 0.8987692 0.5724210 0.4388474

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ESPRIN T1_389 granier 103 0.0659590 18.23056 0.0825264 22.80965 0.6345913 -0.4712146 -0.393276
ESPRIN T1_389 sperry 103 0.2152869 59.50361 0.2508688 69.33817 0.5681027 -12.4330937 -3.235365
ESPRIN T1_389 sureau 103 0.2707262 74.82662 0.2854338 78.89167 0.5211382 -16.5023263 -3.818919

Leaf water potential

Site Cohort WP Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ESPRIN T1_389 Midday sperry 15 0.3891425 24.60830 0.4231125 26.75647 0.7691413 0.0709294 0.0143943
ESPRIN T1_389 Midday sureau 15 0.1654113 10.46016 0.5295317 33.48613 0.8113526 -0.1776782 -0.2335004
ESPRIN T1_389 Predawn sperry 15 -0.1636331 -40.86704 0.2822971 70.50314 0.5944556 -2.4729384 -0.7479137
ESPRIN T1_389 Predawn sureau 15 -0.5959282 -148.83189 0.6633178 165.66230 0.7638333 -22.7881678 -3.1070994

Vallcebre (Barrol)

General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Vallcebre (Cal Barrol)
Country Spain
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Rafael Poyatos (CREAF)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 42.202933
Longitude (º) 1.820486
Elevation (m) 1102
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material Limestone
Soil texture Silty clay loam
MAT (ºC) 9.3
MAP (mm) 603
Forest stand Semi-deciduous sub-Mediterranean oak forest
Stand LAI 2.1
Stand description DOI 10.1093/treephys/27.4.537
Species simulated Quercus pubescens
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2004-2005
Evaluation period 2004-2005

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Quercus pubescens 21.82917 1162.5 828 NA NA 2.1 NA
Buxus sempervirens NA 100.0 NA NA NA NA 20
Herbaceous layer NA 20.0 NA NA NA NA 5


widths clay sand om bd rfc
100 31.0 9.7 NA 1.23 5
100 31.0 9.7 NA 1.30 10
100 31.0 9.7 NA 1.30 15
200 28.6 8.8 NA 1.50 20
1000 28.6 8.8 NA 1.50 70
2000 28.6 8.8 NA 1.50 90

Custom traits

Species Al2As
Quercus pubescens 2342.065
Buxus sempervirens NA

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Soil depth is 50 cm but additional rocky layers were added
Vegetation Understory modelled using B. sempervirens
Weather Missing values have been complemented with interpolated data
Sapflow Sapflux density has been scaled to cohort level using measured plant Huber values



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC.2)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
QVALLCEBRE granier 445 0.0077266 2.600142 0.0349141 11.74925 0.3891547 0.1015733 0.0322507
QVALLCEBRE sperry 445 -0.0074766 -2.516010 0.0338797 11.40113 0.4702902 0.1609112 0.0609240
QVALLCEBRE sureau 445 -0.0058354 -1.963711 0.0344315 11.58684 0.4393051 0.1324478 0.0456281

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
QVALLCEBRE T1_387 granier 279 -0.4092805 -53.021422 0.4367077 56.57455 0.6270182 -1.1154760 -0.6538475
QVALLCEBRE T1_387 sperry 279 0.0409683 5.307355 0.2351025 30.45702 0.6241847 0.0710929 0.1096479
QVALLCEBRE T1_387 sureau 279 0.0220891 2.861600 0.2746705 35.58297 0.5917041 -0.1645263 -0.0401993

Vallcebre (Sort)

General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Vallcebre (Cal Sort)
Country Spain
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Rafael Poyatos (CREAF)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 42.196053
Longitude (º) 1.813561
Elevation (m) 1257
Slope (º) 10
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material Limestone
Soil texture Sandy clay loam
MAT (ºC) 8.5
MAP (mm) 623
Forest stand Pinus sylvestris forest in a terraced area
Stand LAI 2.4
Stand description DOI 10.5194/hess-9-493-2005
Species simulated Pinus sylvestris
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2003-2005
Evaluation period 2003-2005

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Pinus sylvestris 16.2 1076.923 2165 NA NA 2.4 NA
Buxus sempervirens NA 100.000 NA NA NA NA 5
Herbaceous layer NA 20.000 NA NA NA NA 5


widths clay sand om bd rfc
100 22 59 4 1.18 10
100 21 60 3 1.28 15
100 20 61 2 1.38 19
350 18 62 1 1.48 20
350 18 62 0 1.50 50

Custom traits

Species Al2As
Pinus sylvestris 681.6332
Buxus sempervirens NA

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Soil depth is 65 cm (30 + 35) but an additional layer of 35 cm is considered with 50% rocks
Vegetation Understory modelled using B. sempervirens
Weather Missing values have been complemented with interpolated data
Sapflow Sapflux density has been scaled to cohort level using measured plant Huber values



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC.2)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
PVALLCEBRE granier 743 -0.0497211 -23.16130 0.0528437 24.61590 0.6131598 -0.4927769 -0.1154646
PVALLCEBRE sperry 743 -0.0551637 -25.69659 0.0565875 26.35981 0.7137429 -0.5578829 -0.1944894
PVALLCEBRE sureau 743 -0.0525085 -24.45972 0.0544907 25.38309 0.6839454 -0.5030042 -0.1502296

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
PVALLCEBRE T1_347 granier 733 -0.4438095 -59.89608 0.4619694 62.34692 0.7258143 -0.4342900 -0.1502216
PVALLCEBRE T1_347 sperry 733 -0.3631478 -49.01006 0.3932390 53.07114 0.7162617 -0.0725604 0.0209049
PVALLCEBRE T1_347 sureau 733 -0.4451555 -60.07773 0.4710241 63.56893 0.6072358 -0.5120127 -0.1727660


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Prades (Tillar valley)
Country Spain
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Rafael Poyatos (CREAF)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 41.33263
Longitude (º) 1.014429
Elevation (m) 1018
Slope (º) 35
Aspect (º) 8.53
Parent material Fractured schist
Soil texture Clay loam
MAT (ºC) 10.5
MAP (mm) 651.274727491089
Forest stand Mixed forest with P. sylvestris (overstory) Q. ilex (midstory)
Stand LAI 3.27
Stand description DOI 10.1111/nph.12278
Species simulated Quercus ilex, Pinus sylvestris
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2010-2013
Evaluation period 2010-2013

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Pinus sylvestris 27.7 1424 257 300 1200 0.58 NA
Quercus ilex 8.4 500 2913 529 2287 2.69 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 20 NA NA NA NA 10


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 21 47 4 1.5 45
700 19 48 4 1.5 70
1000 19 48 4 1.5 85
2500 19 48 4 1.5 90

Custom traits

Species VCleaf_P12 VCleaf_P50 VCleaf_P88 VCleaf_slope VCstem_P12 VCstem_P50 VCstem_P88 VCstem_slope VCroot_P12 VCroot_P50 VCroot_P88 VCroot_slope VCleaf_kmax LeafEPS LeafPI0 LeafAF StemEPS StemPI0 StemAF Gswmin Gswmax Gs_P50 Gs_slope Al2As
Pinus sylvestris NA NA NA NA -0.9930548 -3.2 -5.406945 22.57 -0.2474341 -1.65 -3.052566 35.51402 4.00 5.31 -1.5 0.6 5 -1.65 0.4 0.001 0.18 -1.871216 97.43590 594.5372
Quercus ilex -4.004731 -5.25 -6.495269 40 -4.7396415 -6.4 -8.060358 30.00 -2.0047311 -3.25 -4.495269 40.00000 2.63 15.00 -2.5 0.4 15 -2.50 0.4 0.002 0.20 -2.114188 44.70588 1387.0312

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Additional rocky layer considered
Vegetation Understory not considered
Sapflow No scaling required (already per leaf area)



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
PRADES granier 1219 0.0186180 9.771436 0.0330377 17.33943 0.8959273 0.6868938 0.4469948
PRADES sperry 1219 -0.0319340 -16.760138 0.0375948 19.73117 0.8638703 0.5416461 0.3707152
PRADES sureau 1219 -0.0050625 -2.656988 0.0210718 11.05925 0.9255454 0.8514658 0.6472881

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
PRADES T1_347 granier 1157 0.1207167 45.971840 0.1923737 73.26056 0.6422625 -0.1637083 0.0189582
PRADES T1_347 sperry 1157 -0.1584610 -60.345774 0.1695016 64.55031 0.6640704 0.0542565 0.1355983
PRADES T1_347 sureau 1157 -0.0106067 -4.039271 0.1292038 49.20394 0.7814015 0.3687659 0.3411036
PRADES T2_381 granier 908 0.0084977 5.135610 0.0620995 37.52999 0.7680780 0.5448338 0.3872255
PRADES T2_381 sperry 908 0.1984677 119.944380 0.2911786 175.97440 0.4781243 -13.6980683 -1.8732389
PRADES T2_381 sureau 908 0.1174108 70.957437 0.1492920 90.22495 0.8141889 -2.2312332 -0.4731565

Leaf water potential

Site Cohort WP Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
PRADES T1_347 Midday sperry 13 -2.6067170 -152.095597 2.7398528 159.86374 0.8594941 -105.5773959 -10.7887062
PRADES T1_347 Midday sureau 13 -0.6779930 -39.559244 1.1058999 64.52657 0.8353963 -22.3422856 -3.7583319
PRADES T1_347 Predawn sperry 13 -2.8151738 -235.338639 2.9939224 250.28139 0.8949058 -65.0945934 -7.4565395
PRADES T1_347 Predawn sureau 13 -0.7933968 -66.325186 1.1629111 97.21528 0.9432688 -12.4001451 -2.2847223
PRADES T2_381 Midday sperry 9 -1.8743537 -65.105048 2.1183674 73.58078 0.5472386 -4.6004281 -1.4903238
PRADES T2_381 Midday sureau 9 0.4258270 14.790959 0.9262544 32.17314 0.9559625 0.0567076 -0.0888921
PRADES T2_381 Predawn sperry 9 -1.8343397 -86.831831 2.0952301 99.18156 0.7283622 -3.2166462 -1.3046058
PRADES T2_381 Predawn sureau 9 0.1604639 7.595852 0.6755217 31.97706 0.9660824 0.6054119 0.2569736

Can Balasc

General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Can Balasc
Country Spain
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Elisenda Sánchez-Costa (IDAEA-CSIC)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 41.43099
Longitude (º) 2.0736
Elevation (m) 270
Slope (º) 0.86
Aspect (º) 90
Parent material Shales and granite
Soil texture Sandy loam
MAT (ºC) 17
MAP (mm) 585
Forest stand Mixed forest dominated by Q. ilex
Stand LAI 3.2
Stand description DOI 10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.03.012
Species simulated Quercus ilex, Quercus pubescens, Pinus halepensis, Arbutus unedo
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2011-2012
Evaluation period 2011-2012

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Arbutus unedo 9.6 810.00 76 390 1470 0.1419014 NA
Pinus halepensis 33.7 1710.00 53 300 1200 0.3899272 NA
Quercus pubescens 12.0 960.00 150 529 2287 0.3309408 NA
Quercus ilex 11.9 1020.00 1150 529 2287 2.3372306 NA
Arbutus unedo NA 174.00 NA NA NA NA 4.83
Phillyrea angustifolia NA 153.33 NA NA NA NA 7.25
Pistacia lentiscus NA 118.33 NA NA NA NA 13.50
Quercus ilex NA 78.00 NA NA NA NA 9.67
Viburnum spp. NA 138.33 NA NA NA NA 9.67
Herbaceous layer NA 20.00 NA NA NA NA 5.00


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 20.23 48.9 2.70 1.5 20
700 24.58 52.4 1.00 1.5 30
1000 27.66 45.6 0.61 1.5 85
2500 27.66 45.6 0.61 1.5 90

Custom traits

Species VCstem_P12 VCstem_P50 VCstem_P88 VCstem_slope VCroot_P12 VCroot_P50 VCroot_P88 VCleaf_kmax LeafEPS LeafPI0 LeafAF StemEPS StemPI0 StemAF Gswmin Gswmax Gs_P50 Gs_slope Al2As
Arbutus unedo NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1297.3893
Pinus halepensis -3.707158 -4.79 -5.872842 46 -1 -1.741565 -2.301482 4.00 5.31 -1.5 0.6 5 -1.65 0.4 0.001 0.2175 -1.871216 97.43590 631.1784
Quercus pubescens NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1487.5004
Quercus ilex -4.739642 -6.40 -8.060358 30 NA NA NA 2.63 15.00 -2.5 0.4 15 -2.50 0.4 0.002 0.2200 -2.114188 44.70588 1009.0124
Phillyrea angustifolia NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Soil description from local samples
Vegetation Understory composed of multiple species
Sapflow No scaling required (already per leaf area) but tree selection may be required



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
CANBALASC granier 676 0.0591243 37.62794 0.0600778 38.23474 0.7519618 -1.215586 -0.7356720
CANBALASC sperry 676 -0.1413044 -89.92900 0.1537781 97.86753 -0.0555367 -12.142756 -3.4427122
CANBALASC sureau 676 0.0371643 23.65214 0.0454130 28.90174 0.7394136 -0.497522 -0.3119991

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
CANBALASC T1_35 granier 644 0.0656382 22.09316 0.1445983 48.67038 0.6044366 -0.2513617 -0.0230904
CANBALASC T1_35 sperry 644 -0.2905498 -97.79623 0.2913483 98.06499 0.0105104 -2.9799886 -1.0614046
CANBALASC T1_35 sureau 644 -0.0857350 -28.85754 0.1651637 55.59248 0.5315660 -0.3483072 -0.1685983
CANBALASC T2_342 granier 611 0.2964034 114.29364 0.3473630 133.94372 0.1280399 -6.8888842 -1.6040816
CANBALASC T2_342 sperry 611 -0.2531343 -97.60898 0.2531560 97.61734 0.0680224 -2.3447965 -0.8978383
CANBALASC T2_342 sureau 611 0.1263418 48.71761 0.2995053 115.48973 0.1967371 -5.6584198 -1.2453062
CANBALASC T3_387 granier 679 -0.1241143 -31.30024 0.2526613 63.71837 0.2248716 -0.9947900 -0.4648936
CANBALASC T3_387 sperry 679 -0.3965282 -100.00000 0.3965282 100.00000 NA -3.3704174 -1.2990128
CANBALASC T3_387 sureau 679 -0.0456465 -11.51153 0.3513418 88.60451 0.1906054 -2.6049327 -1.0370290
CANBALASC T4_381 granier 644 -0.1181212 -40.20234 0.1399341 47.62631 0.7137294 0.1729912 0.2365592
CANBALASC T4_381 sperry 644 -0.2876901 -97.91479 0.2958386 100.68811 -0.1554233 -1.6819698 -0.6140114
CANBALASC T4_381 sureau 644 0.0299168 10.18212 0.1592404 54.19716 0.6855605 0.0476210 0.1312296

Alto-Tajo Armallones

General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Alto Tajo (Armallones)
Country Spain
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Alicia Forner (MNCN-CSIC)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 40.7769
Longitude (º) -2.3283
Elevation (m) 1079
Slope (º) 25.64
Aspect (º) 270
Parent material Cretaceous and Jurassic limestone
Soil texture Clay
MAT (ºC) 10.1
MAP (mm) 495
Forest stand Sparse mixed forest dominated by three species
Stand LAI 10.1007/S11258-014-0351-x
Stand description DOI 1.09
Species simulated Pinus nigra, Quercus faginea, Quercus ilex
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2012-2013
Evaluation period 2012-2013

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Pinus nigra 25.4720 1208.1085 94.36517 300 1200 0.2318096 NA
Quercus faginea 16.7450 752.6195 240.75280 529 2287 0.5673799 NA
Quercus ilex 22.3075 902.0182 90.43751 529 2287 0.2908105 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 20.0000 NA NA NA NA 10


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 21.8667 41.4 4.26 1.243333 45
700 23.8000 42.2 0.87 1.510000 65
1000 24.1000 41.7 0.55 1.560000 90
2500 24.1000 41.7 0.55 1.560000 95

Custom traits

Species VCleaf_P12 VCleaf_P50 VCleaf_P88 VCleaf_slope VCstem_P12 VCstem_P50 VCstem_P88 VCstem_slope VCroot_P12 VCroot_P50 VCroot_P88 VCroot_slope VCleaf_kmax LeafEPS LeafPI0 LeafAF StemEPS StemPI0 StemAF Gswmin Gswmax Gs_P50 Gs_slope Al2As
Pinus nigra NA NA NA NA -0.9930548 -3.2 -5.406945 22.57 -0.2474341 -1.65 -3.052566 35.51402 NA 5.31 -1.5 0.6 5 -1.65 0.4 0.001 0.18 -1.871216 97.43590 1272
Quercus faginea -4.004731 -5.25 -6.495269 40 -4.7396415 -6.4 -8.060358 30.00 -2.0047311 -3.25 -4.495269 40.00000 NA 15.00 -2.5 0.4 15 -2.50 0.4 0.002 0.22 -2.114188 44.70588 1488
Quercus ilex -4.004731 -5.25 -6.495269 40 -4.7396415 -6.4 -8.060358 30.00 -2.0047311 -3.25 -4.495269 40.00000 2.63 15.00 -2.5 0.4 15 -2.50 0.4 0.002 0.22 -2.114188 44.70588 1541

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from Soilgrids
Vegetation Understory not considered
Sapflow Scaling done using tree density and LAI



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ESPALTARM granier 715 0.1461475 264.1065 0.1461475 264.1065 0.7574453 -15.27677 -3.712101
ESPALTARM sperry 715 0.1251887 226.2314 0.1251887 226.2314 0.8694684 -11.26960 -3.036345
ESPALTARM sureau 715 0.1385947 250.4577 0.1385947 250.4577 0.7968701 -13.74539 -3.468584

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ESPALTARM T1_343 granier 627 -1.1431221 -76.27395 1.1849231 79.06309 0.5000015 -0.5176124 -0.0000856
ESPALTARM T1_343 sperry 627 -1.3003641 -86.76580 1.3004697 86.77285 0.8106096 -0.6171770 -0.0976080
ESPALTARM T1_343 sureau 627 -1.3110750 -87.48048 1.4166118 94.52234 0.0671387 -0.9279649 -0.1956329
ESPALTARM T2_379 granier 537 -1.4876898 -86.52886 1.4876958 86.52921 0.8942746 -1.1751959 -0.3334041
ESPALTARM T2_379 sperry 537 -0.9142267 -53.17439 0.9596563 55.81672 0.7567264 0.0406815 0.1398715
ESPALTARM T2_379 sureau 537 -1.1296986 -65.70693 1.1315160 65.81264 0.8482699 -0.2363251 -0.0141643
ESPALTARM T3_381 granier 628 -1.4100481 -86.23097 1.4104602 86.25618 0.7985665 -1.3682956 -0.4604571
ESPALTARM T3_381 sperry 628 -0.7997254 -48.90692 0.8098678 49.52717 0.8765362 0.2641189 0.1614246
ESPALTARM T3_381 sureau 628 -1.1101213 -67.88906 1.1253820 68.82232 0.7720525 -0.4577919 -0.1652737

Leaf water potential

Site Cohort WP Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
ESPALTARM T1_343 Midday sperry 4 -2.1718378 -122.96322 2.1718378 122.96322 0.9852866 -76.0392996 -5.9498809
ESPALTARM T1_343 Midday sureau 4 -14.1778528 -802.70929 14.1778528 802.70929 -0.1644493 -3010.9933806 -44.3691290
ESPALTARM T1_343 Predawn sperry 4 -2.0042277 -178.94890 2.1517116 192.11711 0.9928595 -37.8568648 -3.9750558
ESPALTARM T1_343 Predawn sureau 4 -14.0966472 -1258.62922 14.1669390 1264.90527 -0.4469733 -1464.2091130 -31.7559283
ESPALTARM T2_379 Midday sperry 4 -1.3376285 -52.46888 1.3376285 52.46888 0.8391571 -26.2561198 -4.7072150
ESPALTARM T2_379 Midday sureau 4 1.1537577 45.25649 1.2652455 49.62963 0.6101060 -24.2983694 -4.3983808
ESPALTARM T2_379 Predawn sperry 4 -1.4403574 -194.80743 1.4592471 197.36225 0.8488574 -12.9734555 -2.4309998
ESPALTARM T2_379 Predawn sureau 4 -0.1754962 -23.73576 0.3807926 51.50196 0.9681952 -0.2490444 0.1046757
ESPALTARM T3_381 Midday sperry 4 -1.5085497 -64.00635 1.5085497 64.00635 0.9830002 -4.5056982 -1.9780129
ESPALTARM T3_381 Midday sureau 4 0.8813878 37.39646 0.8813878 37.39646 0.9260187 -1.2328087 -0.7399388
ESPALTARM T3_381 Predawn sperry 4 -1.0369519 -90.91086 1.1568233 101.42012 0.8227084 -1.3735319 -0.4134534
ESPALTARM T3_381 Predawn sureau 4 0.2791977 24.47761 0.2791977 24.47761 0.9967565 0.8956099 0.6588650


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Ronda (Pilones)
Country Spain
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Víctor Lechuga (UJaén)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 36.692881
Longitude (º) -5.019568
Elevation (m) 1734
Slope (º) 15
Aspect (º) 315
Parent material
Soil texture Silty loam
MAT (ºC) 8.1
MAP (mm) 925
Forest stand Mixed gimnosperm forest dominated by Abies pinsapo
Stand LAI 10.3390/f10121132
Stand description DOI NA
Species simulated Abies pinsapo, Taxus baccata
Species parameter table SpParamsES
Simulation period 2011-2013
Evaluation period 2011-2013

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 Cover
Abies pinsapo 15.3 1256 486 NA NA NA
Taxus baccata 15.0 630 15 NA NA NA
Herbaceous layer NA 10 NA NA NA 10


widths clay sand om bd rfc VG_theta_sat VG_theta_res
300 18.96667 44.46667 3.97 1.276667 19.46667 0.55 0.1
700 19.65000 45.20000 1.18 1.420000 40.00000 0.55 0.1
1000 20.10000 45.70000 0.65 1.480000 80.00000 0.55 0.1
2500 20.10000 45.70000 0.00 1.480000 90.00000 0.55 0.1

Custom traits

Species Al2As LeafAngle
Abies pinsapo 2587.510 NA
Taxus baccata 6790.546 30

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids with theta_sat and theta_res modified
Vegetation LAI not available. Understory not considered except herbaceous layer
Weather Complemented with interpolated weather
Sapflow Species-level Huber value used for scaling. Revise scaling.



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
RONDA granier 731 -0.0234414 -8.845078 0.0487202 18.38348 0.7585372 0.3955335 0.3187310
RONDA sperry 731 -0.0306850 -11.578299 0.0451910 17.05180 0.8133819 0.4210310 0.3680813
RONDA sureau 731 -0.0378382 -14.277404 0.0451541 17.03789 0.8507186 0.4265528 0.3685969

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
RONDA T1_2 granier 730 -0.2039678 -35.10567 0.2451778 42.19848 0.7516067 0.1546701 0.1045318
RONDA T1_2 sperry 730 -0.0600392 -10.33358 0.1705961 29.36194 0.7792035 0.5167524 0.3769283
RONDA T1_2 sureau 730 0.0645928 11.11731 0.2656067 45.71457 0.7592580 -0.1229878 0.0299190
RONDA T2_475 granier 712 0.3966817 132.63941 0.4086416 136.63847 0.7603846 -3.3049444 -1.1773425
RONDA T2_475 sperry 712 0.1451338 48.52874 0.1950876 65.23190 0.6792130 -0.0581989 -0.0394743
RONDA T2_475 sureau 712 0.3746126 125.26011 0.4107230 137.33443 0.6707372 -4.5226428 -1.1884327

Davos Seehornwald

General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Davos Seehornwald
Country Switzerland
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Roman Zweifel (WSL)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Nina Buchmann (ETH)
Latitude (º) 46.81668
Longitude (º) 9.856198
Elevation (m) 1650
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material
Soil texture Loamy sand
MAT (ºC) 3.8
MAP (mm) 840
Forest stand Subalpine coniferous (spruce) forest
Stand LAI 3.9
Stand description DOI 10.1007/s10021-011-9481-3
Species simulated Picea abies
Species parameter table SpParamsFR
Simulation period 2009-2011
Evaluation period 2009-2011

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI
Picea abies 20 2800 830 NA NA 3.9


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 13.53333 50.96667 9.176667 1.016667 12.73333
300 14.20000 51.80000 3.140000 1.300000 22.30000
400 15.30000 50.00000 3.530000 1.390000 23.90000
1000 15.20000 52.10000 3.550000 1.410000 80.00000
2500 15.20000 52.10000 3.550000 1.410000 90.00000

Custom traits

Species Al2As
Picea abies 1975

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids
Vegetation No understory or secondary species considered
Weather From fluxnet data
Sapflow Species-level Huber value used for scaling



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
DAVOS sperry 1065 -0.3684376 -18.96140 5.465471 281.2769 0.0276242 -3.188051 -1.0172231
DAVOS sureau 1065 0.8382247 43.13869 5.283225 271.8977 0.0873381 -3.166787 -0.9499586

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
DAVOS sperry 1065 -1.424494 -25.65607 2.622911 47.24034 0.6035048 0.2236123 0.2465377
DAVOS sureau 1065 -2.953010 -53.18565 3.696020 66.56776 0.4720877 -0.3858131 -0.0617259

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
DAVOS granier 1065 -0.3780281 -10.673259 1.486606 41.97289 0.7570516 0.5397299 0.3804543
DAVOS sperry 1065 0.4759777 13.438773 1.399113 39.50262 0.8051601 0.6189630 0.4169171
DAVOS sureau 1065 0.0354857 1.001905 1.291120 36.45353 0.8210059 0.6527813 0.4619234

Soil water content (SWC.1)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
DAVOS granier 365 -0.0984003 -41.84121 0.0986415 41.94377 -0.1637449 -7.247212 -2.332343
DAVOS sperry 365 -0.0798331 -33.94618 0.0886928 37.71345 -0.3639880 -5.846606 -1.996253
DAVOS sureau 365 -0.0712270 -30.28672 0.0906901 38.56273 -0.5665573 -5.773482 -2.063727

Soil water content (SWC.3)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
DAVOS granier 335 -0.0712765 -24.88509 0.0712765 24.88509 -0.2536163 -23.58488 -4.645799
DAVOS sperry 335 -0.1013265 -35.37658 0.1013265 35.37658 0.8045486 -44.86278 -7.026053
DAVOS sureau 335 -0.0685342 -23.92765 0.0686393 23.96434 0.5336590 -20.67348 -4.436904

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
DAVOS T1_2601 granier 364 0.0433762 34.11646 0.0651225 51.22050 0.8657599 0.6549379 0.4705638
DAVOS T1_2601 sperry 364 0.1040046 81.80221 0.1422374 111.87333 0.7356526 -0.7968339 -0.1563689
DAVOS T1_2601 sureau 364 -0.0394600 -31.03626 0.0687639 54.08454 0.7587719 0.4967208 0.4409599


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Lötschental
Country Switzerland
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Patrick Fonti (WSL)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 46.3918
Longitude (º) 7.7613
Elevation (m) 1300
Slope (º) 36.87
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material Calcareous
Soil texture Loam
MAT (ºC) 5
MAP (mm) 716
Forest stand Mixed evergreen Norway spruce and deciduous European larch forest
Stand LAI 3
Stand description DOI 10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.08.002
Species simulated Picea abies, Larix decidua subsp. decidua
Species parameter table SpParamsFR
Simulation period 2013-2016
Evaluation period 2013-2016

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI
Larix decidua subsp. decidua 30.76667 1910.000 345.8887 NA NA 1.417577
Picea abies 38.60000 1783.333 385.5873 NA NA 1.580276


widths clay sand om bd rfc VG_theta_sat VG_theta_res
100 23.2 42.13333 9.266667 1.083333 40 0.35 0.07
100 24.0 42.52000 5.220000 1.178000 40 0.40 0.07
200 23.3 43.70000 3.290000 1.273333 40 0.50 0.07
200 21.9 45.10000 2.550000 1.380000 45 0.32 0.07
400 22.2 47.40000 2.570000 1.450000 80 0.32 0.07
1000 22.8 46.10000 2.350000 1.490000 90 0.32 0.07
2000 22.8 46.10000 0.000000 1.490000 97 0.32 0.07

Custom traits

Species Kmax_stemxylem Al2As LeafAngle LeafAngleSD
Larix decidua subsp. decidua 20 3823.303 30 21
Picea abies NA 1975.000 42 2

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids with theta_sat and theta_res modified
Vegetation Understory not considered. LAI not available
Weather Complemented with weather station in the same valley for Radiation, Precipitation and WindSpeed (2013-2016); and all variables for 2016
Soil moisture Provided by A. Cabon



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC.1)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
LOTSCHENTAL granier 1262 -0.0947380 -57.24167 0.0947772 57.26535 0.3944324 -2.522735 -0.8179335
LOTSCHENTAL sperry 1262 -0.0942728 -56.96060 0.0943193 56.98870 0.2121410 -2.500353 -0.8091510
LOTSCHENTAL sureau 1262 -0.0947278 -57.23555 0.0947675 57.25954 0.2825505 -2.523229 -0.8177490

Soil water content (SWC.3)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
LOTSCHENTAL granier 1253 -0.1824529 -42.65520 0.1833431 42.86331 0.5198865 -2.232140 -0.7519309
LOTSCHENTAL sperry 1253 -0.2911997 -68.07883 0.2932825 68.56577 -0.1217902 -6.600103 -1.8024553
LOTSCHENTAL sureau 1253 -0.1893202 -44.26068 0.1903390 44.49888 0.3621283 -2.492099 -0.8187808

Soil water content (SWC.4)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
LOTSCHENTAL granier 1262 -0.0362177 -19.42895 0.0573213 30.74998 0.4477659 -0.2201540 -0.0685234
LOTSCHENTAL sperry 1262 -0.0823848 -44.19527 0.0873522 46.86003 0.0503432 -1.9387627 -0.6283276
LOTSCHENTAL sureau 1262 -0.0395915 -21.23880 0.0594224 31.87707 0.3318942 -0.3273322 -0.1076885

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
LOTSCHENTAL T1_1955 granier 572 -0.4302499 -71.503802 0.4595100 76.36657 0.4228649 -0.9665644 -0.3214004
LOTSCHENTAL T1_1955 sperry 572 -0.5726653 -95.171994 0.5739791 95.39034 0.2684221 -1.9417524 -0.6505762
LOTSCHENTAL T1_1955 sureau 572 -0.3002510 -49.899111 0.4016314 66.74765 0.3783732 -0.5389423 -0.1549606
LOTSCHENTAL T2_2601 granier 695 -0.0778004 -28.643434 0.1598091 58.83618 0.4982136 0.1157864 0.1348778
LOTSCHENTAL T2_2601 sperry 695 -0.1889541 -69.566398 0.2764026 101.76191 0.3063918 -1.8036090 -0.4962985
LOTSCHENTAL T2_2601 sureau 695 -0.0152257 -5.605589 0.1633136 60.12644 0.4586211 -0.0177160 0.1159059


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Morgan-Mornoe
Country USA
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) Koong Yi (Indiana University Bloomington)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation) Kim Novick (Indiana University)
Latitude (º) 39.323011
Longitude (º) -86.413321
Elevation (m) 275
Slope (º) 0
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material
Soil texture Silty clay loam
MAT (ºC) 12
MAP (mm) 1159
Forest stand Mixed temperate forest
Stand LAI 5
Stand description DOI
Species simulated Acer saccharum, Liriodendron tulipifera, Quercus rubra, Quercus alba
Species parameter table SpParamsUS
Simulation period 2011-2013
Evaluation period 2011-2013

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Acer saccharum 42.50 2700 NA NA NA 1.25 NA
Liriodendron tulipifera 62.75 2700 NA NA NA 1.25 NA
Quercus rubra 44.60 2700 NA NA NA 1.25 NA
Quercus alba 37.50 2700 NA NA NA 1.25 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 20 NA NA NA NA 10


widths clay sand om bd rfc
300 24.70 8.166667 1.940 1.430 3.0
700 27.95 11.000000 0.265 1.645 4.3
1000 35.30 20.100000 0.180 1.740 75.0
2500 35.30 20.100000 0.000 1.740 95.0

Custom traits

Species Al2As
Acer saccharum 7365.000
Liriodendron tulipifera 6658.333
Quercus rubra 5730.000
Quercus alba 6880.000

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids
Vegetation Understory not considered
Weather Using FLUXNET weather
Soil moisture Taken from FLUXNET data
Sapflow Scaling and tree selection to be revised



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Sensible heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
USAMORSF sperry 1096 -7.769526 -236.2386 10.69386 325.1552 0.0611279 -14.73423 -3.208367
USAMORSF sureau 1096 -7.457502 -226.7512 10.41988 316.8247 0.0623715 -14.07338 -3.100548

Latent heat turbulent flux

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
USAMORSF sperry 1096 -0.6970339 -17.30495 2.202156 54.67196 0.7052313 0.4715460 0.4091769
USAMORSF sureau 1096 -1.0466016 -25.98351 2.579985 64.05214 0.5829558 0.2716241 0.3078081

Gross primary productivity

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
USAMORSF granier 1096 -1.0694604 -24.7487507 2.281074 52.78712 0.8111542 0.5513986 0.4753130
USAMORSF sperry 1096 -0.0327765 -0.7584934 1.406604 32.55072 0.8998588 0.8074480 0.6764564
USAMORSF sureau 1096 -0.0665783 -1.5407124 1.441803 33.36525 0.9089375 0.8160400 0.6683601

Soil water content (SWC)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
USAMORSF granier 1096 0.0145214 4.441822 0.0550336 16.83377 0.7232753 0.3965909 0.2015123
USAMORSF sperry 1096 0.0153317 4.689696 0.0529188 16.18688 0.7464468 0.4472382 0.2321965
USAMORSF sureau 1096 0.0194986 5.964255 0.0552616 16.90350 0.7066691 0.3791398 0.1982046

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
USAMORSF T1_56 granier 159 0.1775943 100.89599 0.1775943 100.89599 0.4722890 -9.715970 -3.2216655
USAMORSF T1_56 sperry 159 0.3427286 194.71311 0.3621879 205.76841 0.4626998 -48.863239 -7.6097122
USAMORSF T1_56 sureau 159 0.1456467 82.74571 0.1777955 101.01029 0.3875826 -13.647031 -3.2264483
USAMORSF T2_1639 granier 154 0.1156377 51.37762 0.1421909 63.17516 0.1716428 -1.340354 -0.7195598
USAMORSF T2_1639 sperry 154 0.1466832 65.17108 0.1953076 86.77480 0.2282235 -3.322529 -1.3619168
USAMORSF T2_1639 sureau 154 0.1039533 46.18628 0.1893920 84.14652 0.0109919 -3.826631 -1.2903777
USAMORSF T3_2583 granier 119 0.2300019 174.98392 0.2300019 174.98392 0.2502127 -47.484305 -9.5471598
USAMORSF T3_2583 sperry 119 0.3859167 293.60281 0.3962419 301.45819 0.2444400 -151.894978 -17.1703999
USAMORSF T3_2583 sureau 119 0.2443159 185.87387 0.2544786 193.60563 0.2246397 -76.048892 -10.6695841
USAMORSF T4_2528 granier 119 0.2673346 269.78162 0.2673346 269.78162 0.1767184 -115.367932 -15.8162000
USAMORSF T4_2528 sperry 119 0.2348524 237.00210 0.2421138 244.32998 0.1520620 -99.511197 -14.2297320
USAMORSF T4_2528 sureau 119 0.3286315 331.63955 0.3331698 336.21936 0.1472619 -228.546055 -19.9574392


General information

Attribute Value
Plot name Sevilleta
Country USA
SAPFLUXNET contributor (affiliation) William Pockman (University of New Mexico, USA)
FLUXNET/ICOS contributor (affiliation)
Latitude (º) 34.386389
Longitude (º) -106.529444
Elevation (m) 1911
Slope (º) 1
Aspect (º) 0
Parent material
Soil texture Sandy loam
MAT (ºC) 12.7
MAP (mm) 311
Forest stand Mixed pine-juniper forest
Stand LAI 0.71
Stand description DOI 10.1890/ES11-00369.1
Species simulated Pinus edulis, Juniperus monosperma
Species parameter table SpParamsUS
Simulation period 2010-2016
Evaluation period 2010-2016

Model inputs


Species DBH Height N Z50 Z95 LAI Cover
Pinus edulis 19.18 484.2 77 150 2500 0.0844801 NA
Juniperus monosperma 32.66 379.2 273 150 2500 0.6244180 NA
Herbaceous layer NA 20.0 NA NA NA NA 5


widths clay sand om bd rfc VG_theta_sat VG_theta_res
100 18.66667 51.96667 1.3033333 1.450 18.6 0.2 0.001
100 22.68000 48.82000 1.1380000 1.502 40.0 0.2 0.001
200 24.50000 47.43333 0.8200000 1.530 50.0 0.2 0.001
300 23.18182 48.30909 0.4518182 1.550 55.0 0.2 0.001
300 21.80000 49.40000 0.2700000 1.550 65.0 0.2 0.001
1000 21.00000 51.90000 0.1600000 1.540 90.0 0.2 0.001
2500 21.00000 51.90000 0.0000000 1.540 95.0 0.2 0.001

Custom traits

Species Kmax_stemxylem Al2As
Pinus edulis 0.25 1872.270
Juniperus monosperma 0.25 2577.026

Custom control


Title Remark
Soil Taken from SoilGrids with theta_sat and theta_res modified
Vegetation Understory not considered



Runoff & deep drainage

Evaluation results

Soil water content (SWC.2)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
SEVILLETA granier 2178 0.0020780 3.3317101 0.0212112 34.00820 0.5898673 0.3287251 0.1994663
SEVILLETA sperry 2178 -0.0081458 -13.0603090 0.0185350 29.71736 0.6566191 0.3700401 0.3004702
SEVILLETA sureau 2178 -0.0003018 -0.4838896 0.0221940 35.58393 0.5379874 0.2891923 0.1623747

Soil water content (SWC.4)

Site Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
SEVILLETA granier 2178 0.0243602 39.94145 0.0305840 50.14622 0.0750284 -2.749334 -1.249642
SEVILLETA sperry 2178 0.0064297 10.54234 0.0280438 45.98129 0.1053768 -2.223106 -1.062796
SEVILLETA sureau 2178 0.0244442 40.07920 0.0349944 57.37765 0.0206844 -3.424606 -1.574056

Transpiration per leaf area

Site Cohort Mode n Bias Bias.rel MAE MAE.rel r NSE NSE.abs
SEVILLETA T1_2214 granier 1787 0.4943360 313.976956 0.4946028 314.1464 0.2514512 -21.435606 -4.716610
SEVILLETA T1_2214 sperry 1787 -0.0410936 -26.100542 0.1920420 121.9752 -0.0048419 -3.641193 -1.219618
SEVILLETA T1_2214 sureau 1787 0.0129290 8.211828 0.2671910 169.7061 -0.0122898 -10.707660 -2.088189
SEVILLETA T2_1542 granier 1776 0.2305315 175.381955 0.2313366 175.9944 0.4977085 -7.728736 -2.179814
SEVILLETA T2_1542 sperry 1776 0.6013695 457.505083 0.6016154 457.6922 0.6226567 -58.645739 -7.269444
SEVILLETA T2_1542 sureau 1776 0.0407160 30.975625 0.2434248 185.1908 0.1506084 -16.202858 -2.345972