Package overview and model inputs
- Package overview
An introduction to the package and its main functions
- Understanding model inputs
Describes the information and data format required for model simulation
- Preparing model inputs
Learn how to prepare vegetation, soil and weather inputs for simulations
Running simulation models
Articles to learn how to conduct simulations
- Basic water balance
Learn how to conduct soil plant water balance model simulations
- Advanced water and energy balance
Learn how to conduct soil plant water balance model simulations using a more detailed approach for energy balance, plant hydraulics, stomatal regulation and photosynthesis
- Forest growth
Learn how to conduct simulations including carbon balance, plant growth and mortality
- Forest dynamics
Learn how to conduct simulations of forest function and dynamics, possibly including forest management actions
Model analysis and parametrization
Articles explaining advanced modelling tasks
- Computing time estimates
Estimates of approximate computing time
- Sensitivity analysis and calibration
Learn how to conduct a global sensitivity analysis or a parameter calibration exercise
- Meta-modelling exercise
Description of a meta-modelling exercise used to estimate non-mensurable parameters
- Calibration of growth and senescence parameters
Description of a calibration procedure used for growth and senescence parameters
Model performance evaluation
Model benchmark evaluation at stand level
- Model evaluation in experimental plots
Benchmark evaluation at stand-level, using soil moisture, sapflow, leaf water potential and eddy covariance data from instrumentalized forest plots
Application examples
Examples of model application
- Soil and plant water balances at Font-Blanche
Soil and plant water balance at the forest plot of Font-Blanche (France)
- Water pools and species interactions
Preliminary results comparing simulations with different assumptions of root overlap between species