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Function fuel_stratification provides a stratification of the stand into understory and canopy strata. Function fuel_FCCS calculates fuel characteristics from a forest object following an adaptation of the protocols described for the Fuel Characteristics Classification System (Prichard et al. 2013).


  gdd = NA_real_,
  heightProfileStep = 10,
  maxHeightProfile = 5000,
  bulkDensityThreshold = 0.05

  cohortFMC = as.numeric(c()),
  loadingOffset = as.numeric(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
  gdd = NA_real_,
  heightProfileStep = 10,
  maxHeightProfile = 5000,
  bulkDensityThreshold = 0.05,
  depthMode = "crownaverage"



An object of class forest


A data frame with species parameters (see SpParamsMED).


Growth degree-days.


Precision for the fuel bulk density profile.


Maximum height for the fuel bulk density profile.


Minimum fuel bulk density to delimit fuel strata.


A numeric vector of (actual) fuel moisture content by cohort.


A vector of length five with fine fuel loading values (canopy, shrub, herb, woody and litter) to be added to loading estimations from forest.


Specifies how fuel depth (and therefore canopy and understory bulk density) should be estimated:

  • "crownaverage": As weighed average of crown lengths using loadings as weights.

  • "profile": As the difference of base and top heights in bulk density profiles.

  • "absoluteprofile": As the difference of absolute base and absolute top heights in bulk density profiles.


Function fuel_FCCS returns a data frame with five rows corresponding to fuel layers: canopy, shrub, herb, woody and litter. Columns correspond fuel properties:

  • w: Fine fuel loading (in kg/m2).

  • cover: Percent cover.

  • hbc: Height to base of crowns (in m).

  • htc: Height to top of crowns (in m).

  • delta: Fuel depth (in m).

  • rhob: Fuel bulk density (in kg/m3).

  • rhop: Fuel particle density (in kg/m3).

  • PV: Particle volume (in m3/m2).

  • beta: Packing ratio (unitless).

  • betarel: Relative packing ratio (unitless).

  • etabetarel: Reaction efficiency (unitless).

  • sigma: Surface area-to-volume ratio (m2/m3).

  • pDead: Proportion of dead fuels.

  • FAI: Fuel area index (unitless).

  • h: High heat content (in kJ/kg).

  • RV: Reactive volume (in m3/m2).

  • MinFMC: Minimum fuel moisture content (as percent over dry weight).

  • MaxFMC: Maximum fuel moisture content (as percent over dry weight).

  • ActFMC: Actual fuel moisture content (as percent over dry weight). These are set to NA if parameter cohortFMC is empty.

Function fuel_stratification returns a list with the following items:

  • surfaceLayerBaseHeight: Base height of crowns of shrubs in the surface layer (in cm).

  • surfaceLayerTopHeight: Top height of crowns of shrubs in the surface layer (in cm).

  • understoryLAI: Cumulated LAI of the understory layer (i.e. leaf area comprised between surface layer base and top heights).

  • canopyBaseHeight: Base height of tree crowns in the canopy (in cm).

  • canopyTopHeight: Top height of tree crowns in the canopy (in cm).

  • canopyLAI: Cumulated LAI of the canopy (i.e. leaf area comprised between canopy base and top heights).


Prichard, S. J., D. V Sandberg, R. D. Ottmar, E. Eberhardt, A. Andreu, P. Eagle, and K. Swedin. 2013. Classification System Version 3.0: Technical Documentation.

Reinhardt, E., D. Lutes, and J. Scott. 2006. FuelCalc: A method for estimating fuel characteristics. Pages 273–282.

See also


Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa, CREAF


#Load example plot plant data

#Default species parameterization

#Show stratification of fuels
fuel_stratification(exampleforest, SpParamsMED)
#> $surfaceLayerBaseHeight
#> [1] 0
#> $surfaceLayerTopHeight
#> [1] 10
#> $surfaceLayerAbsoluteBaseHeight
#> [1] 10
#> $surfaceLayerAbsoluteTopHeight
#> [1] 80
#> $understoryLAI
#> [1] 0
#> $canopyBaseHeight
#> [1] 270
#> $canopyTopHeight
#> [1] 710
#> $canopyAbsoluteBaseHeight
#> [1] 260
#> $canopyAbsoluteTopHeight
#> [1] 790
#> $canopyLAI
#> [1] 1.453648
#Calculate fuel properties according to FCCS
fccs <- fuel_FCCS(exampleforest, SpParamsMED)
#>                 w  cover hbc htc habc hatc       delta        rhob     rhop
#> canopy 0.52550038 100.00 2.7 7.1  2.6  7.9 4.791658510  0.10966983 592.0044
#> shrub  0.01407945   3.75 0.0 0.1  0.1  0.8 0.642625347  0.02190927 412.0091
#> herb   0.01929299  10.00 0.0  NA  0.0   NA 0.200000000  0.09646495 400.0000
#> woody  0.16542073     NA 0.0  NA  0.0   NA 0.006258824 26.43000000 438.9106
#> litter 0.23060466     NA 0.0  NA  0.0   NA 0.011699765 19.71019565 370.9679
#>                  PV         beta   betarel etabetarel     sigma        pDead
#> canopy 9.181138e-04 1.916067e-04 0.1276082  0.3053187  5284.915 0.0004081897
#> shrub  3.417267e-05 5.317666e-05 0.2856939  0.5836066  4141.000 0.1448400000
#> herb   4.823248e-05 2.411624e-04 0.6924824  0.9418071 11483.000 0.0000000000
#> woody  3.768894e-04 6.021728e-02 0.6924824  0.9418071  1601.050 1.0000000000
#> litter 6.216297e-04 5.313181e-02 9.1968815  0.1441747  7401.336 1.0000000000
#>              FAI        h           RV   MinFMC    MaxFMC ActFMC
#> canopy 5.0076821 21059.75 8.876630e-04 75.21455 113.45355     NA
#> shrub  0.1415090 20117.67 3.417267e-05 63.64891  96.53441     NA
#> herb   0.5538535 18608.00 4.823248e-05       NA        NA     NA
#> woody  0.6034187 18608.00 3.768894e-04       NA        NA     NA
#> litter 4.6008905 18608.00 6.216297e-04       NA        NA     NA