Functions to calculate stand attributes of a forest
stand_basalArea(x, minDBH = 7.5)
stand_foliarBiomass(x, SpParams, gdd = NA_real_)
stand_fuelLoading(x, SpParams, gdd = NA_real_, includeDead = TRUE)
stand_shrubVolume(x, SpParams)
stand_LAI(x, SpParams, gdd = NA_real_, bounded = TRUE)
stand_dominantTreeDiameter(x, minDBH = 7.5)
stand_treeDensity(x, minDBH = 7.5)
stand_meanTreeHeight(x, minDBH = 7.5)
stand_dominantTreeHeight(x, minDBH = 7.5)
stand_hartBeckingIndex(x, minDBH = 7.5)
stand_quadraticMeanTreeDiameter(x, minDBH = 7.5)
stand_dominantTreeSpecies(x, SpParams)
- x
An object of class
.- minDBH
Minimum diameter at breast height (in cm) to include in estimation.
- SpParams
A data frame with species parameters (see
).- gdd
Growth degree days (to account for leaf phenology effects).
- includeDead
A flag to indicate that standing dead fuels (dead branches) are included.
- bounded
A boolean flag to indicate that extreme values should be prevented (maximum tree LAI = 7 and maximum shrub LAI = 3)
: Stand basal area (m2/ha).stand_treeDensity
: Stand tree density (in ind/ha).stand_dominantTreeDiameter
: Dominant tree diameter, i.e the average diameter of the 100 widest trees (in cm).stand_quadraticMeanTreeDiameter
: Quadratic mean tree diameter, i.e. the diameter value corresponding to the current basal area and density.stand_meanTreeHeight
: Mean tree height (in cm).stand_dominantTreeHeight
: Dominant tree height, i.e the average height of the 100 tallest trees (in cm).stand_dominantTreeSpecies
: Dominant tree species name, determined in terms of basal area (and considering all tree sizes).stand_hartBeckingIndex
: Hart-Becking index.stand_foliarBiomass
: Standing biomass of leaves (in kg/m2).stand_fuel
: Stand fine fuel load (in kg/m2).stand_LAI
: Stand leaf area index (m2/m2).stand_shrubVolume
: Stand shrub phytovolume (m3/m2).