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Functions forest2spwbInput() and forest2growthInput() take an object of class forest and a soil data input to create input objects for simulation functions spwb (or pwb) and growth, respectively. Function forest2aboveground() calculates aboveground variables such as leaf area index. Function forest2belowground() calculates belowground variables such as fine root distribution.


forest2aboveground(x, SpParams, gdd = NA_real_, loading = FALSE)

forest2belowground(x, soil, SpParams)

forest2spwbInput(x, soil, SpParams, control)

forest2growthInput(x, soil, SpParams, control)



An object of class forest.


A data frame with species parameters (see SpParamsDefinition and SpParamsMED).


Growth degree days to account for leaf phenology effects (in Celsius). This should be left NA in most applications.


A logical flag to indicate that fuel loading should be included (for fire hazard calculations).


An object of class data.frame or soil, containing soil parameters per soil layer.


A list with default control parameters (see defaultControl).


Function forest2aboveground() returns a data frame with the following columns (rows are identified as specified by function plant_ID):

  • SP: Species identity (an integer) (first species is 0).

  • N: Cohort density (ind/ha) (see function plant_density).

  • DBH: Tree diameter at breast height (cm).

  • H: Plant total height (cm).

  • CR: Crown ratio (crown length to total height) (between 0 and 1).

  • LAI_live: Live leaf area index (m2/m2) (one-side leaf area relative to plot area), includes leaves in winter dormant buds.

  • LAI_expanded: Leaf area index of expanded leaves (m2/m2) (one-side leaf area relative to plot area).

  • LAI_dead: Dead leaf area index (m2/m2) (one-side leaf area relative to plot area).

  • Loading: Fine fuel loading (kg/m2), only if loading = TRUE.


Function forest2aboveground() extracts height and species identity from plant cohorts of x, and calculate leaf area index and crown ratio.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Function names forest2spwbInput() and forest2growthInput() are now internal and deprecated, but they can still be used for back-compatibility. They correspond to functions spwbInput and growthInput


Miquel De Cáceres Ainsa, CREAF


#Load example plot plant data

#Default species parameterization

# Aboveground parameters
forest2aboveground(exampleforest, SpParamsMED)
#>         SP        N   DBH Cover   H        CR   LAI_live LAI_expanded LAI_dead
#> T1_148 148 168.0000 37.55    NA 800 0.6605196 0.84874773   0.84874773        0
#> T2_168 168 384.0000 14.60    NA 660 0.6055642 0.70557382   0.70557382        0
#> S1_165 165 749.4923    NA  3.75  80 0.8032817 0.03062604   0.03062604        0
#>        LAI_nocomp ObsID
#> T1_148 1.29720268  <NA>
#> T2_168 1.01943205  <NA>
#> S1_165 0.04412896  <NA>

# Example of aboveground parameters taken from a forest
# described using LAI and crown ratio
forest2aboveground(exampleforest2, SpParamsMED)
#>         SP  N DBH Cover   H   CR LAI_live LAI_expanded LAI_dead LAI_nocomp
#> T1_148 148 NA  NA    NA 800 0.66     0.80         0.80        0       0.80
#> T2_168 168 NA  NA    NA 660 0.60     0.50         0.50        0       0.50
#> S1_165 165 NA  NA    NA  80 0.80     0.03         0.03        0       0.03
#>        ObsID
#> T1_148  <NA>
#> T2_168  <NA>
#> S1_165  <NA>

# Define soil with default soil params (4 layers)
examplesoil <- defaultSoilParams(4)

# Bewowground parameters (distribution of fine roots)
forest2belowground(exampleforest, examplesoil, SpParamsMED)
#>                1         2          3           4
#> T1_148 0.8604899 0.1194556 0.01511005 0.004944476
#> T2_168 0.5008953 0.4505941 0.04064831 0.007862284
#> S1_165 0.6799879 0.2737911 0.03567632 0.010544678