Hydraulic confuctance functions
, R/hydraulics_vulnerabilityCurvePlot.R
Set of functions used in the calculation of soil and plant hydraulic conductance.
hydraulics_psi2K(psi, psi_extract, exp_extract = 3)
hydraulics_K2Psi(K, psi_extract, exp_extract = 3)
hydraulics_averagePsi(psi, v, exp_extract, psi_extract)
hydraulics_xylemConductance(psi, kxylemmax, c, d)
hydraulics_xylemConductanceSigmoid(psi, kxylemmax, P50, slope)
hydraulics_xylemPsi(kxylem, kxylemmax, c, d)
hydraulics_psiCrit(c, d, pCrit = 0.001)
hydraulics_vanGenuchtenConductance(psi, krhizomax, n, alpha)
hydraulics_correctConductanceForViscosity(kxylem, temp)
hydraulics_psi2Weibull(psi50, psi88 = NA_real_, psi12 = NA_real_)
soil = NULL,
type = "leaf",
vulnerabilityFunction = "Weibull",
psiVec = seq(-0.1, -8, by = -0.01),
relative = FALSE,
speciesNames = FALSE,
draw = TRUE,
ylim = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL
- psi
A scalar (or a vector, depending on the function) with water potential (in MPa).
- psi_extract
Soil water potential (in MPa) corresponding to 50% whole-plant relative transpiration.
- exp_extract
Exponent of the whole-plant relative transpiration Weibull function.
- K
Whole-plant relative conductance (0-1).
- v
Proportion of fine roots within each soil layer.
- kxylemmax
Maximum xylem hydraulic conductance (defined as flow per leaf surface unit and per pressure drop).
- c, d
Parameters of the Weibull function (generic xylem vulnerability curve).
- kxylem
Xylem hydraulic conductance (defined as flow per surface unit and per pressure drop).
- pCrit
Proportion of maximum conductance considered critical for hydraulic functioning.
- krhizomax
Maximum rhizosphere hydraulic conductance (defined as flow per leaf surface unit and per pressure drop).
- n, alpha
Parameters of the Van Genuchten function (rhizosphere vulnerability curve).
- temp
Temperature (in degrees Celsius).
- psi50, psi88, psi12
Water potentials (in MPa) corresponding to 50%, 88% and 12% percent conductance loss.
- x
An object of class
.- soil
A list containing the description of the soil (see
).- type
Plot type for
, either"leaf"
).- vulnerabilityFunction
String indicating the function used to represent vulnerability in plant segments, either "Weibull" or "Sigmoid".
- psiVec
Vector of water potential values to evaluate for the vulnerability curve.
- relative
A flag to relativize vulnerability curves to the [0-1] interval.
- speciesNames
A flag to indicate the use of species names instead of cohort names in plots.
- draw
A flag to indicate whether the vulnerability curve should be drawn or just returned.
- ylim, xlab, ylab
Graphical parameters to override function defaults.
Values returned for each function are:
: Whole-plant relative conductance (0-1).hydraulics_K2Psi
: Soil water potential (in MPa) corresponding to the given whole-plant relative conductance value (inverse ofhydraulics_psi2K()
: The average water potential (in MPa) across soil layers.hydraulics_vanGenuchtenConductance
: Rhizosphere conductance corresponding to an input water potential (soil vulnerability curve).hydraulics_xylemConductance
: Xylem conductance (flow rate per pressure drop) corresponding to an input water potential (plant vulnerability curve).hydraulics_xylemPsi
: Xylem water potential (in MPa) corresponding to an input xylem conductance (flow rate per pressure drop).hydraulics_psi2Weibull
: Parameters of the Weibull vulnerability curve that goes through the supplied psi50 and psi88 values.
Details of plant hydraulic models are given the medfate book.
Function hydraulics_vulnerabilityCurvePlot
draws a plot of the vulnerability curves for the given soil
object and network properties of each plant cohort in x
Sperry, J. S., F. R. Adler, G. S. Campbell, and J. P. Comstock. 1998. Limitation of plant water use by rhizosphere and xylem conductance: results from a model. Plant, Cell and Environment 21:347–359.
Sperry, J. S., and D. M. Love. 2015. What plant hydraulics can tell us about responses to climate-change droughts. New Phytologist 207:14–27.
#Manual display of vulnerability curve
kstemmax = 4 # in mmol·m-2·s-1·MPa-1
stemc = 3
stemd = -4 # in MPa
psiVec = seq(-0.1, -7.0, by =-0.01)
kstem = unlist(lapply(psiVec, hydraulics_xylemConductance, kstemmax, stemc, stemd))
plot(-psiVec, kstem, type="l",ylab="Xylem conductance (mmol·m-2·s-1·MPa-1)",
xlab="Canopy pressure (-MPa)", lwd=1.5,ylim=c(0,kstemmax))
#Load example dataset
#Default species parameterization
#Initialize soil with default soil params (4 layers)
examplesoil <- defaultSoilParams(4)
#Initialize control parameters
control <- defaultControl("Granier")
#Switch to 'Sperry' transpiration mode
control <- defaultControl("Sperry")
#Initialize input
x <- spwbInput(exampleforest,examplesoil, SpParamsMED, control)
#Leaf vulnerability curves
hydraulics_vulnerabilityCurvePlot(x, type="leaf")
#Stem vulnerability curves
hydraulics_vulnerabilityCurvePlot(x, type="stem")