A Inbuilt parameter estimation
A.1 Introduction
Package medfate has been designed to allow simulations requiring a minimum set of vegetation functional parameters. This entails that several other parameters have to be estimated automatically (via inbuilt procedures) before starting simulations. Inbuilt parameter estimation is done in functions spwbInput()
and growthInput()
, with the user controlling the process through the species parameter table input (e.g., SpParamsMED
) and the object control
(see default control values in defaultControl()
A.2 Strict, scaled and imputable parameters
Different kinds of vegetation functional parameters can be distinguished according to whether inbuilt parameter estimation is possible and how it is conducted:
- Strictly-required parameters are those for which there are no inbuilt estimation procedures implemented in the initialization functions. Hence, either values in the species parameter table input are non-missing or suitable values need to be specified before running simulation models. Since medfate ver. 2.3, only plant/leaf classification parameters and plant size parameters are strict. The remaining ones can be estimated from other parameters. This facilitates having a functional species parameter table, because only a set of parameters have to be strictly filled, from either soft trait databases or forest inventory data.
- Scaled parameters are functional parameters that cannot be defined at the species level, because they need to be estimated taking into account the size and structure of the plant cohort. These are not normally defined at the level of species parameter table. Specific
parameters are used to determine how scaling is performed. - Imputable parameters parameters are those for which the initialization routines can provide default values or estimations derived from relationships with other parameters. Parameter imputation is conducted if control parameter
fillMissingSpParams = TRUE
. Sometimes, default parameter values are also specified in thecontrol
The following tables describe how the different functional parameters are dealt with, grouped by function. Links are given to the chapter subsections where scaling and/or imputation procedures are described.
Plant/leaf classification
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(GF\) | GrowthForm |
Growth form, defined depending on the treatment in forest inventory plots (Tree, Shrub or Tree/Shrub) | Yes | No | No |
\(LF\) | LifeForm |
Raunkiaer life form | Yes | No | No |
\(L_{shape}\) | LeafShape |
Leaf type (Linear, Needle, Broad, Scale, Spines or Succulent) | Yes | No | No |
\(L_{size}\) | LeafSize |
Leaf size (Small, Medium, Large) | Yes | No | No |
\(L_{pheno}\) | PhenologyType |
Leaf phenology type | Yes | No | No |
Plant size
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(H_{max}\) | Hmed |
Maximum plant height | Yes | No | No |
\(H_{med}\) | Hmed |
Median plant height | Yes | No | No |
\(Z_{50}\) | Z50 |
Depth above which 50% of the fine root mass is located | No | No | A.3.1 |
\(Z_{95}\) | Z95 |
Depth above which 95% of the fine root mass is located | Yes | No | No |
Allometric coefficients
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(a_{ash}\), \(b_{ash}\) | a_ash , b_ash |
Coefficients relating the square of shrub height with shrub area | No | No | A.3.2 |
\(a_{bsh}\), \(b_{bsh}\) | a_bsh , b_bsh |
Coefficients relating crown volume with dry weight of shrub individuals | No | No | A.3.2 |
\(cr\) | cr |
Ratio between crown length and total height for shrubs | No | No | A.3.2 |
\(a_{fbt}\), \(b_{fbt}\), \(c_{fbt}\) | a_fbt , b_fbt , c_fbt |
Coefficients to calculate foliar biomass of an individual tree | No | No | A.3.3 |
\(a_{cr}\), \(b_{1cr}\), \(b_{2cr}\), \(b_{3cr}\), \(c_{1cr}\), \(c_{2cr}\) | a_cr , b_1cr , b_2cr , b_3cr , c_1cr , c_2cr |
Coefficients to calculate crown ratio of trees | No | No | A.3.3 |
\(a_{cw}\), \(b_{cw}\) | a_cw , b_cw |
Regression coefficients used to calculate the crown width of trees | No | No | A.3.3 |
\(f_{HD,min}\) | fHDmin |
Minimum height-to-diameter ratio | No | No | A.3.3 |
\(f_{HD,max}\) | fHDmax |
Maximum height-to-diameter ratio | No | No | A.3.3 |
Leaf phenology
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(LD\) | LeafDuration |
Average duration of leaves | No | No | A.3.9 |
\(t_{0,eco}\) | t0gdd |
Degree days corresponding to leaf budburst | No | No | A.3.9 |
\(S^*_{eco}\) | Sgdd |
Degree days corresponding to leaf budburst | No | No | A.3.9 |
\(T_{eco}\) | Tbgdd |
Base temperature for the calculation of degree days to leaf budburst | No | No | A.3.9 |
\(S^*_{sen}\) | Ssen |
Degree days corresponding to leaf senescence | No | No | A.3.9 |
\(Ph_{sen}\) | Phsen |
Photoperiod corresponding to start counting senescence degree-days | No | No | A.3.9 |
\(T_{sen}\) | Tbsen |
Base temperature for the calculation of degree days to leaf senescence | No | No | A.3.9 |
\(x_{sen}\) | xsen |
Discrete values, to allow for any absent/proportional/more than proportional effects of temperature on senescence | No | No | A.3.9 |
\(y_{sen}\) | ysen |
Discrete values, to allow for any absent/proportional/more than proportional effects of photoperiod on senescence | No | No | A.3.9 |
Plant anatomy
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(1/H_{v}\) | Al2As |
Ratio of leaf area to sapwood area | No | No | A.3.7 |
\(RLR\) | Ar2Al |
Fine root area to leaf area ratio | No | No | A.3.8 |
\(LW\) | LeafWidth |
Leaf width | No | No | A.3.4 |
\(SLA\) | SLA |
Specific leaf area | No | No | A.3.4 |
\(\rho_{leaf}\) | LeafDensity |
Leaf tissue density | No | No | A.3.5 |
\(\rho_{wood}\) | WoodDensity |
Wood tissue density | No | No | A.3.5 |
\(\rho_{fineroot}\) | FineRootDensity |
Fine root tissue density | No | No | A.3.5 |
\(f_{conduits}\) | conduit2sapwood |
Proportion of sapwood corresponding to xylem conduits | No | No | A.3.7 |
\(SRL\) | SRL |
Specific fine root length | No | No | A.3.6 |
\(RLD\) | RLD |
Fine root length density | No | No | A.3.6 |
\(r_{6.35}\) | r635 |
Ratio between the weight of leaves plus branches and the weight of leaves alone for branches of 6.35 mm | No | No | A.3.4 |
Radiation balance and water interception
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(k_{b}\) | kDIR |
Direct light extinction coefficient | No | No | A.3.11 |
\(k_{PAR}\) | kPAR |
PAR extinction coefficient | No | No | A.3.11 |
\(\alpha_{SWR}\) | alphaSWR |
Short-wave radiation leaf absorbance coefficient | No | No | A.3.11 |
\(\gamma_{SWR}\) | gammaSWR |
Short-wave radiation leaf reflectance (albedo) | No | No | A.3.11 |
\(s_{water}\) | g |
Crown water storage capacity | No | No | A.3.11 |
Hydraulics, transpiration, photosynthesis
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(T_{max, LAI}\) | Tmax_LAI |
Empirical coefficient relating LAI with the ratio of maximum transpiration over potential evapotranspiration | No | No | A.3.10 |
\(T_{max, sqLAI}\) | Tmax_LAIsq |
Empirical coefficient relating squared LAI with the ratio of maximum transpiration over potential evapotranspiration | No | No | A.3.10 |
\(WUE_{\max}\) | WUE |
Water use efficiency at VPD = 1kPa and without light or CO2 limitations | No | No | A.3.10 |
\(WUE_{PAR}\) | WUE_par |
Coefficient describing the progressive decay of WUE with lower light levels | No | No | A.3.10 |
\(WUE_{CO2}\) | WUE_co2 |
Coefficient for WUE dependency on atmospheric CO2 concentration | No | No | A.3.10 |
\(WUE_{VPD}\) | WUE_vpd |
Coefficient for WUE dependency on vapor pressure deficit | No | No | A.3.10 |
\(\Psi_{extract}\) | Psi_Extract |
The water potential at which plant transpiration is 50% of its maximum | No | No | A.3.10 |
\(\Psi_{critic}\) | Psi_Critic |
The water potential corresponding to 50% of stem xylem cavitation | No | No | A.3.16 |
\(g_{swmin}\) | Gwmin |
Minimum stomatal conductance to water vapour | No | No | A.3.12 |
\(g_{swmax}\) | Gwmax |
Maximum stomatal conductance to water vapour | No | No | A.3.12 |
\(J_{max, 298}\) | Jmax298 |
Maximum rate of electron transport at 298K | No | No | A.3.17 |
\(V_{max, 298}\) | Vmax298 |
Rubisco’s maximum carboxylation rate at 298K | No | No | A.3.17 |
\(K_{stem,max,ref}\) | Kmax_stemxylem |
Maximum stem sapwood reference conductivity per leaf area unit | No | No | A.3.14 |
\(K_{root,max,ref}\) | Kmax_rootxylem |
Maximum root sapwood reference conductivity per leaf area unit | No | No | A.3.14 |
\(k_{leaf, \max}\) | VCleaf_kmax |
Maximum leaf hydraulic conductance | No | A.4.2 | A.3.15 |
\(k_{stem, \max}\) | VCstem_kmax |
Maximum stem hydraulic conductance | No | A.4.1 | No |
\(k_{root, \max,s}\) | VCroot_kmax |
Maximum root hydraulic conductance for each soil layer | No | A.4.3 | No |
\(k_{rhizo,\max, s}\) | VGrhizo_kmax |
Maximum hydraulic conductance of the rhizosphere for each soil layer | No | A.4.4 | No |
\(c_{leaf}\), \(d_{leaf}\) | VCleaf_c , VCleaf_d |
Parameters of the vulnerability curve for leaves | No | No | A.3.16 |
\(c_{stem}\), \(d_{stem}\) | VCstem_c , VCstem_d |
Parameters of the vulnerability curve for stem xylem | No | No | A.3.16 |
\(c_{root}\), \(d_{root}\) | VCroot_c , VCroot_d |
Parameters of the vulnerability curve for root xylem | No | No | A.3.16 |
Plant water storage
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(\epsilon_{leaf}\) | LeafEPS |
Modulus of elasticity of leaves | No | No | A.3.13 |
\(\epsilon_{stem}\) | StemEPS |
Modulus of elasticity of symplastic xylem tissue | No | No | A.3.13 |
\(\pi_{0,leaf}\) | LeafPI0 |
Osmotic potential at full turgor of leaves | No | No | A.3.13 |
\(\pi_{0,stem}\) | StemPI0 |
Osmotic potential at full turgor of symplastic xylem tissue | No | No | A.3.13 |
\(f_{apo,leaf}\) | LeafAF |
Apoplastic fraction in leaf tissues | No | No | A.3.13 |
\(f_{apo,stem}\) | StemAF |
Apoplastic fraction in stem tissues | No | No | A.3.13 |
\(V_{leaf}\) | Vleaf |
Leaf water capacity per leaf area unit | No | A.4.5 | No |
\(V_{sapwood}\) | Vsapwood |
Sapwood water capacity per leaf area unit | No | A.4.5 | No |
Growth and mortality
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(N_{leaf}\) | Nleaf |
Leaf nitrogen concentration per dry mass | No | No | A.3.18 |
\(N_{sapwood}\) | Nsapwood |
Sapwood nitrogen concentration per dry mass | No | No | A.3.18 |
\(N_{fineroot}\) | Nfineroot |
Fine root nitrogen concentration per dry mass | No | No | A.3.18 |
\(MR_{leaf}\) | RERleaf |
Leaf respiration rate at 20 ºC | No | No | A.3.18 |
\(MR_{sapwood}\) | RERsapwood |
Living sapwood (parenchymatic tissue) respiration rate at 20 ºC | No | No | A.3.18 |
\(MR_{fineroot}\) | RERfineroot |
Fine root respiration rate at 20 ºC | No | No | A.3.18 |
\(RGR_{leaf, max}\) | RGRleafmax |
Maximum leaf area daily growth rate, relative to sapwood area | No | No | A.3.19 |
\(RGR_{cambium, max}\) | RGRsapwoodmax |
Maximum tree daily sapwood growth rate relative to cambium perimeter length | No | No | A.3.19 |
\(RGR_{sapwood, max}\) | RGRsapwoodmax |
Maximum shrub daily sapwood growth rate relative to sapwood area | No | No | A.3.19 |
\(RGR_{fineroot, max}\) | RGRfinerootmax |
Maximum daily fine root relative growth rate | No | No | A.3.19 |
\(SR_{sapwood}\) | SRsapwood |
Daily sapwood senescence rate | No | No | A.3.20 |
\(SR_{fineroot}\) | SRfineroot |
Daily fine root senescence rate | No | No | A.3.20 |
\(RSSG\) | RSSG |
Minimum relative starch for sapwood growth | No | No | A.3.21 |
\(C_{wood}\) | WoodC |
Wood carbon content per dry weight | No | No | A.3.22 |
\(P_{mort,base}\) | MortalityBaselineRate |
Default deterministic proportion or probability specifying the baseline reduction of cohort’s density occurring in a year | No | No | A.3.23 |
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(H_{seed}\) | SeedProductionHeight |
Minimum height for seed production | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(TCM_{recr}\) | MinTempRecr |
Minimum average temperature (Celsius) of the coldest month for successful recruitment | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(MI_{recr}\) | MinMoistureRecr |
Minimum value of the moisture index for successful recruitment | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(FPAR_{recr}\) | MinFPARRecr |
Minimum percentage of PAR at the ground level for successful recruitment | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(DBH_{recr}\) | RecrTreeDBH |
Recruitment DBH for trees | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(H_{tree, recr}\) | RecrTreeHeight |
Recruitment height for trees | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(N_{tree, recr}\) | RecrTreeDensity |
Recruitment density for trees | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(Cover_{shrub, recr}\) | RecrShrubCover |
Recruitment cover for shrubs | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(H_{shrub, recr}\) | RecrShrubHeight |
Recruitment height for shrubs | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(Z50_{recr}\) | RecrZ50 |
Soil depth corresponding to 50% of fine roots for recruitment | No | No | A.3.24 |
\(Z95_{recr}\) | RecrZ95 |
Soil depth corresponding to 95% of fine roots for recruitment | No | No | A.3.24 |
Symbol | R | Description | Strict | Scaled | Imputable |
\(\rho_{p}\) | PD |
Density of fuel particles | No | No | A.3.25 |
\(\sigma\) | SAV |
Surface-area-to-volume ratio of the small fuel (1h) fraction (leaves and branches < 6.35mm) | No | No | A.3.25 |
\(h\) | HeatContent |
High fuel heat content. | No | No | A.3.25 |
\(LI\) | PercentLignin |
Percentage of lignin in leaves | No | No | A.3.25 |
A.3 Imputation of missing values
The following figure summarizes the percentage of missing values in SpParamsMED
for different model parameters and the other model parameters used for the imputation of missing values:

Figure A.1: Representation of imputation relationships between model parameters. The percentage of missing parameter values increases from left to right. Left-most parameters are strict.
A.3.1 Rooting depth
Parameter \(Z_{95}\) is a strict parameter, but \(Z_{50}\) can be imputated when missing, using the following formula: \[\begin{equation} Z_{50} = \exp(\log(Z_{95})/1.4) \end{equation}\]
A.3.2 Shrub allometric coefficients
Missing shrub allometric coefficients are filled using information from Raunkiaer’s life form and maximum plant height (\(H_{max}\)).
Life form | \(H_{max}\) | \(a_{ash}\) | \(b_{ash}\) | \(a_{bsh}\) | \(b_{bsh}\) | \(cr\) |
Chamaephyte | [any] | 24.5888 | 1.1662 | 0.7963 | 0.3762 | 0.8076 |
Phanerophyte | < 300 cm | 1.0083 | 1.8700 | 0.7900 | 0.6942 | 0.6630 |
Phanerophyte | > 300 cm | 5.8458 | 1.4944 | 0.3596 | 0.7138 | 0.7190 |
(Hemi)cryptophyte | [any] | 24.5888 | 1.1662 | 0.7963 | 0.3762 | 0.9500 |
Allometric coefficients were taken from De Cáceres et al. (2019).
A.3.3 Tree allometric coefficients
Missing tree allometric coefficients are replaced with values depending on whether the plant species is a gymnosperm or an angiosperm:
Parameter | Gymnosperm | Angiosperm |
\(a_{fbt}\) | 0.1300 | 0.0527 |
\(b_{fbt}\) | 1.2285 | 1.5782 |
\(c_{fbt}\) | -0.0147 | -0.0066 |
\(a_{cw}\) | 0.747 | 0.839 |
\(b_{cw}\) | 0.672 | 0.735 |
\(a_{cr}\) | 1.995 | 1.506 |
\(b_{1cr}\) | -0.649 | -0.706 |
\(b_{2cr}\) | -0.020 | -0.078 |
\(b_{3cr}\) | -0.00012 | 0.00018 |
\(c_{1cr}\) | -0.004 | -0.007 |
\(c_{2cr}\) | -0.159 | 0.000 |
\(fHD_{min}\) | 80 | 40 |
\(fHD_{max}\) | 120 | 140 |
A.3.4 Leaf width, specific leaf area and fine foliar ratio
Leaf width (\(LW\)), specific leaf area (\(SLA\)) and the ratio between the weight of leaves plus branches and the weight of leaves alone for branches of 6.35 mm (\(r_{6.35}\)) are key anatomical parameters. When missing from species parameter table, default estimates for these parameters are obtained from combinations of leaf shape and leaf size:
Leaf shape | Leaf size | \(SLA\) | \(LW\) | \(r_{6.35}\) |
Broad | Large | 16.039 | 6.898 | 2.278 |
Broad | Medium | 11.499 | 3.054 | 2.359 |
Broad | Small | 9.540 | 0.644 | 3.026 |
Linear | Large | 5.522 | 0.639 | 3.261 |
Linear | Medium | 4.144 | 0.639 | 3.261 |
Linear | Small | 13.189 | 0.639 | 3.261 |
Needle | [any] | 9.024 | 0.379 | 1.716 |
Scale | [any] | 4.544 | 0.101 | 1.483 |
These estimates have been obtained by averaging species-level values across combinations of the categorical variables.
A.3.5 Tissue density
Default values for the dry weight density of leaves and wood (in \(g \cdot cm^{-3}\)) are determined from taxonomic family using an internal data set (medfate:::trait_family_means
LeafDensity | WoodDensity | |
Acanthaceae | 0.2959003 | 0.5684693 |
Achariaceae | 0.2552495 | 0.6052036 |
Acoraceae | 0.1000000 | NA |
Actinidiaceae | 0.4439776 | 0.4092320 |
Adoxaceae | 0.3916194 | 0.5157416 |
Aextoxicaceae | NA | 0.5666667 |
Aizoaceae | 0.0824125 | NA |
Akaniaceae | NA | 0.5547825 |
Alismataceae | 0.1914208 | NA |
Altingiaceae | 0.6833971 | 0.6010948 |
Amaranthaceae | 0.2045831 | 0.6315739 |
Amaryllidaceae | 0.1220704 | NA |
Amphorogynaceae | NA | 0.6097400 |
Anacardiaceae | 0.4568088 | 0.5685583 |
Anisophylleaceae | NA | 0.6734780 |
Annonaceae | 0.3757811 | 0.5642062 |
Aphloiaceae | 0.4627060 | 0.6205200 |
Apiaceae | 0.2874756 | 0.2561785 |
Apocynaceae | 0.2981148 | 0.5683635 |
Aptandraceae | 0.3318492 | 0.7076756 |
Aquifoliaceae | 0.4812626 | 0.5579305 |
Araceae | 0.1659746 | NA |
Araliaceae | 0.3118821 | 0.4142687 |
Araucariaceae | 0.3447902 | 0.4641456 |
Arecaceae | 0.4393589 | 0.5913967 |
Aristolochiaceae | 0.2681434 | 0.2900000 |
Asparagaceae | 0.1425099 | 0.4254258 |
Asphodelaceae | 0.5512472 | 0.3951990 |
Aspleniaceae | 0.2644557 | NA |
Asteraceae | 0.2511093 | 0.4822337 |
Asteropeiaceae | NA | 0.7554862 |
Atherospermataceae | 0.2451357 | 0.4767621 |
Athyriaceae | 0.2270615 | NA |
Austrobaileyaceae | 0.2620992 | NA |
Balanopaceae | NA | 0.7348976 |
Balsaminaceae | 0.3948094 | NA |
Begoniaceae | 0.1626789 | NA |
Berberidaceae | 0.3599453 | 0.7028850 |
Betulaceae | 0.4446528 | 0.5381493 |
Bignoniaceae | 0.3572590 | 0.6256030 |
Bixaceae | 0.4400000 | 0.3546357 |
Blechnaceae | 0.3147993 | NA |
Bonnetiaceae | 0.2797829 | 0.8400000 |
Boraginaceae | 0.2850462 | 0.4987559 |
Brassicaceae | 0.2267605 | 0.4516377 |
Bromeliaceae | 0.1677139 | NA |
Brunelliaceae | NA | 0.3112500 |
Bruniaceae | NA | 0.5636500 |
Burseraceae | 0.4226787 | 0.5205008 |
Buxaceae | 0.2706294 | 0.7314511 |
Cactaceae | 0.1819372 | 0.6187500 |
Calophyllaceae | 0.4065092 | 0.6067855 |
Calycanthaceae | 0.3204073 | 0.6500550 |
Calyceraceae | 0.1689366 | NA |
Campanulaceae | 0.2396318 | NA |
Canellaceae | NA | 0.6808255 |
Cannabaceae | 0.3529720 | 0.5502170 |
Capparaceae | 0.3632941 | 0.6338137 |
Caprifoliaceae | 0.3282343 | 0.4186392 |
Cardiopteridaceae | 0.3136349 | 0.6210142 |
Caricaceae | 0.2145354 | 0.1925092 |
Caryocaraceae | 0.4728080 | 0.6758165 |
Caryophyllaceae | 0.2175001 | 0.4356813 |
Casuarinaceae | 0.6581279 | 0.8237662 |
Celastraceae | 0.4299601 | 0.6414639 |
Centroplacaceae | NA | 0.6550000 |
Cephalotaxaceae | NA | 0.5317845 |
Cercidiphyllaceae | 0.2896931 | 0.4509256 |
Cervantesiaceae | NA | 0.6151433 |
Chloranthaceae | 0.2125841 | 0.3912405 |
Chrysobalanaceae | 0.4203120 | 0.7862446 |
Cistaceae | 0.3085107 | 0.4830942 |
Cleomaceae | NA | 0.6126000 |
Clethraceae | 0.5042730 | 0.5336779 |
Clusiaceae | 0.3408792 | 0.6987069 |
Cochlospermaceae | 0.4378883 | 0.2521050 |
Comandraceae | 0.2630059 | NA |
Combretaceae | 0.3763244 | 0.6564542 |
Commelinaceae | 0.1837240 | NA |
Connaraceae | 0.3994071 | 0.5589860 |
Convolvulaceae | 0.2614034 | 0.5267363 |
Cordiaceae | 0.3528759 | 0.5565679 |
Cornaceae | 0.3834263 | 0.6195792 |
Corynocarpaceae | 0.2498751 | 0.6665337 |
Coulaceae | 0.4529368 | 0.8115261 |
Crypteroniaceae | NA | 0.4976753 |
Ctenolophonaceae | NA | 0.7691998 |
Cucurbitaceae | 0.2327745 | 0.3557651 |
Cunoniaceae | 0.3642028 | 0.5754400 |
Cupressaceae | 0.3130010 | 0.4938816 |
Curtisiaceae | NA | 0.7302190 |
Cyatheaceae | 0.1297339 | 0.7355404 |
Cycadaceae | 0.6448750 | NA |
Cyperaceae | 0.3216514 | 0.2346031 |
Cyrillaceae | NA | 0.5998411 |
Cystopteridaceae | 0.2800436 | NA |
Daphniphyllaceae | NA | 0.5062947 |
Degeneriaceae | NA | 0.3425000 |
Dennstaedtiaceae | 0.2658944 | NA |
Dichapetalaceae | 0.3522732 | 0.6249660 |
Dicksoniaceae | 0.4697549 | NA |
Didiereaceae | NA | 0.3829183 |
Dilleniaceae | 0.3224518 | 0.5886310 |
Dioscoreaceae | 0.1793296 | NA |
Dipentodontaceae | 0.2965124 | NA |
Dipterocarpaceae | 0.4738273 | 0.6409882 |
Droseraceae | 0.1342673 | NA |
Dryopteridaceae | 0.2796327 | NA |
Ebenaceae | 0.4250532 | 0.6863834 |
Ehretiaceae | 0.3819970 | 0.5687138 |
Elaeagnaceae | 0.3121046 | 0.5644408 |
Elaeocarpaceae | 0.4251434 | 0.5453120 |
Ephedraceae | NA | 0.7800000 |
Equisetaceae | 0.2590369 | 0.2031353 |
Ericaceae | 0.4544895 | 0.6055498 |
Erythropalaceae | 0.4039757 | 0.7154823 |
Erythroxylaceae | 0.3420025 | 0.7799333 |
Escalloniaceae | 0.2204192 | 0.5585952 |
Eucommiaceae | NA | 0.7620000 |
Euphorbiaceae | 0.3391137 | 0.4889655 |
Euphroniaceae | NA | 0.6200000 |
Eupomatiaceae | 0.2445709 | 0.5779000 |
Eupteleaceae | NA | 0.5425200 |
Fabaceae | 0.3851583 | 0.6822180 |
Fagaceae | 0.5090006 | 0.6683896 |
Fouquieriaceae | 0.2453718 | NA |
Frankeniaceae | NA | 0.5000000 |
Garryaceae | 0.3579628 | 0.6870722 |
Gentianaceae | 0.2977642 | 0.6877612 |
Geraniaceae | 0.2641399 | 0.1644500 |
Gesneriaceae | 0.1013848 | NA |
Ginkgoaceae | 0.2238538 | 0.4618849 |
Gleicheniaceae | 0.4916560 | NA |
Gnetaceae | NA | 0.6100000 |
Goodeniaceae | 0.2051090 | NA |
Goupiaceae | 0.4660717 | 0.7255032 |
Griseliniaceae | NA | 0.6035000 |
Grossulariaceae | 0.3485915 | 0.5977569 |
Gyrostemonaceae | NA | 0.3646622 |
Haematococcaceae | 0.2933351 | NA |
Haloragaceae | 0.1312446 | NA |
Hamamelidaceae | 0.3884526 | 0.6424968 |
Heliotropiaceae | NA | 0.5090196 |
Hernandiaceae | 0.4152598 | 0.2911796 |
Himantandraceae | NA | 0.5126388 |
Humiriaceae | 0.4953617 | 0.7700458 |
Hydrangeaceae | 0.1690825 | 0.8300000 |
Hydrocharitaceae | 0.4004979 | NA |
Hydrophyllaceae | 0.1879433 | NA |
Hymenophyllaceae | 0.3299410 | NA |
Hypericaceae | 0.2990752 | 0.5892664 |
Hypoxidaceae | 0.1299171 | NA |
Icacinaceae | NA | 0.6500000 |
Iridaceae | 0.2546647 | 0.3087906 |
Irvingiaceae | NA | 0.8841681 |
Ixerbaceae | 0.4306632 | NA |
Ixonanthaceae | 0.3649649 | 0.6799304 |
Juglandaceae | 0.5200369 | 0.5183733 |
Juncaceae | 0.2014423 | 0.2399980 |
Kirkiaceae | NA | 0.5079900 |
Lacistemataceae | 0.2515838 | 0.4832675 |
Lamiaceae | 0.2869862 | 0.5072119 |
Lauraceae | 0.4352734 | 0.5415881 |
Lecythidaceae | 0.4223276 | 0.6769009 |
Lepidobotryaceae | NA | 0.4836652 |
Liliaceae | 0.1000000 | NA |
Linaceae | 0.2893664 | 0.7008226 |
Loasaceae | 0.2700000 | NA |
Loganiaceae | 0.4213886 | 0.6304908 |
Loranthaceae | 0.3770995 | 0.6322000 |
Lycopodiaceae | 0.4802434 | NA |
Lygodiaceae | 0.5066007 | NA |
Lythraceae | 0.3848205 | 0.6020073 |
Magnoliaceae | 0.3486896 | 0.4707890 |
Malpighiaceae | 0.3387076 | 0.6262188 |
Malvaceae | 0.3336333 | 0.4855630 |
Marcgraviaceae | 0.1698113 | NA |
Melanthiaceae | 0.1811793 | NA |
Melastomataceae | 0.3293654 | 0.6442241 |
Meliaceae | 0.3738590 | 0.5899613 |
Melianthaceae | 0.2942168 | 0.6210538 |
Menispermaceae | 0.2978386 | 0.5205924 |
Menyanthaceae | 0.1224487 | NA |
Metteniusaceae | 0.5448075 | 0.5446187 |
Molluginaceae | 0.1400000 | NA |
Monimiaceae | 0.2778594 | 0.5179823 |
Montiaceae | 0.0859106 | NA |
Moraceae | 0.3518887 | 0.5014756 |
Moringaceae | NA | 0.2617440 |
Muntingiaceae | 0.3376553 | 0.3000000 |
Myodocarpaceae | NA | 0.6344000 |
Myricaceae | 0.4691690 | 0.5578848 |
Myristicaceae | 0.4033709 | 0.4976416 |
Myrtaceae | 0.4379521 | 0.7656349 |
Namaceae | 0.5166315 | 0.5400000 |
Nothofagaceae | 0.3869412 | 0.5955200 |
Nyctaginaceae | 0.2497878 | 0.5346327 |
Nyssaceae | 0.5290780 | 0.4782400 |
Ochnaceae | 0.4787112 | 0.7208319 |
Octoknemaceae | NA | 0.6880101 |
Olacaceae | 0.3487339 | 0.6607729 |
Oleaceae | 0.4051166 | 0.6754889 |
Onagraceae | 0.2783621 | 0.4502300 |
Onocleaceae | 0.2663707 | NA |
Ophioglossaceae | 0.2084852 | NA |
Opiliaceae | 0.3161129 | 0.6480673 |
Orchidaceae | 0.1930601 | NA |
Orobanchaceae | 0.2426225 | 0.4122466 |
Osmundaceae | 0.2679487 | NA |
Oxalidaceae | 0.1876039 | 0.5741802 |
Paeoniaceae | 0.2851982 | NA |
Pandaceae | NA | 0.6180903 |
Pandanaceae | NA | 0.3309000 |
Papaveraceae | 0.3526680 | NA |
Paracryphiaceae | 0.4686036 | 0.5192721 |
Parnassiaceae | NA | 0.3211286 |
Passifloraceae | 0.1951307 | 0.5966667 |
Paulowniaceae | NA | 0.2597687 |
Penaeaceae | NA | 0.6994190 |
Pennantiaceae | NA | 0.4950750 |
Pentaphylacaceae | 0.3707627 | 0.5633463 |
Penthoraceae | 0.1942110 | NA |
Peraceae | 0.3692442 | 0.6620175 |
Peridiscaceae | NA | 0.6945082 |
Phrymaceae | 0.1098008 | 0.6440000 |
Phyllanthaceae | 0.2922610 | 0.6160133 |
Phyllocladaceae | 0.5787037 | 0.5924191 |
Phytolaccaceae | 0.2547709 | 0.4116385 |
Picramniaceae | 0.4159664 | 0.6208382 |
Picrodendraceae | 0.8566338 | 0.8414544 |
Pinaceae | 0.3436503 | 0.4480469 |
Piperaceae | 0.2438998 | 0.3891992 |
Pittosporaceae | 0.3517531 | 0.6168509 |
Plantaginaceae | 0.2346642 | 0.2571076 |
Platanaceae | 0.4819040 | 0.5298601 |
Plumbaginaceae | 0.2603992 | 0.2500000 |
Poaceae | 0.3774014 | 0.2860215 |
Podocarpaceae | 0.5048204 | 0.5063839 |
Polemoniaceae | 0.2775675 | 0.3382400 |
Polygalaceae | 0.2708272 | 0.6965020 |
Polygonaceae | 0.3254643 | 0.5853623 |
Polypodiaceae | 0.2460060 | NA |
Pontederiaceae | 0.1500000 | 0.4876272 |
Portulacaceae | 0.3800000 | NA |
Potamogetonaceae | 0.1588772 | NA |
Primulaceae | 0.3083310 | 0.6369957 |
Proteaceae | 0.4633521 | 0.6563858 |
Pteleocarpaceae | NA | 0.6350000 |
Pteridaceae | 0.2198842 | 0.6304250 |
Putranjivaceae | 0.3849495 | 0.6921646 |
Quiinaceae | 0.4274606 | 0.8260544 |
Ranunculaceae | 0.2466518 | 0.3342750 |
Resedaceae | 0.1507363 | NA |
Rhabdodendraceae | 0.2511215 | 0.8000000 |
Rhamnaceae | 0.4167308 | 0.6552146 |
Rhizophoraceae | 0.3339246 | 0.7225795 |
Rosaceae | 0.3956651 | 0.6180205 |
Rousseaceae | NA | 0.6170000 |
Rubiaceae | 0.3151996 | 0.6213798 |
Rutaceae | 0.3406166 | 0.6337629 |
Sabiaceae | 0.2269258 | 0.4766550 |
Salicaceae | 0.4176502 | 0.5537335 |
Salvadoraceae | NA | 0.5940900 |
Santalaceae | 0.2638240 | 0.7741829 |
Sapindaceae | 0.4055140 | 0.6701493 |
Sapotaceae | 0.4524219 | 0.6748673 |
Sarcolaenaceae | NA | 0.8988205 |
Saxifragaceae | 0.1446601 | NA |
Schisandraceae | NA | 0.5792130 |
Schoepfiaceae | 0.3474414 | 0.7157100 |
Sciadopityaceae | NA | 0.6320000 |
Scrophulariaceae | 0.3540547 | 0.6839313 |
Selaginellaceae | 0.2176000 | NA |
Simaroubaceae | 0.3298179 | 0.4155088 |
Siparunaceae | 0.2955010 | 0.6271829 |
Sladeniaceae | NA | 0.5700000 |
Smilacaceae | 0.2017709 | 0.7343021 |
Solanaceae | 0.2560480 | 0.4931198 |
Staphyleaceae | 0.2801318 | 0.4132592 |
Stemonuraceae | 0.3123012 | 0.5123802 |
Stilbaceae | 0.4577089 | 0.6787550 |
Stixaceae | NA | 0.8400000 |
Strombosiaceae | NA | 0.7027465 |
Styracaceae | 0.3357136 | 0.4604059 |
Surianaceae | 0.2843963 | 0.9240450 |
Symplocaceae | 0.4826660 | 0.5170835 |
Talinaceae | 0.2671358 | NA |
Tamaricaceae | NA | 0.6636284 |
Tapisciaceae | NA | 0.3885924 |
Taxaceae | 0.4541759 | 0.5533938 |
Tetramelaceae | NA | 0.3042230 |
Tetrameristaceae | NA | 0.6350000 |
Theaceae | 0.4039158 | 0.5640233 |
Thymelaeaceae | 0.3129399 | 0.5328326 |
Torricelliaceae | 0.3383541 | NA |
Trigoniaceae | NA | 0.6966667 |
Trochodendraceae | NA | 0.3366510 |
Turneraceae | NA | 0.6265213 |
Typhaceae | 0.1688785 | NA |
Ulmaceae | 0.4534660 | 0.5979531 |
Urticaceae | 0.3193102 | 0.3727392 |
Verbenaceae | 0.3037701 | 0.5782080 |
Violaceae | 0.3195701 | 0.6266302 |
Vitaceae | 0.2737953 | 0.4965250 |
Vochysiaceae | 0.4017484 | 0.5536239 |
Winteraceae | 0.3228721 | 0.5236569 |
Ximeniaceae | 0.8709687 | 0.8323008 |
Zamiaceae | 0.3920216 | NA |
Zygophyllaceae | 0.4229786 | 0.8554052 |
If the family is not any of those in the table, default values are \(\rho_{leaf} = 0.7\) and \(\rho_{wood} = 0.652\). The default value for fine root density is always \(\rho_{fineroot} = 0.165\).
A.3.6 Specific root length and root length density
Default values for specific fine root length and fine root length density are \(3870\, cm \cdot g^{-1}\) and \(10\, cm \cdot cm^{-3}\), respectively. [JUSTIFICATION MISSING]
A.3.7 Huber value and ratio of conduits to sapwood
Missing values for Al2As
, the inverse of the Huber value (\(1/Hv\)) are determined from taxonomic family using an internal data set (medfate:::trait_family_means
Al2As | Hv | conduit2sapwood | |
Acanthaceae | 3070.43202 | 3.2568707 | 0.6300000 |
Adoxaceae | 4889.57295 | 2.0451684 | NA |
Altingiaceae | 5129.90090 | 1.9493554 | 0.8226667 |
Amaranthaceae | 973.13500 | 10.2760665 | NA |
Amborellaceae | 4255.31915 | 2.3500000 | NA |
Anacardiaceae | 19581.70525 | 0.5106808 | 0.7155889 |
Annonaceae | 10266.65654 | 0.9740269 | 0.5685000 |
Apiaceae | 81.15013 | 123.2283950 | NA |
Apocynaceae | 19766.80134 | 0.5058987 | 0.7112500 |
Aquifoliaceae | 4886.36183 | 2.0465124 | 0.6528500 |
Araliaceae | 3928.39877 | 2.5455664 | 0.7785000 |
Araucariaceae | 3846.15385 | 2.6000000 | 0.9375000 |
Arecaceae | 5492.53731 | 1.8206522 | NA |
Asteraceae | 2421.76507 | 4.1292197 | 0.7219423 |
Atherospermataceae | 2435.95630 | 4.1051640 | 0.7560000 |
Austrobaileyaceae | 15384.61538 | 0.6500000 | NA |
Berberidaceae | 570.06271 | 17.5419298 | NA |
Betulaceae | 6158.73417 | 1.6237103 | 0.8444000 |
Bignoniaceae | 12439.80827 | 0.8038709 | 0.6360476 |
Bixaceae | 12274.01424 | 0.8147294 | NA |
Burseraceae | 12218.54705 | 0.8184279 | 0.8204286 |
Buxaceae | NA | NA | 0.8330000 |
Cactaceae | 2554.61304 | 3.9144872 | 0.3636905 |
Calophyllaceae | 2662.52127 | 3.7558385 | 0.7335000 |
Calycanthaceae | NA | NA | 0.6535500 |
Cannabaceae | 29406.04715 | 0.3400661 | 0.7598125 |
Capparaceae | 37525.87992 | 0.2664828 | 0.7005000 |
Caprifoliaceae | 7568.54261 | 1.3212583 | NA |
Cardiopteridaceae | NA | NA | 0.6300000 |
Caryocaraceae | 5183.13611 | 1.9293339 | NA |
Casuarinaceae | 3647.15784 | 2.7418610 | NA |
Celastraceae | 8199.20056 | 1.2196311 | NA |
Chrysobalanaceae | 10531.83851 | 0.9495018 | 0.5876000 |
Cistaceae | 2129.37624 | 4.6962109 | NA |
Clusiaceae | 6707.44573 | 1.4908805 | 0.5005000 |
Cochlospermaceae | 1757.46925 | 5.6900000 | 0.7070000 |
Combretaceae | 23650.62103 | 0.4228219 | 0.6416667 |
Cordiaceae | 10754.86431 | 0.9298118 | 0.6300000 |
Cornaceae | 7478.58356 | 1.3371516 | 0.6740000 |
Coulaceae | 10676.38668 | 0.9366465 | 0.6520000 |
Cunoniaceae | 4781.22975 | 2.0915121 | 0.7110000 |
Cupressaceae | 1793.78915 | 5.5747912 | 0.9242857 |
Dichapetalaceae | 7505.55229 | 1.3323470 | NA |
Dilleniaceae | 7707.14493 | 1.2974973 | 0.5432500 |
Dipterocarpaceae | NA | NA | 0.7043750 |
Ebenaceae | 5746.58263 | 1.7401647 | 0.6300000 |
Ehretiaceae | 3401.36054 | 2.9400000 | NA |
Elaeagnaceae | NA | NA | 0.5641000 |
Elaeocarpaceae | 8949.89085 | 1.1173321 | 0.6970000 |
Ericaceae | 2717.89086 | 3.6793236 | 0.7423400 |
Erythropalaceae | 11359.73085 | 0.8803025 | NA |
Erythroxylaceae | 16409.39633 | 0.6094069 | NA |
Escalloniaceae | NA | NA | 0.5755000 |
Euphorbiaceae | 9648.31966 | 1.0364499 | 0.6630417 |
Eupomatiaceae | 12833.11560 | 0.7792340 | 0.6010000 |
Fabaceae | 13004.75675 | 0.7689494 | 0.6096376 |
Fagaceae | 5426.21990 | 1.8429036 | 0.5965700 |
Garryaceae | 3187.80223 | 3.1369575 | NA |
Gnetaceae | 10683.76068 | 0.9360000 | NA |
Goupiaceae | NA | NA | 0.6360000 |
Grossulariaceae | 5478.25000 | 1.8254004 | NA |
Hernandiaceae | NA | NA | 0.6350000 |
Humiriaceae | 6548.42050 | 1.5270858 | 0.7283333 |
Juglandaceae | 19643.00000 | 0.5090872 | 0.7247857 |
Lacistemataceae | 15122.28822 | 0.6612756 | NA |
Lamiaceae | 6104.68000 | 1.6380875 | 0.6817381 |
Lauraceae | 9015.94422 | 1.1091462 | 0.6868438 |
Lecythidaceae | 9281.45093 | 1.0774178 | 0.6052857 |
Linaceae | 8947.01119 | 1.1176917 | 0.7125000 |
Loranthaceae | 1657.46812 | 6.0332985 | NA |
Lythraceae | 8169.26722 | 1.2241000 | 0.6600000 |
Magnoliaceae | NA | NA | 0.8122000 |
Malpighiaceae | 8433.60354 | 1.1857328 | NA |
Malvaceae | 13911.40409 | 0.7188347 | 0.5338667 |
Melastomataceae | 9869.59558 | 1.0132127 | NA |
Meliaceae | 19432.70158 | 0.5145965 | 0.6400476 |
Metteniusaceae | 5891.68760 | 1.6973066 | NA |
Moraceae | 9851.68927 | 1.0150543 | 0.5142727 |
Myristicaceae | 7469.72436 | 1.3387375 | 0.6990000 |
Myrtaceae | 5657.59469 | 1.7675356 | 0.6921435 |
Namaceae | 5314.00000 | 1.8818216 | NA |
Nothofagaceae | 1642.23662 | 6.0892565 | NA |
Nyctaginaceae | 43532.77978 | 0.2297120 | 0.5990000 |
Nyssaceae | 6434.40511 | 1.5541452 | 0.7885000 |
Ochnaceae | 10152.77493 | 0.9849524 | 0.7070000 |
Oleaceae | 6884.98407 | 1.4524362 | 0.7367889 |
Pandaceae | 8942.22690 | 1.1182897 | NA |
Passifloraceae | NA | NA | 0.3352381 |
Peraceae | NA | NA | 0.6800000 |
Phrymaceae | 2450.00000 | 4.0816327 | 0.5515000 |
Phyllanthaceae | 5535.64829 | 1.8064731 | 0.6230000 |
Phyllocladaceae | 3344.48161 | 2.9900000 | NA |
Phytolaccaceae | 88495.57522 | 0.1130000 | NA |
Picramniaceae | 18326.74493 | 0.5456506 | 0.6370000 |
Picrodendraceae | 4179.29865 | 2.3927460 | 0.5635000 |
Pinaceae | 2648.66805 | 3.7754825 | 0.9235957 |
Piperaceae | 17361.11111 | 0.5760000 | NA |
Platanaceae | NA | NA | 0.6000000 |
Podocarpaceae | 3147.27895 | 3.1773478 | 0.9086667 |
Polygalaceae | 14013.36411 | 0.7136045 | NA |
Polygonaceae | 8927.24402 | 1.1201665 | 0.8932000 |
Primulaceae | 4722.91675 | 2.1173356 | 0.5600000 |
Proteaceae | 3201.08553 | 3.1239403 | 0.5774167 |
Putranjivaceae | 12724.49969 | 0.7858855 | NA |
Ranunculaceae | 23795.00000 | 0.4202564 | 0.8130000 |
Rhamnaceae | 3931.36135 | 2.5436481 | 0.8017273 |
Rhizophoraceae | 4314.38201 | 2.3178291 | 0.7810000 |
Rosaceae | 7878.01050 | 1.2693560 | 0.7084800 |
Rubiaceae | 18589.27280 | 0.5379447 | 0.6721167 |
Rutaceae | 11439.50207 | 0.8741639 | 0.7012857 |
Sabiaceae | 5863.83253 | 1.7053693 | NA |
Salicaceae | 12890.58086 | 0.7757602 | 0.7726667 |
Santalaceae | 2626.05148 | 3.8079985 | 0.6450000 |
Sapindaceae | 7991.30943 | 1.2513594 | 0.7544318 |
Sapotaceae | 7934.19459 | 1.2603674 | 0.5657500 |
Scrophulariaceae | 1341.78411 | 7.4527638 | NA |
Simaroubaceae | 10548.49222 | 0.9480028 | 0.5160000 |
Siparunaceae | 4727.72947 | 2.1151802 | NA |
Solanaceae | 34232.00295 | 0.2921243 | 0.7681667 |
Staphyleaceae | 7311.44239 | 1.3677192 | NA |
Stemonuraceae | NA | NA | 0.4470000 |
Styracaceae | 2782.75060 | 3.5935667 | NA |
Symplocaceae | 4458.13562 | 2.2430901 | NA |
Tapisciaceae | 13677.69753 | 0.7311172 | NA |
Taxaceae | NA | NA | 0.8600000 |
Theaceae | 6942.20609 | 1.4404643 | NA |
Thymelaeaceae | 2285.01060 | 4.3763473 | 0.8295333 |
Ulmaceae | 18867.92453 | 0.5300000 | 0.7870000 |
Urticaceae | 14813.36776 | 0.6750659 | 0.6653750 |
Verbenaceae | 8196.72131 | 1.2200000 | 0.7923500 |
Violaceae | 7385.96177 | 1.3539198 | 0.4460000 |
Vitaceae | 1444.04332 | 6.9250000 | 0.5700000 |
Vochysiaceae | 5382.75239 | 1.8577856 | 0.6060000 |
Winteraceae | 2239.03703 | 4.4662057 | NA |
Ximeniaceae | NA | NA | 0.8682000 |
Zygophyllaceae | NA | NA | 0.7712000 |
If there is no information derived from taxonomic family for Al2As
, a default value is given depending on leaf shape and leaf size:
Leaf shape | Leaf size | Al2As |
Broad | Large | 4768.7 |
Broad | Medium | 2446.1 |
Broad | Small | 2284.9 |
Linear | Large | 2156.0 |
Linear | Medium | 2156.0 |
Linear | Small | 2156.0 |
Needle | [any] | 2751.7 |
Scale | [any] | 1696.6 |
Missing values for \(f_{conduits}\), the fraction of sapwood corresponding to conduits are derived from taxonomic family (see table above). If information from taxonomic family is missing, default values are \(f_{conduits} = 0.7\) (i.e. 30% of parenchyma) for angiosperms, and \(f_{conduits} = 0.925\) (i.e. 7.5% of parenchyma) for gymnosperms (Plavcová & Jansen 2015).
A.3.8 Fine root to leaf area ratio
When missing, the fine root area to leaf area ratio is given a default value of \(RLR = 1\; m^2\cdot m^{-2}\).
A.3.9 Leaf phenology
When missing, leaf duration is assigned a value of 1 year for winter-deciduous species and 2.41 years for the remaining leaf phenology types.
Default values for leaf phenological parameters are the same regardless of the leaf phenology type:
Phenology type | t0gdd |
Sgdd |
Tbgdd |
Ssen |
Phsen |
Tbsen |
xsen |
ysen |
One-flush evergreen | 50 | 200 | 0 | 8268 | 12.5 | 28.5 | 2 | 2 |
Winter deciduous | 50 | 200 | 0 | 8268 | 12.5 | 28.5 | 2 | 2 |
Winter semi-deciduous | 50 | 200 | 0 | 8268 | 12.5 | 28.5 | 2 | 2 |
Drought deciduous | 50 | 200 | 0 | 8268 | 12.5 | 28.5 | 2 | 2 |
Leaf senescence values were derived for deciduous broad-leaved forests by Delpierre et al. (2009).
A.3.10 Basic transpiration and water-use efficiency
When the basic soil water balance model is used, \(T_{max,LAI}\) and \(T_{max,sqLAI}\) are species-specific parameters that regulate the maximum transpiration of plant cohorts (see 6.1.1). When these parameters are missing from SpParams
table, they are given default values \(T_{max,LAI} = 0.134\) and \(T_{max,sqLAI} = -0.006\), according to Granier et al. (1999).
When maximum water use efficiency (\(WUE_{\max}\)) is missing, it is given a value of \(WUE_{\max} = 7.55\). By default, the coefficient describing the decay of water use efficiency with lower light levels is given a default value of \(WUE_{PAR} = 0.2812\), and the coefficient regulating the relationship between gross photosynthesis and CO2 concentration is given a default \(WUE_{CO2} = 0.0028\).
When missing, the water potential corresponding to 50% of transpiration (\(\Psi_{extract}\)) is estimated by calculating the water potential corresponding to the loss leaf turgor (\(\Psi_{tlp}\)), using equation (10.4) from Bartlett et al. (2012). The parameters of the leaf pressure-volume curve needed for applying equation (10.4) may be themselves estimated (see A.3.13). Note that \(\Psi_{tlp}\) has been found to be highly correlated to \(\Psi_{gs50}\), the water potential corresponding to 50% of stomatal conductance (Bartlett et al. 2016).
A.3.11 Radiation balance and water interception
Default value for direct light extinction is \(k_b = 0.8\). Default values for diffuse radiation extinction, absorbance, reflectance and water interception parameters depend on the leaf shape:
Leaf shape | \(k_{PAR}\) | \(\alpha_{SWR}\) | \(\gamma_{SWR}\) | \(s_{water}\) |
Broad | 0.55 | 0.70 | 0.18 | 0.5 |
Linear | 0.45 | 0.70 | 0.15 | 0.8 |
Needle/Scale | 0.50 | 0.70 | 0.14 | 1.0 |
where \(k_{PAR}\) is the diffuse PAR extinction coefficient, \(\alpha_{SWR}\) is the short-wave radiation leaf absorbance coefficient, \(\gamma_{SWR}\) is the short-wave radiation leaf reflectance (albedo) and \(s_{water}\) is the crown water storage capacity per LAI unit.
A.3.12 Stomatal conductance
Default values for minimum and maximum conductance to water vapour (\(g_{swmin}\) and \(g_{swmax}\); in \(mol\, H_2O \cdot s^{-1} \cdot m^{-2}\)) were defined depending on taxonomic family, from Duursma et al. (2018) and Hoshika et al. (2018), and stored in an internal data set (medfate:::trait_family_means
Gswmin | Gswmax | |
Acanthaceae | NA | 0.2500000 |
Altingiaceae | NA | 0.5000000 |
Amaranthaceae | NA | 0.0750000 |
Amaryllidaceae | 0.0180400 | NA |
Anacardiaceae | 0.0122299 | 0.3148333 |
Apiaceae | 0.0015873 | NA |
Aquifoliaceae | 0.0005740 | 0.2600000 |
Araliaceae | 0.0003902 | NA |
Araucariaceae | 0.0018786 | NA |
Arecaceae | 0.0004500 | NA |
Aristolochiaceae | 0.0035896 | NA |
Aspleniaceae | 0.0082000 | NA |
Asteraceae | 0.0105288 | 0.1275000 |
Balsaminaceae | 0.0126573 | NA |
Berberidaceae | 0.0016500 | NA |
Betulaceae | 0.0029731 | 0.3965000 |
Boraginaceae | 0.0057402 | NA |
Brassicaceae | 0.0106600 | NA |
Cactaceae | 0.0000243 | NA |
Calophyllaceae | NA | 0.1350000 |
Cannabaceae | NA | 0.3300000 |
Caryophyllaceae | 0.0018519 | NA |
Cephalotaxaceae | 0.0022700 | NA |
Cercidiphyllaceae | NA | 0.4000000 |
Chrysobalanaceae | NA | 0.1740000 |
Cistaceae | 0.0082820 | NA |
Clethraceae | NA | 0.2500000 |
Combretaceae | 0.0131200 | NA |
Convolvulaceae | 0.0041967 | NA |
Cordiaceae | 0.0065600 | NA |
Cornaceae | NA | 0.3000000 |
Crassulaceae | 0.0022751 | NA |
Cupressaceae | 0.0063192 | 0.0840000 |
Cyperaceae | 0.0190600 | NA |
Dipterocarpaceae | NA | 0.3874722 |
Ehretiaceae | NA | 0.2900000 |
Elaeagnaceae | NA | 0.1700000 |
Ericaceae | 0.0041455 | 0.1723333 |
Euphorbiaceae | 0.0026500 | 0.2616667 |
Fabaceae | 0.0085178 | 0.3066667 |
Fagaceae | 0.0060137 | 0.3127601 |
Geraniaceae | 0.0043050 | NA |
Hamamelidaceae | NA | 0.2600000 |
Juglandaceae | 0.0039355 | 0.4900000 |
Krameriaceae | NA | 0.1600000 |
Lamiaceae | 0.0052377 | 0.7300000 |
Lauraceae | NA | 0.2212500 |
Magnoliaceae | 0.0038800 | 0.3075000 |
Malvaceae | 0.0064056 | 0.5532500 |
Meliaceae | NA | 0.1600000 |
Moraceae | 0.0064020 | 0.3835000 |
Myristicaceae | NA | 0.0880000 |
Myrtaceae | 0.0078149 | 0.2310769 |
Oleaceae | 0.0046740 | NA |
Onagraceae | 0.0169506 | NA |
Oxalidaceae | 0.0022524 | NA |
Paeoniaceae | 0.0082000 | NA |
Pentaphylacaceae | NA | 0.1200000 |
Phyllanthaceae | 0.0077900 | NA |
Phyllocladaceae | 0.0050406 | NA |
Pinaceae | 0.0036139 | 0.1776737 |
Plantaginaceae | 0.0061086 | NA |
Platanaceae | 0.0066100 | 0.4250000 |
Poaceae | 0.0160657 | 0.4691495 |
Podocarpaceae | 0.0076971 | NA |
Polygalaceae | NA | 0.0870000 |
Polygonaceae | 0.0139237 | NA |
Pontederiaceae | NA | 0.2400000 |
Proteaceae | 0.0075187 | NA |
Ranunculaceae | 0.0096204 | NA |
Rosaceae | 0.0092820 | 0.5316667 |
Rubiaceae | 0.0061500 | NA |
Rutaceae | 0.0090200 | NA |
Salicaceae | 0.0086680 | 0.3373333 |
Sapindaceae | 0.0035583 | 0.2119630 |
Sapotaceae | NA | 0.1870000 |
Sciadopityaceae | 0.0066554 | NA |
Simaroubaceae | NA | 0.6320000 |
Solanaceae | NA | 0.6000000 |
Taxaceae | 0.0037033 | NA |
Theaceae | 0.0068781 | 0.4600000 |
Ulmaceae | NA | 0.4425000 |
Urticaceae | NA | 0.6075000 |
Verbenaceae | 0.0120000 | NA |
Vitaceae | 0.0056426 | NA |
Zygophyllaceae | NA | 0.1580769 |
If there is no information derived from taxonomic family, \(g_{swmin} = 0.0049\) and \(g_{swmax} = 0.200\).
A.3.13 Pressure-volume curves
Parameters of the pressure-volume curve (i.e. \(\pi_{0,stem}\) and \(\epsilon_{stem}\)) for leaf and stem symplastic tissue are required for each species.
When parameters for stem tissue are missing, medfate estimates them from wood density following Christoffersen et al. (2016): \[\begin{equation} \pi_{0,stem} = 0.52 - 4.16 \cdot \rho_{wood} \end{equation}\]
\[\begin{equation} \epsilon_{stem} = \sqrt{1.02 \cdot e^{8.5\cdot \rho_{wood}}-2.89} \end{equation}\] while the apoplastic fraction of stem is assumed \(f_{apo,stem} = f_{conduits}\) (see A.3.7).
Default values for leaf pressure-volume parameters, i.e. \(\pi_{0,leaf}\), \(\epsilon_{leaf}\) and \(f_{apo,leaf}\), are determined from taxonomic family using an internal data set (medfate:::trait_family_means
LeafPI0 | LeafEPS | LeafAF | |
Acanthaceae | -3.395000 | 23.230000 | 0.1270000 |
Adoxaceae | -1.560000 | 12.790000 | NA |
Amaranthaceae | -2.250000 | NA | NA |
Anacardiaceae | -1.700000 | 12.760000 | NA |
Annonaceae | -2.160000 | 23.710000 | NA |
Apocynaceae | -2.390000 | 20.940000 | NA |
Aquifoliaceae | -2.300000 | 20.700000 | 0.4000000 |
Araliaceae | -1.528503 | 11.231462 | 0.4065000 |
Arecaceae | -3.400000 | 73.400000 | 0.2000000 |
Aspleniaceae | -1.240000 | 35.300000 | NA |
Asteraceae | -1.471389 | 14.491429 | 0.2435000 |
Atherospermataceae | -1.340000 | 8.380000 | NA |
Betulaceae | -1.246984 | 5.498667 | NA |
Bignoniaceae | -1.990000 | 17.610000 | 0.1770000 |
Boraginaceae | -1.140000 | NA | NA |
Brassicaceae | -1.485000 | 7.710000 | 0.2320000 |
Burseraceae | -1.435000 | 14.980000 | NA |
Cactaceae | NA | 8.700000 | NA |
Cannabaceae | -1.580000 | 5.180000 | NA |
Capparaceae | -2.840000 | 14.750000 | 0.1723333 |
Caryocaraceae | -1.710000 | 11.340000 | NA |
Celastraceae | -2.600000 | 19.060000 | NA |
Combretaceae | -2.110000 | 6.830000 | NA |
Connaraceae | -2.250000 | 18.010000 | NA |
Convolvulaceae | -1.320000 | NA | NA |
Cordiaceae | -1.647500 | 11.295938 | NA |
Cucurbitaceae | -0.980000 | NA | NA |
Cupressaceae | -1.480000 | 12.600000 | 0.2720000 |
Dipterocarpaceae | -1.131429 | 23.630000 | 0.4634286 |
Dryopteridaceae | -1.425000 | 48.950000 | NA |
Ebenaceae | -2.110000 | 14.650000 | NA |
Ericaceae | -1.670000 | 14.382000 | 0.4660000 |
Erythroxylaceae | -1.916667 | 16.993333 | NA |
Euphorbiaceae | -1.260000 | 17.570000 | 0.4745000 |
Fabaceae | -1.641724 | 13.577917 | 0.2609091 |
Fagaceae | -1.994080 | 18.132800 | 0.2206667 |
Geraniaceae | -0.730000 | 3.740000 | NA |
Goodeniaceae | -1.500000 | NA | NA |
Grossulariaceae | -1.845000 | NA | NA |
Hydrophyllaceae | -1.260000 | NA | NA |
Irvingiaceae | -1.690000 | 38.380000 | 0.4760000 |
Lamiaceae | -1.184000 | 6.120000 | 0.2200000 |
Lauraceae | -2.074728 | 16.763373 | 0.1760000 |
Lindsaeaceae | -1.970000 | 7.340000 | 0.1700000 |
Lythraceae | -1.535000 | 6.055000 | NA |
Magnoliaceae | -1.430000 | 9.140000 | 0.1560000 |
Malpighiaceae | -1.540000 | 9.450000 | NA |
Malvaceae | -2.110000 | 17.730000 | NA |
Melastomataceae | -1.754000 | 12.306667 | NA |
Moraceae | -1.353563 | 13.575000 | NA |
Myrtaceae | -1.852385 | 14.462948 | 0.4006000 |
Nothofagaceae | -1.480000 | 8.380000 | NA |
Nyctaginaceae | -1.280000 | NA | NA |
Oleaceae | -2.060557 | 14.205556 | NA |
Onagraceae | -1.200000 | NA | NA |
Orchidaceae | -0.530000 | 14.766667 | 0.2366667 |
Paeoniaceae | -1.860000 | NA | NA |
Papaveraceae | -1.610000 | NA | NA |
Pentaphylacaceae | -1.550000 | 9.270000 | NA |
Phyllanthaceae | -1.263333 | 13.966667 | 0.3036667 |
Pinaceae | -1.771562 | 17.837500 | 0.2587500 |
Pittosporaceae | -1.946262 | 9.759533 | 0.3610000 |
Platanaceae | -1.390000 | 8.810000 | 0.3600000 |
Poaceae | -1.137143 | 4.856667 | NA |
Polygalaceae | -1.590000 | 26.760000 | 0.4140000 |
Polygonaceae | -1.600000 | 5.030000 | NA |
Polypodiaceae | -1.158333 | 34.250000 | 0.2100000 |
Primulaceae | -1.700000 | 15.320000 | NA |
Proteaceae | -2.114345 | 15.525000 | NA |
Rhamnaceae | -2.041667 | 6.200000 | 0.0770000 |
Rhizophoraceae | -2.320000 | 9.650000 | NA |
Rosaceae | -1.766687 | 10.812958 | 0.4820000 |
Rubiaceae | -1.681563 | 12.938015 | 0.4500000 |
Salicaceae | -1.891667 | 15.555000 | NA |
Sapindaceae | -1.357544 | 7.156992 | 0.1000000 |
Sapotaceae | -1.785000 | 17.835000 | 0.3830000 |
Scrophulariaceae | -1.210000 | NA | NA |
Simmondsiaceae | -2.420000 | NA | NA |
Solanaceae | -1.072000 | 9.465000 | NA |
Styracaceae | -2.280000 | 24.565000 | NA |
Symplocaceae | -1.485000 | NA | NA |
Tetrameristaceae | -2.970000 | NA | NA |
Urticaceae | -1.040250 | 9.126500 | NA |
Verbenaceae | -1.100000 | 4.850000 | 0.2270000 |
Violaceae | -1.390000 | 17.840000 | 0.3720000 |
Vitaceae | -1.292900 | 6.647000 | NA |
Vochysiaceae | -2.135000 | 19.995000 | NA |
Winteraceae | -1.480000 | 11.620000 | NA |
Zygophyllaceae | -2.780000 | NA | NA |
If family-level values are missing, following Bartlett et al. (2012) average values for Mediterranean climate leaves are taken as defaults, i.e. \(\pi_{0,leaf} = -2\) MPa, \(\epsilon_{leaf} = 17\), whereas a 29% leaf apoplastic fraction is assumed (i.e. \(f_{apo,leaf} = 0.29\)).
A.3.14 Stem and root maximum hydraulic conductivity
Tissue-level maximum conductivity parameters (i.e. \(K_{stem,max,ref}\) and \(K_{root,max,ref}\)) are not direct parameters to simulation functions. Instead, theay are scaled to estimate stem- and root-level hydraulic conductances (i.e. \(k_{stem, \max}\) and \(k_{root, \max}\)) using plant size (see A.4.1 and A.4.3 for details). \(K_{stem,max,ref}\) and \(K_{root,max,ref}\) are supplied via species parameter table and missing values can therefore occur.
Default values for \(K_{stem,max,ref}\) are determined from taxonomic family using an internal data set (medfate:::trait_family_means
Kmax_stemxylem | |
Adoxaceae | 4.0535575 |
Altingiaceae | 0.5050000 |
Amaranthaceae | 0.0819000 |
Amborellaceae | 0.5400000 |
Anacardiaceae | 4.0772016 |
Annonaceae | 5.2706667 |
Apiaceae | 0.5150000 |
Apocynaceae | 2.5651667 |
Aquifoliaceae | 0.2255757 |
Araliaceae | 1.6809011 |
Araucariaceae | 0.7322500 |
Asteraceae | 0.4986571 |
Austrobaileyaceae | 2.3000000 |
Berberidaceae | 0.0873333 |
Betulaceae | 2.8733374 |
Bignoniaceae | 2.1014900 |
Bruniaceae | 0.2515000 |
Burseraceae | 3.4050000 |
Cactaceae | 1.8688095 |
Calophyllaceae | 0.8982857 |
Cannabaceae | 4.3396105 |
Capparaceae | 0.5572667 |
Caprifoliaceae | 0.2521010 |
Caryocaraceae | 1.7587273 |
Casuarinaceae | 1.8954048 |
Cistaceae | 0.3958482 |
Clusiaceae | 0.5950000 |
Cochlospermaceae | 7.7500000 |
Combretaceae | 5.7436667 |
Convolvulaceae | 2.2000000 |
Cordiaceae | 4.4607389 |
Cornaceae | 2.3439777 |
Cupressaceae | 0.9325131 |
Daphniphyllaceae | 0.4600000 |
Dennstaedtiaceae | 21.9800000 |
Dilleniaceae | 1.2500000 |
Dipterocarpaceae | 8.8857143 |
Ebenaceae | 1.5527759 |
Ehretiaceae | 0.4100000 |
Ericaceae | 0.6151806 |
Erythroxylaceae | 0.5352000 |
Euphorbiaceae | 3.3816717 |
Eupomatiaceae | 1.1239700 |
Fabaceae | 2.9075403 |
Fagaceae | 2.5306061 |
Garryaceae | 1.9333333 |
Gnetaceae | 1.2900000 |
Iteaceae | 0.4500000 |
Juglandaceae | 4.2050000 |
Lamiaceae | 4.8686077 |
Lauraceae | 1.1201255 |
Lecythidaceae | 6.5443450 |
Loranthaceae | 0.2817696 |
Lythraceae | 6.1800000 |
Malpighiaceae | 11.0500000 |
Malvaceae | 5.0140647 |
Melastomataceae | 3.2448243 |
Meliaceae | 3.5074214 |
Moraceae | 4.2635627 |
Myricaceae | 2.0300000 |
Myrothamnaceae | 0.8700000 |
Myrtaceae | 3.0899244 |
Nothofagaceae | 0.7973333 |
Nyctaginaceae | 3.4236667 |
Nyssaceae | 0.1800000 |
Ochnaceae | 0.9111500 |
Oleaceae | 0.8444824 |
Onagraceae | 1.0800000 |
Pandaceae | 1.1963139 |
Phyllanthaceae | 2.5362078 |
Phyllocladaceae | 0.6930000 |
Phytolaccaceae | 2.0410000 |
Picrodendraceae | 3.9400000 |
Pinaceae | 0.7547927 |
Piperaceae | 4.4389250 |
Pittosporaceae | 1.7800000 |
Poaceae | 4.5583333 |
Podocarpaceae | 0.4627272 |
Polygalaceae | 0.1615533 |
Polygonaceae | 2.4000000 |
Primulaceae | 1.4938311 |
Proteaceae | 1.6704393 |
Putranjivaceae | 0.6000000 |
Rhamnaceae | 1.9312597 |
Rhizophoraceae | 1.1050000 |
Rosaceae | 5.6895709 |
Rubiaceae | 2.1240290 |
Rutaceae | 1.5498517 |
Salicaceae | 3.0508423 |
Santalaceae | 1.8595493 |
Sapindaceae | 2.5607242 |
Sapotaceae | 0.5590170 |
Sciadopityaceae | 0.4400000 |
Scrophulariaceae | 0.2350000 |
Simaroubaceae | 2.4300000 |
Solanaceae | 3.6970125 |
Stachyuraceae | 0.5500000 |
Staphyleaceae | 2.6500000 |
Styracaceae | 2.3407222 |
Symplocaceae | 3.2000000 |
Tamaricaceae | 2.6600000 |
Taxaceae | 0.3200000 |
Theaceae | 2.8179558 |
Thymelaeaceae | 0.5627650 |
Ulmaceae | 0.6210000 |
Urticaceae | 4.9860000 |
Verbenaceae | 1.7200000 |
Vochysiaceae | 1.4756667 |
Winteraceae | 0.4133333 |
If family-level values are missing, suitable \(K_{stem,max,ref}\) values are decided according to combinations of taxon group (either Angiosperm or Gymnosperm), growth form (either tree or shrub) and leaf phenology (Maherali et al. 2004):
Group | Growth form | Leaf phenology | \(K_{stem,max,ref}\) |
Angiosperm | Tree | Winter-(semi)deciduous | 1.58 |
Angiosperm | Shrub | Winter-(semi)deciduous | 1.55 |
Angiosperm | Tree/Shrub | Evergreen | 2.43 |
Gymnosperm | Tree | any | 0.48 |
Gymnosperm | Shrub | any | 0.24 |
Following Oliveras et al. (2003), missing values for \(K_{root,max,ref}\) are assumed to be four-times the values given or estimated for \(K_{stem,max,ref}\).
A.3.15 Leaf maximum hydraulic conductance
Leaf maximum hydraulic conductance (\(k_{l, max}\), in \(mmol \cdot m^{-2} \cdot s^{-1} \cdot MPa^{-1}\)) is an input parameter that should be provided for each species. When missing, leaf maximum hydraulic conductance can be estimated from maximum stomatal conductance (\(g_{swmax}\)), following Franks (2006) (original coefficients were modified for better fit): \[\begin{equation} k_{l, max} = (g_{swmax}/0.015)^{1/1.3} \end{equation}\] Note that values for \(g_{swmax}\) may also be imputed (see A.3.12).
A.3.16 Xylem vulnerability
Default values for \(\Psi_{50,stem}\) are determined from taxonomic family using an internal data set (medfate:::trait_family_means
P50 | |
Adoxaceae | -3.0384833 |
Altingiaceae | -2.0370147 |
Amaranthaceae | -2.4252402 |
Amborellaceae | -3.0000000 |
Anacardiaceae | -2.6535235 |
Annonaceae | -2.5276068 |
Apiaceae | -5.7000000 |
Apocynaceae | -2.4864334 |
Aquifoliaceae | -3.6437782 |
Araliaceae | -1.6530859 |
Araucariaceae | -2.6183226 |
Arecaceae | -1.8100000 |
Asparagaceae | -1.6960000 |
Asteraceae | -3.2565860 |
Atherospermataceae | -3.0063333 |
Austrobaileyaceae | -0.4990000 |
Berberidaceae | -4.5000000 |
Betulaceae | -2.1017591 |
Bignoniaceae | -0.8616667 |
Boraginaceae | -3.5677066 |
Bruniaceae | -3.3883558 |
Burseraceae | -1.3054970 |
Buxaceae | -8.0000000 |
Cactaceae | -1.2875000 |
Calophyllaceae | -1.5400000 |
Calycanthaceae | -1.2808475 |
Canellaceae | -0.2320000 |
Cannabaceae | -1.5325304 |
Capparaceae | -2.3615234 |
Caprifoliaceae | -5.5144833 |
Caryocaraceae | -1.6766667 |
Casuarinaceae | -2.1750000 |
Celastraceae | -3.4679167 |
Chloranthaceae | -1.7228571 |
Chrysobalanaceae | -2.2000000 |
Cistaceae | -7.1951892 |
Cleomaceae | -2.1842678 |
Clusiaceae | -1.3172327 |
Cochlospermaceae | -1.4400000 |
Combretaceae | -1.8483333 |
Convolvulaceae | -1.5987102 |
Cordiaceae | -2.3307795 |
Cornaceae | -4.1378833 |
Cunoniaceae | -1.1500000 |
Cupressaceae | -8.3049767 |
Daphniphyllaceae | -0.5985705 |
Dennstaedtiaceae | -1.9900000 |
Dilleniaceae | -1.4112676 |
Dipterocarpaceae | -0.3628571 |
Dryopteridaceae | -2.5797602 |
Ebenaceae | -1.5093287 |
Ehretiaceae | -3.8200000 |
Ericaceae | -2.8142685 |
Euphorbiaceae | -1.4638127 |
Eupomatiaceae | -0.3950000 |
Fabaceae | -2.3909838 |
Fagaceae | -2.5878534 |
Fouquieriaceae | -1.3452785 |
Garryaceae | -6.2691850 |
Ginkgoaceae | -4.3306349 |
Gnetaceae | -3.8601667 |
Grossulariaceae | -3.5658333 |
Haematococcaceae | -1.0161048 |
Himantandraceae | -1.3000000 |
Iteaceae | -2.4945237 |
Juglandaceae | -1.5701852 |
Lamiaceae | -4.1494102 |
Lauraceae | -2.1528796 |
Lecythidaceae | -1.3583333 |
Lomariopsidaceae | -1.1192688 |
Lythraceae | -1.1835117 |
Magnoliaceae | -1.6162070 |
Malpighiaceae | -1.2600000 |
Malvaceae | -1.5443759 |
Melastomataceae | -2.2465000 |
Meliaceae | -1.6824730 |
Menispermaceae | -0.6400000 |
Moraceae | -1.0012407 |
Myricaceae | -1.6301207 |
Myrtaceae | -2.1681342 |
Nothofagaceae | -2.5384687 |
Nyctaginaceae | -3.3618225 |
Nyssaceae | -1.7354355 |
Ochnaceae | -1.6475300 |
Oleaceae | -3.3224338 |
Onagraceae | -1.6250000 |
Pandaceae | -2.6000000 |
Pentaphylacaceae | -1.2000000 |
Phyllanthaceae | -1.9312493 |
Phyllocladaceae | -6.9215266 |
Phytolaccaceae | -2.9000000 |
Pinaceae | -3.9399344 |
Pittosporaceae | -1.9328674 |
Platanaceae | -1.5447656 |
Poaceae | -2.5980959 |
Podocarpaceae | -3.6786525 |
Polygalaceae | -1.5000000 |
Polygonaceae | -1.8324549 |
Polypodiaceae | -1.4328381 |
Primulaceae | -2.4159524 |
Proteaceae | -3.0023208 |
Pteridaceae | -1.6296520 |
Putranjivaceae | -2.2150279 |
Ranunculaceae | -1.6100000 |
Rhamnaceae | -5.0583305 |
Rhizophoraceae | -5.1853958 |
Rosaceae | -4.2920879 |
Rubiaceae | -2.7428916 |
Rutaceae | -1.4957143 |
Salicaceae | -1.9309521 |
Sapindaceae | -2.3003821 |
Sapotaceae | -1.9824490 |
Sarcobataceae | -2.1745285 |
Schisandraceae | -2.6653333 |
Sciadopityaceae | -2.4279818 |
Simaroubaceae | -1.5043567 |
Solanaceae | -1.6191103 |
Stachyuraceae | -4.0791455 |
Staphyleaceae | -1.9981312 |
Stemonuraceae | -0.1800000 |
Styracaceae | -2.6750000 |
Symplocaceae | -2.1074074 |
Tamaricaceae | -1.2780403 |
Taxaceae | -6.9838493 |
Tectariaceae | -1.2443660 |
Theaceae | -3.3275000 |
Thelypteridaceae | -1.1367341 |
Thymelaeaceae | -4.3968716 |
Trimeniaceae | -0.8180000 |
Trochodendraceae | -1.8850000 |
Urticaceae | -0.7786495 |
Verbenaceae | -1.7193146 |
Violaceae | -2.5751935 |
Vitaceae | -0.3520000 |
Vochysiaceae | -1.4583013 |
Winteraceae | -3.4099667 |
Zygophyllaceae | -3.8233368 |
If family-level values is missing, a suitable estimate of \(\Psi_{50,stem}\) the water potential corresponding to 50% of conductance loss, can be obtained from Maherali et al. (2004) according to combinations of taxon group (either Angiosperm or Gymnosperm), growth form (either tree or shrub) and leaf phenology:
Group | Growth form | Leaf phenology | \(\Psi_{50,stem}\) |
Angiosperm | Tree/Shrub | Winter-(semi)deciduous | -2.34 |
Angiosperm | Tree | Evergreen | -1.51 |
Angiosperm | Shrub | Evergreen | -5.09 |
Gymnosperm | Tree | any | -4.17 |
Gymnosperm | Shrub | any | -8.95 |
\(\Psi_{50,stem}\) estimates are taken for parameter \(\Psi_{critic}\), in the case of the basic water balance model.
Vulnerability curves in the advanced model need to be specified for leaves, stem and root segments via the two parameters of the Weibull function (see 10.2). When any of the parameters of the stem vulnerability curve is missing, a regression equation using data from Choat et al. (2012) can be used to estimate \(\Psi_{88,stem}\) from \(\Psi_{50,stem}\): \[\begin{equation} \Psi_{88,stem} = -1.4264 + 1.2593 \cdot \Psi_{50,stem} \end{equation}\]
Finally, estimates for \(c_{stem}\) and \(d_{stem}\) are obtained from \(\Psi_{50,stem}\) and \(\Psi_{88,stem}\) via function hydraulics_psi2Weibull()
Vulnerability curves for root xylem are less common than for stem xylem. If these values are missing, \(\Psi_{50,stem}\) is first estimated according to its definition and the stem vulnerability curve parameters, \(c_{stem}\) and \(d_{stem}\). Then, a relationship from Bartlett et al. (2016) is used to estimate \(\Psi_{50, root}\) from \(\Psi_{50,stem}\): \[\begin{equation} \Psi_{50, root} = 0.4892 + 0.742 \cdot \Psi_{50,stem} \end{equation}\] Finally, \(\Psi_{88,stem}\) and the Weibull vulnerability parameters are obtained as explained for stems.
Vulnerability curves for leaf xylem are also less common than for stem xylem. If these values are missing, the water potential at turgor los point \(\Psi_{tlp}\) is first estimated from \(\pi_{leaf}\) and \(\epsilon_{leaf}\) according to eq. (10.4). Then, a relationship calibrated with data from Bartlett et al. (2016) is used to estimate \(\Psi_{50, leaf}\) from \(\Psi_{tlp}\): \[\begin{equation} \Psi_{50, leaf} = 0.2486 + 0.9944 \cdot \Psi_{tlp} \end{equation}\] Finally, \(\Psi_{88,leaf}\) and the Weibull vulnerability parameters are obtained as explained for stems.
A.3.17 Photosynthesis rates
Rubisco’s maximum carboxylation rate at 25ºC (\(V_{max, 298}\), in \(\mu mol CO_2 \cdot s^{-1} \cdot m^{-2}\)) is a required input parameter for each species (Vmax298
). When missing, the work by Walker et al. (2014) suggests that suitable estimates can be derived from \(SLA\) and \(N_{area}\), the latter being the nitrogen concentration per leaf area:
V_{max, 298} = e^{1.993 + 2.555\cdot \log(N_{area}) - 0.372 \cdot \log(SLA) + 0.422 \cdot \log(N_{area})\cdot \log(SLA) }
In turn, imputation for \(SLA\) is explained in A.3.4, whereas values for \(N_{area}\) are determined from \(N_{leaf}\) and \(SLA\), being \(N_{leaf}\) estimated as indicated in A.3.18. Would \(N_{leaf}\) and \(SLA\) values be both unavailable, a default value of 100 \(\mu mol CO_2 \cdot s^{-1} \cdot m^{-2}\) is used for \(V_{max, 298}\) imputation.
When the maximum rate of electron transport at the same temperature (\(J_{max, 298}\)) is not provided by the user, it can be estimated from \(V_{max, 298}\) using (Walker et al. 2014):
\[\begin{equation} J_{max, 298} = e^{1.197 + 0.847\cdot \log(V_{max,298})} \end{equation}\]
A.3.18 Maintenance respiration rates
When missing at the species parameter table, maintenance respiration rates for leaves, sapwood and fine roots (\(RER_{leaf}\), \(RER_{sapwood}\) and \(RER_{fineroot}\); all in \(g\,gluc\cdot g\,dry^{-1}\cdot day^{-1}\)) are estimated from corresponding tissue nitrogen concentrations (\(N_{leaf}\), \(N_{sapwood}\) and \(N_{fineroot}\); all in \(mg\,N \cdot g\,dry^{-1}\)) following the equations given by Reich et al. (2008) (after appropriate unit conversion): \[\begin{eqnarray} RER_{leaf} &=& e^{0.691+ 1.639 \cdot \log(N_{leaf}))} \\ RER_{sapwood} &=& e^{1.024 + 1.344 \cdot \log(N_{sapwood}))} \\ RER_{fineroot} &=& e^{0.980 + 1.352 \cdot \log(N_{fineroot}))} \end{eqnarray}\] where in the previous equations nitrogen concentrations are in \(mmol\,N\cdot g\,dry^{-1}\) and respiration rates in \(nmol\,CO2\cdot g\,dry^{-1}\cdot s^{-1}\).
In turn, when tissue nitrogen concentrations are missing they are estimated from taxonomic family using an internal data set (medfate:::trait_family_means
Nleaf | Nsapwood | Nfineroot | |
Acanthaceae | 27.122403 | NA | 5.580000 |
Achariaceae | 22.162815 | NA | NA |
Acoraceae | 18.000000 | NA | NA |
Actinidiaceae | 20.183321 | NA | NA |
Adoxaceae | 20.566364 | NA | 11.013750 |
Aextoxicaceae | 9.621429 | NA | NA |
Aizoaceae | 14.800000 | NA | NA |
Alismataceae | 27.287834 | NA | NA |
Alstroemeriaceae | 19.402857 | NA | NA |
Altingiaceae | 15.462547 | NA | 7.550000 |
Amaranthaceae | 23.740694 | NA | 12.411441 |
Amaryllidaceae | 28.734076 | NA | 11.440000 |
Amphorogynaceae | 25.236766 | NA | NA |
Anacardiaceae | 17.914439 | NA | 10.539737 |
Annonaceae | 23.593695 | NA | 23.830391 |
Apiaceae | 24.746891 | NA | 10.787434 |
Apocynaceae | 21.754119 | NA | 16.845575 |
Aptandraceae | 28.435524 | NA | NA |
Aquifoliaceae | 14.645818 | NA | 14.324450 |
Araceae | 22.255347 | NA | NA |
Araliaceae | 18.093569 | NA | 20.500000 |
Araucariaceae | 12.622035 | NA | 13.000000 |
Arecaceae | 18.349681 | NA | 13.216667 |
Aristolochiaceae | 31.726525 | NA | NA |
Asparagaceae | 22.875870 | NA | NA |
Asphodelaceae | 12.352222 | NA | NA |
Aspleniaceae | 28.260000 | NA | NA |
Asteraceae | 22.036543 | NA | 9.346061 |
Atherospermataceae | 17.869722 | NA | 23.200000 |
Athyriaceae | 26.901037 | NA | NA |
Aulacomniaceae | 8.000000 | NA | NA |
Balsaminaceae | 36.003950 | NA | NA |
Begoniaceae | 34.200000 | NA | NA |
Berberidaceae | 17.997372 | NA | 21.087500 |
Betulaceae | 24.194029 | 14.505149 | 13.430951 |
Bignoniaceae | 23.830902 | 6.575973 | 19.915047 |
Bixaceae | 25.531043 | NA | NA |
Blechnaceae | 11.749050 | NA | NA |
Bonnetiaceae | 9.800000 | NA | NA |
Boraginaceae | 23.032555 | NA | NA |
Brassicaceae | 34.316821 | NA | 18.501306 |
Bromeliaceae | 9.559591 | NA | NA |
Brunelliaceae | 21.006960 | NA | NA |
Bruniaceae | 7.781667 | NA | NA |
Burseraceae | 19.028712 | NA | 10.964427 |
Butomaceae | 42.600000 | NA | NA |
Buxaceae | 22.691830 | NA | NA |
Cabombaceae | 19.500000 | NA | NA |
Cactaceae | 16.988641 | NA | NA |
Calophyllaceae | 12.424790 | NA | NA |
Calycanthaceae | 17.400000 | NA | NA |
Calyceraceae | 43.000000 | NA | NA |
Campanulaceae | 27.682767 | NA | 5.721013 |
Cannabaceae | 28.941055 | NA | NA |
Cannaceae | 39.700000 | NA | NA |
Capparaceae | 30.523096 | 9.456375 | NA |
Caprifoliaceae | 19.333331 | NA | 12.382333 |
Cardiopteridaceae | 19.882555 | NA | NA |
Caricaceae | 36.177864 | NA | NA |
Caryocaraceae | 18.085982 | NA | NA |
Caryophyllaceae | 22.682234 | NA | 12.024146 |
Casuarinaceae | 13.167778 | NA | NA |
Celastraceae | 18.486005 | NA | 16.244311 |
Centroplacaceae | 15.890000 | NA | NA |
Cephalotaxaceae | 19.300000 | NA | NA |
Chloranthaceae | 18.710157 | NA | NA |
Chrysobalanaceae | 16.190293 | NA | NA |
Cibotiaceae | 17.187976 | NA | NA |
Cistaceae | 17.353120 | NA | 10.170000 |
Cleomaceae | 40.580000 | NA | NA |
Clethraceae | 14.113977 | NA | NA |
Clusiaceae | 15.111239 | NA | NA |
Cochlospermaceae | 18.036146 | NA | NA |
Codonaceae | 46.700000 | NA | NA |
Colchicaceae | 24.100437 | NA | NA |
Comandraceae | 20.452929 | NA | NA |
Combretaceae | 18.537698 | 3.045745 | 8.040984 |
Commelinaceae | 22.817426 | NA | NA |
Connaraceae | 18.671267 | NA | NA |
Convolvulaceae | 27.043628 | NA | 20.610000 |
Corallinaceae | 24.600000 | NA | NA |
Cordiaceae | 26.773979 | NA | 22.222748 |
Coriariaceae | 23.145656 | NA | NA |
Cornaceae | 19.015650 | NA | 7.812801 |
Corynocarpaceae | 30.000000 | NA | 34.200000 |
Costaceae | 20.694025 | NA | NA |
Coulaceae | 18.024187 | NA | NA |
Crassulaceae | 20.890131 | NA | 9.510000 |
Crypteroniaceae | 11.190000 | NA | NA |
Cucurbitaceae | 34.184894 | NA | NA |
Cunoniaceae | 11.596341 | NA | 13.000000 |
Cupressaceae | 11.557371 | 5.200000 | 10.299874 |
Curtisiaceae | 14.750000 | NA | NA |
Cyatheaceae | 20.146356 | NA | 9.750000 |
Cycadaceae | 22.709697 | NA | NA |
Cyclanthaceae | 19.600000 | NA | NA |
Cyperaceae | 19.578327 | NA | 7.069177 |
Cyrillaceae | 11.676042 | NA | NA |
Cystopteridaceae | 26.087701 | NA | NA |
Daphniphyllaceae | 16.697078 | NA | NA |
Dennstaedtiaceae | 21.009091 | NA | NA |
Diapensiaceae | 11.225000 | NA | NA |
Dichapetalaceae | 16.234979 | NA | NA |
Dicksoniaceae | 14.845833 | NA | 13.200000 |
Dicranaceae | 6.960000 | NA | NA |
Didiereaceae | 13.800000 | NA | NA |
Dilleniaceae | 13.395289 | NA | 4.090000 |
Dioscoreaceae | 21.481420 | NA | NA |
Dipterocarpaceae | 16.617894 | NA | 11.000000 |
Droseraceae | 13.592376 | NA | NA |
Dryopteridaceae | 21.617072 | NA | NA |
Ebenaceae | 17.540189 | NA | 14.088678 |
Ehretiaceae | 24.178348 | NA | NA |
Elaeagnaceae | 34.198757 | NA | 28.100000 |
Elaeocarpaceae | 15.733059 | NA | 13.850000 |
Ephedraceae | 14.259159 | NA | NA |
Equisetaceae | 18.233321 | NA | 10.919654 |
Ericaceae | 11.965271 | 2.780000 | 9.215721 |
Eriocaulaceae | 21.633333 | NA | NA |
Erythropalaceae | 21.326093 | NA | NA |
Erythroxylaceae | 21.484533 | NA | NA |
Escalloniaceae | 18.094942 | NA | NA |
Euphorbiaceae | 25.053831 | 4.319765 | 7.033673 |
Eupteleaceae | 21.400000 | NA | NA |
Fabaceae | 28.117544 | 7.428306 | 17.968186 |
Fagaceae | 17.363505 | 7.268250 | 11.620330 |
Fissidentaceae | 15.100000 | NA | NA |
Flagellariaceae | 24.324811 | NA | NA |
Fouquieriaceae | 13.857143 | NA | NA |
Garryaceae | 13.408563 | NA | NA |
Gentianaceae | 20.818110 | NA | NA |
Geraniaceae | 21.715382 | NA | 8.446347 |
Gesneriaceae | 21.044023 | NA | NA |
Ginkgoaceae | 19.375000 | NA | NA |
Gleicheniaceae | 12.503416 | NA | NA |
Gnetaceae | 23.623621 | NA | NA |
Goodeniaceae | 12.770560 | NA | NA |
Goupiaceae | 17.470304 | NA | NA |
Griseliniaceae | 9.968742 | NA | 30.200000 |
Grossulariaceae | 21.745764 | NA | 12.475793 |
Gunneraceae | 22.700000 | NA | NA |
Gyrostemonaceae | 16.700000 | NA | NA |
Haematococcaceae | 26.810000 | NA | NA |
Haemodoraceae | 35.460000 | NA | NA |
Haloragaceae | 13.066600 | NA | NA |
Hamamelidaceae | 13.017588 | NA | 11.917021 |
Heliconiaceae | 23.191582 | NA | NA |
Heliotropiaceae | 26.496602 | NA | NA |
Hemidictyaceae | 24.343333 | NA | NA |
Hernandiaceae | 28.683333 | NA | NA |
Hookeriaceae | 11.550000 | NA | NA |
Humiriaceae | 13.643659 | NA | NA |
Hydrangeaceae | 24.405094 | NA | NA |
Hydrocharitaceae | 26.033333 | NA | NA |
Hydrophyllaceae | 34.211537 | NA | NA |
Hylocomiaceae | 8.000000 | NA | NA |
Hypericaceae | 19.973686 | NA | NA |
Hypoxidaceae | 20.550000 | NA | NA |
Icacinaceae | 26.315503 | NA | NA |
Iridaceae | 17.467285 | NA | NA |
Irvingiaceae | 27.566667 | NA | NA |
Iteaceae | 19.533741 | NA | NA |
Ixerbaceae | 7.300000 | NA | NA |
Ixonanthaceae | 18.222880 | NA | NA |
Juglandaceae | 20.948555 | NA | NA |
Juncaceae | 19.689440 | NA | 8.612483 |
Juncaginaceae | 27.705506 | NA | NA |
Krameriaceae | 19.533354 | NA | NA |
Lacistemataceae | 21.106849 | NA | NA |
Lamiaceae | 22.628692 | 7.238641 | 13.011714 |
Lardizabalaceae | 14.882698 | NA | 12.200000 |
Lauraceae | 19.918654 | 8.450000 | 17.581342 |
Lecythidaceae | 21.725974 | NA | NA |
Lentibulariaceae | 19.585904 | NA | NA |
Lepidobotryaceae | 16.734855 | NA | NA |
Liliaceae | 27.279029 | NA | NA |
Linaceae | 19.989866 | NA | NA |
Lindsaeaceae | 30.491111 | NA | NA |
Loasaceae | 13.160000 | NA | NA |
Loganiaceae | 18.399957 | NA | NA |
Loranthaceae | 17.936468 | NA | NA |
Lycopodiaceae | 8.880979 | NA | 11.162034 |
Lygodiaceae | 35.050000 | NA | NA |
Lythraceae | 16.257492 | NA | NA |
Magnoliaceae | 20.262715 | NA | 13.491060 |
Malpighiaceae | 22.741160 | 2.900607 | 18.996699 |
Malvaceae | 23.035658 | 7.246698 | 14.587437 |
Marantaceae | 22.009839 | NA | NA |
Marattiaceae | 25.368000 | NA | NA |
Marcgraviaceae | 12.700000 | NA | NA |
Mazaceae | 25.876667 | NA | NA |
Melanthiaceae | 30.511836 | NA | NA |
Melastomataceae | 18.901019 | NA | NA |
Meliaceae | 25.025835 | 2.849435 | 18.080098 |
Melianthaceae | 22.290319 | NA | NA |
Menispermaceae | 20.320352 | NA | NA |
Menyanthaceae | 35.361370 | NA | 7.084952 |
Metteniusaceae | 13.976361 | NA | NA |
Molluginaceae | 25.736364 | NA | NA |
Monimiaceae | 23.291032 | NA | 29.500000 |
Montiaceae | 24.054583 | NA | NA |
Moraceae | 21.530594 | NA | 8.931110 |
Musaceae | 34.583333 | NA | NA |
Myodocarpaceae | 9.800000 | NA | NA |
Myricaceae | 20.594828 | NA | 13.895174 |
Myristicaceae | 20.059672 | NA | NA |
Myrtaceae | 13.833610 | NA | 11.460063 |
Namaceae | 29.637748 | NA | NA |
Nartheciaceae | 24.700000 | NA | NA |
Nelumbonaceae | 26.200000 | NA | NA |
Nephrolepidaceae | 16.740417 | NA | NA |
Nitrariaceae | 33.503973 | NA | 21.340000 |
Nothofagaceae | 14.163151 | NA | 12.909500 |
Nyctaginaceae | 37.234569 | NA | NA |
Nymphaeaceae | 32.458333 | NA | NA |
Nyssaceae | 14.463636 | NA | NA |
Ochnaceae | 14.940688 | NA | NA |
Olacaceae | 30.456560 | NA | NA |
Oleaceae | 18.699032 | 2.780000 | 14.568902 |
Oleandraceae | 16.600000 | NA | NA |
Onagraceae | 23.152644 | NA | 10.018291 |
Onocleaceae | 25.498562 | NA | NA |
Ophioglossaceae | 32.783960 | NA | NA |
Opiliaceae | 42.403480 | NA | NA |
Orchidaceae | 17.957874 | NA | NA |
Orobanchaceae | 25.757066 | NA | NA |
Orthotrichaceae | 6.080000 | NA | NA |
Osmundaceae | 26.414177 | NA | NA |
Oxalidaceae | 30.182499 | NA | NA |
Paeoniaceae | 19.423601 | NA | NA |
Pandaceae | 34.392599 | NA | NA |
Pandanaceae | 16.656945 | NA | NA |
Papaveraceae | 32.656816 | NA | NA |
Paracryphiaceae | 10.386259 | NA | 16.200000 |
Parnassiaceae | 17.298686 | NA | NA |
Passifloraceae | 30.295379 | NA | NA |
Paulowniaceae | 15.004442 | NA | NA |
Pedaliaceae | 22.850000 | NA | NA |
Penaeaceae | 18.045000 | NA | NA |
Pentaphylacaceae | 12.533642 | NA | NA |
Penthoraceae | 40.820000 | NA | NA |
Peraceae | 16.848913 | NA | NA |
Peridiscaceae | 13.921055 | NA | NA |
Phrymaceae | 18.115084 | NA | NA |
Phyllanthaceae | 20.024243 | NA | NA |
Phyllocladaceae | 9.113553 | NA | 14.350000 |
Phytolaccaceae | 36.682157 | NA | NA |
Picramniaceae | 25.729169 | NA | NA |
Picrodendraceae | 15.085556 | NA | NA |
Pinaceae | 12.942295 | 1.978810 | 11.012076 |
Piperaceae | 30.478808 | NA | NA |
Pittosporaceae | 12.747401 | NA | 13.192372 |
Plagiogyriaceae | 23.332250 | NA | NA |
Plantaginaceae | 20.813263 | NA | 10.781608 |
Platanaceae | 23.238229 | NA | NA |
Plumbaginaceae | 22.717457 | NA | 7.400000 |
Poaceae | 18.316675 | NA | 9.301720 |
Podocarpaceae | 11.271467 | NA | 14.250000 |
Polemoniaceae | 20.570795 | NA | NA |
Polygalaceae | 20.319486 | NA | NA |
Polygonaceae | 28.319115 | NA | 11.440555 |
Polypodiaceae | 12.511738 | NA | NA |
Polytrichaceae | 11.378150 | NA | NA |
Pontederiaceae | 33.306667 | NA | NA |
Portulacaceae | 20.621667 | NA | NA |
Potamogetonaceae | 38.299866 | NA | 14.518003 |
Pottiaceae | 15.300000 | NA | NA |
Primulaceae | 16.739662 | NA | 13.625000 |
Proteaceae | 7.704847 | NA | 12.426033 |
Pteridaceae | 17.948399 | NA | NA |
Putranjivaceae | 22.615313 | NA | 7.600000 |
Quiinaceae | 16.384609 | NA | NA |
Quillajaceae | 10.333333 | NA | NA |
Ranunculaceae | 24.728950 | NA | 12.308324 |
Resedaceae | 35.625000 | NA | NA |
Restionaceae | 8.000000 | NA | NA |
Rhamnaceae | 21.278492 | NA | 16.700000 |
Rhizogoniaceae | 6.280000 | NA | NA |
Rhizophoraceae | 17.008370 | NA | 6.400000 |
Rosaceae | 20.490021 | NA | 11.643586 |
Rubiaceae | 21.408919 | NA | 14.758185 |
Rutaceae | 24.805269 | NA | 21.805537 |
Sabiaceae | 14.937467 | NA | NA |
Salicaceae | 23.130763 | 2.830072 | 11.972095 |
Salvadoraceae | 26.152886 | NA | NA |
Santalaceae | 10.792099 | NA | NA |
Sapindaceae | 21.286530 | 4.139490 | 13.702663 |
Sapotaceae | 19.108913 | 7.281857 | 14.795813 |
Sarcobataceae | 16.902834 | NA | NA |
Sarraceniaceae | 9.705030 | NA | NA |
Saxifragaceae | 19.018039 | NA | NA |
Schisandraceae | 15.268439 | NA | NA |
Schlegeliaceae | 8.200000 | NA | NA |
Schoepfiaceae | 28.046620 | NA | NA |
Scrophulariaceae | 18.090465 | NA | 20.600000 |
Sematophyllaceae | 6.900000 | NA | NA |
Simaroubaceae | 24.803286 | NA | 11.600000 |
Simmondsiaceae | 16.913670 | NA | NA |
Siparunaceae | 27.322658 | NA | NA |
Smilacaceae | 17.314717 | NA | NA |
Solanaceae | 35.779496 | NA | 16.605000 |
Sphagnaceae | 8.866667 | NA | NA |
Staphyleaceae | 17.921574 | NA | NA |
Stemonuraceae | 17.489870 | NA | NA |
Stixaceae | 23.666667 | NA | NA |
Strasburgeriaceae | 7.700000 | NA | NA |
Strombosiaceae | 29.209762 | NA | NA |
Stylidiaceae | 12.808803 | NA | NA |
Styracaceae | 16.376992 | NA | NA |
Symplocaceae | 15.478410 | NA | NA |
Tamaricaceae | 21.012878 | NA | 13.095000 |
Tapisciaceae | 21.542615 | NA | NA |
Taxaceae | 16.422887 | NA | NA |
Tectariaceae | 25.618889 | NA | NA |
Tetradiclidaceae | 19.294690 | NA | NA |
Theaceae | 13.292438 | NA | 6.300000 |
Thelypteridaceae | 26.939679 | NA | NA |
Thymelaeaceae | 22.203805 | NA | NA |
Tofieldiaceae | 13.727586 | NA | NA |
Trigoniaceae | 25.450000 | NA | NA |
Typhaceae | 23.837149 | NA | NA |
Ulmaceae | 22.750298 | NA | 23.700000 |
Urticaceae | 25.005457 | NA | NA |
Velloziaceae | 21.096491 | NA | NA |
Verbenaceae | 21.378480 | NA | NA |
Violaceae | 26.430388 | NA | 18.342843 |
Viscaceae | 26.300000 | NA | NA |
Vitaceae | 23.425993 | NA | NA |
Vivianiaceae | 24.000000 | NA | NA |
Vochysiaceae | 16.407386 | NA | NA |
Winteraceae | 11.822776 | NA | 13.900000 |
Ximeniaceae | 17.667625 | NA | NA |
Zamiaceae | 18.337149 | NA | NA |
Zingiberaceae | 19.486452 | NA | NA |
Zygophyllaceae | 23.141902 | NA | 15.277484 |
When family values are also missing, default tissue-averaged nitrogen concentrations are given: \(N_{leaf} = 20.088\), \(N_{sapwood} = 3.9791\) and \(N_{fineroot} = 12.207\).
Default control
values (\(MR_{leaf} = 0.00260274\)), sapwood (\(MR_{sapwood} = 6.849315e-05\)) and fine roots (\(MR_{fineroot} 0.002054795\)) were used in previous model versions, derived from Ogle & Pacala (2009), but these are no longer used because of easier parameterization using tissue nitrogen concentration.
A.3.19 Relative growth rates
When missing at the species parameter table, maximum relative growth rates for leaves, sapwood and fine roots are taken from control
parameters. Default values are provided in 15.5.3.
A.3.20 Senescence rates
When missing at the species parameter table, senescence rates for sapwood and fine roots are taken from control
A.3.21 Relative starch for sapwood growth
When missing at the species parameter table, the minimum relative starch for sapwood growth is taken from control
parameters. Default value is provided in 15.5.3.
A.3.22 Wood carbon
Default values for \(C_{wood}\) are determined from taxonomic family using an internal data set (medfate:::trait_family_means
WoodC | |
Acanthaceae | 0.4242167 |
Altingiaceae | 0.4435000 |
Amaranthaceae | 0.4197662 |
Amaryllidaceae | 0.4508400 |
Anacardiaceae | 0.4566867 |
Annonaceae | 0.4726000 |
Apiaceae | 0.4413076 |
Apocynaceae | 0.4924750 |
Aquifoliaceae | 0.4400000 |
Araliaceae | 0.4540667 |
Arecaceae | 0.4556000 |
Asparagaceae | 0.4631000 |
Asteraceae | 0.4375956 |
Betulaceae | 0.4721962 |
Bignoniaceae | 0.4618077 |
Boraginaceae | 0.4153500 |
Brassicaceae | 0.4274775 |
Burseraceae | 0.4548544 |
Calophyllaceae | 0.4663000 |
Campanulaceae | 0.4498475 |
Cannabaceae | 0.4683583 |
Caprifoliaceae | 0.4475552 |
Caryophyllaceae | 0.4147683 |
Casuarinaceae | 0.4200000 |
Celastraceae | 0.4900000 |
Chrysobalanaceae | 0.4886000 |
Cistaceae | 0.4698925 |
Clethraceae | 0.4400000 |
Combretaceae | 0.4678282 |
Convolvulaceae | 0.4200000 |
Cordiaceae | 0.4652500 |
Corynocarpaceae | 0.4520000 |
Cupressaceae | 0.5006151 |
Cyperaceae | 0.4639737 |
Dipterocarpaceae | 0.4744750 |
Ebenaceae | 0.4828000 |
Ehretiaceae | 0.4500000 |
Elaeocarpaceae | 0.4350000 |
Ericaceae | 0.4865107 |
Euphorbiaceae | 0.4715052 |
Fabaceae | 0.4559793 |
Fagaceae | 0.4642838 |
Gentianaceae | 0.4654867 |
Geraniaceae | 0.4381400 |
Haematococcaceae | 0.4400000 |
Hypericaceae | 0.4547167 |
Juglandaceae | 0.4898900 |
Juncaceae | 0.4238725 |
Juncaginaceae | 0.4056355 |
Lamiaceae | 0.4650444 |
Lauraceae | 0.4677907 |
Lecythidaceae | 0.4618750 |
Lentibulariaceae | 0.4450200 |
Loganiaceae | 0.4943000 |
Lythraceae | 0.4219000 |
Magnoliaceae | 0.4500000 |
Malpighiaceae | 0.4765989 |
Malvaceae | 0.4671722 |
Melastomataceae | 0.4801500 |
Meliaceae | 0.4667281 |
Moraceae | 0.4638776 |
Muntingiaceae | 0.4200000 |
Myristicaceae | 0.4884667 |
Myrtaceae | 0.4270234 |
Namaceae | 0.4700000 |
Nothofagaceae | 0.5225000 |
Ochnaceae | 0.4840000 |
Oleaceae | 0.4748772 |
Orobanchaceae | 0.4437020 |
Pentaphylacaceae | 0.5000000 |
Phyllanthaceae | 0.4668417 |
Pinaceae | 0.4955591 |
Pittosporaceae | 0.4630000 |
Plantaginaceae | 0.4240841 |
Platanaceae | 0.4813333 |
Plumbaginaceae | 0.4353996 |
Poaceae | 0.4362235 |
Podocarpaceae | 0.4700000 |
Polygalaceae | 0.4819000 |
Polygonaceae | 0.4477000 |
Primulaceae | 0.4223568 |
Quillajaceae | 0.4900000 |
Ranunculaceae | 0.4408600 |
Rhamnaceae | 0.4745500 |
Rhizophoraceae | 0.4293500 |
Rosaceae | 0.4407549 |
Rubiaceae | 0.4631136 |
Rutaceae | 0.4718524 |
Salicaceae | 0.4787565 |
Sapindaceae | 0.4755988 |
Sapotaceae | 0.4575714 |
Schisandraceae | 0.4550000 |
Scrophulariaceae | 0.4400000 |
Simaroubaceae | 0.4649167 |
Solanaceae | 0.4325000 |
Staphyleaceae | 0.4490000 |
Styracaceae | 0.4750000 |
Theaceae | 0.4760500 |
Ulmaceae | 0.4859000 |
Urticaceae | 0.4555722 |
Violaceae | 0.4471733 |
Vochysiaceae | 0.4759417 |
If family-level values are missing, default value of \(C_{wood} = 0.5\,g\,C\cdot g\,dry^{-1}\) is used.
A.3.23 Mortality baseline rate
When missing at the species parameter table, the mortality baseline rate is taken from control
parameters. Default value is provided in 15.5.3.
A.3.24 Recruitment
Imputation of missing values for recruitment is specified via control
parameters. Default values are provided in 18.4.3.
A.3.25 Flammability
Default values for the surface-area-to-volume ratio (\(\sigma\)), fuel heat content (\(h\)) and lignin percent (\(LI\)) are defined from leaf size and leaf shape as follows:
Leaf shape | Leaf size | \(\sigma\) | \(h\) | \(LI\) |
Broad | Large | 5740 | 19740 | 15.50 |
Broad | Medium | 4039 | 19825 | 20.21 |
Broad | Small | 4386 | 20062 | 22.32 |
Linear/Needle | Large | 3620 | 18250 | 24.52 |
Linear/Needle | Medium | 4758 | 21182 | 24.52 |
Linear/Needle | Small | 6697 | 21888 | 18.55 |
Spines | [any] | 6750 | 20433 | 14.55 |
Scale | [any] | 1120 | 20504 | 14.55 |
Default value for the density of fuel particles (\(\rho_p\)) is 400 \(kg\cdot m^{-3}\).